What're you lookin' at? I'm not afraid of you, ya know. Even if you are my elder.
What're you lookin' at? I'm not afraid of you, ya know. Even if you are my elder
Other urls found in this thread:
>console command: disable
Of course you aren't afraid, you're immortal you little cunt
why does bethesda make the kids so infuriatingly annoying
god, it's like they want the 'kill children' mod to be the most downloaded one
Battleborn give me your money
>she loses function in both legs
>the mod that makes her into a nigger
I don't know how they do it so consistently in every game they release with kids. It's not like it's impossible to make non-annoying children on their engine, the only irritating one in NV is the Mick and Ralph crier but all of the criers are annoying. Then again aside from the forecaster and the two kids you get the C-Finder from, I can't think of any other kids.
not if i tgm bitch!
Their adult voice actors are awful so that must mean their child voice actors are the worst things in existence.
>install hearthfire
>encounter that orphan in windhelm selling flowers
>she sells them so she can buy food
>mfw I force her to buy random ingredients I have instead
There's boomer kids, and ones at bitter springs, i think
It's not even their voice actor usually. It's just that 95% of kids in bethesda games are stuck up arrogant assholes. I'm sure someone at Bethesda got a raise for bringing the idea up that, "hey these kids have to be invincible right? why not make them the most annoying little shits possible and frustrate the player at their inability to kill them?"
Oh yeah, not counting the generics. There's the kids in freeside chasing around the giant rat as well. There is the tour guide for the boomer mural, again, not an insufferable cunt.
"Kill children" mod was the reason I bought Fallout 3 for the PC. The satisfaction of going to Little Lamplight and tear the limbs of those little shits one by one
IIRC originally Obsidian wanted to include pickpocketing kids in freeside but scrapped it because immortal pickpockets would be hilariously infuriating and bethesda wouldn't let them make killable children
You better have adopted her afterwards you fucking cunt
Stay away, mungo, I don't wanna catch old from you!
was this line a subtle hint at the twist that the player was in fact, the elder scrolls the entire time?
I hope monsters come and eat you.
>Redguard mother
>Redguard father
>white child
Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots.
>game's crime system is foundationally based on a witness mechanic
>invincible witnesses
Nah it was too much fun seeing her in the snowy cold and how she sleeps outside on the hard floor.
"Boys, girls, dogs, elders - there's nobody I won't fuck!"
Naked Naked Naked!
The fuck did you say, you piece of shit?
how does her being white make sense win both her parents a redguards?
He's like
>go ahead slut, I don't even care anymore
>horses can be witnesses
t-this isn't the special edition r-right user?
>adoption is literally a game mechanic
hurr how does dat make sense?????
Her mom get BRETONED
I'm pretty sure this happens in GTA5, where animals in the wilderness will "report" your crimes, which is why you can get wanted stars for firing a pistol in the middle of a forest.
I'm not much for coding, but that seems like a really silly oversight.
i fucked her in the game today
no joking
There is literally no evidence of adoption for NPC couples in Skyrim.
It doesn't seem like an oversight at all, actually.
They probably did it on purpose.
Any pics?
It's because I despise the vanilla trees, and seeing how much fucking trees Skyrim has it becomes an eyesore.
I mean, you'd think they have some respect for the dude who punches dragons to death in his underwear
Hell, you'd figure such a figure could become high king
Don't forget he has regular conversation with a daedric prince in the basement so who knows how fucked his mind is.
Quick! What is the most fun way to play Skyrim?
As a pure cute little girl with rape mods on.
Serial rapist. (female)
Stealth Archer works wonders when you're about to enter those huge temples and there's guards everywhere. Though it might fuck up dialogues and cutscenes if you're just killing shit from afar instead of stepping into the dialogue trigger zone.
Necromancer mods if your rig can handle large groups in a gamebryo game.
Stealth archer is pretty comfy
As a pervert who pickpockets everyone's clothes.
Stealth conjurer
The battles are shit, might as well loot the place while summons fight
Like this.
finally i fixed the height bug
>Nearly naked
>Open tent
>Feet practically hanging out the tent into the dark night
>Not even covering up in the sleeping bag
Thats the exact opposite of comfy
Who needs food in Skyrim? You get better results just by mashing some bugs and flowers together.
Speaking of which, why don't beggars just pick some of those flowers that are all over towns and sell them to the general goods merchant? They'd make a hell of a lot more than one gold a day.
without fast travel
>Tent is facing the river
>Character is in nothing but comfy furs
>Feet are getting warmed up by the fire
you sound like a milkdrinker who doesn't know comfy tbqhwymf
I do agree, it looks comfy af. But when I think about how much time, nerves and other shit is needed to make this game to be like in this wemb I'm already tired.
What are good mods for that?
I've only used lame ones
For just that webm, it's easy enough.
Frostfall, Campfire, Joy of Perspective, HDT, HDT body mesh and skeleton. Some random ENB. Could set that up in like, 30 minutes.
who's that vampire?
Problem with modding Skyrim is that it's hard to stop. You get a couple of essential mods, play for 5 minutes, then you see something you want to change, and go right back to modding. Rinse repeat forever.
Yes, yes, but that's not exactly what I meant.
This webm is just the tip of the iceberg and we know that.
Y'know, it was worth modding the shit out of the game at some point, just to see her get fucked by a horse.
Semen is from which mod?
True. Add to that the possibility of breaking something to a state in which modding from the beginning is less time consuming than fixing it and you've got a whole picture of the mentioned tiredness.
>child NPCs
>every last one is an annoying shit
>You'd happily join forces with the bad guy who wants to destroy the world, if only to kill the children.
Pls post more pics
hot dang which mod my man?
Max illusion and conjuration, give your follower and 2 undead thralls staves of summoning atronarchs, command a literal army that you buff into an invincible horde.
>Add to that the possibility of breaking something to a state in which modding from the beginning is less time consuming than fixing it
That's why you use a mod manager. Just remove the broken parts.
Has any dev been lazier than Bethesda when they gave every fucking kid the same voice and face?
Completely ruined all immersion.
Bethesda is just in general, the laziest developer around.
Once is fine, twice as well. But later, due to a thing that this user mentioned it's more like playing in modding a game instead of playing a modded game.
My mod has a list of (old) beautification stuff. Everything else goto lovers lab. Honestly I haven't played skyrim in years
Why no frontal screenshot?
Too insecure to show the potato face?
>Someone posts a screenshot of a modded skyrim with over 200 mods
>Some retard ALWAYS asks
Woah what mod is that?
RS Children mod helps a lot
>be me at little lamplight
>"bring sticky to BIG TOWN"
>take him outback
>VATS with a hunting rifle
>Sticky now tending the rabbits
>I walk back in
>"quest complete"
Happy birthday sticky
Recycled NPCs have always been a thing in RPGs. Bethesda at least puts some effort into giving individuals a little variety. It's better than FFXV where you have a city full of generic NPCs all saying the same three conversations to each other as you run by.
Daily reminder unless to gameplay changes or objective advantages, playing as a gender that is not yours makes you gay.
she's your evidence
Beats having an entire 'city' with 5 npcs, all voiced by 2 people.
*clicks on you*
*types disable in the console*
Stealth Illusionist
>Frenzy all enemies
>Turn invisible and hide in a corner
>Wait for them to murder each other
>Reward the survivor with a broken back and a slit throat
>high res redguard
>horse car replacement
What mods are those?
Cant find them by name.
>not enslaving half the town, letting the super mutants have the other half and then bringing him to big town