>wanting Xbox emulation
Now if that was a Chihiro dev unit it would be a completely other story, but if you want to play Xbox games just pay $20 for a system that you can find literally anywhere. Chihiro arcade games on the other hand are playable on literally arcade hardware only.
>wanting to play 3D games at 480p on a giant dead system in 2017
Some people want to play Xbox games apparently.
Literally who cares, you wanna play xbox games buy an xbox. You can probably buy chipped ones on ebay that play pirate roms for 40 bucks now.
I hate white ppl
the xbox did 1080i
I never got to play the Otogi games or Panzer Dragoon Orta.
This honestly. My buddies have one at their house that lets them download games right off the disk so they'll just go to a store that sells old games like The Exchange and return them once they've downloaded the game.
Saw this shit laying around about 2 days ago. If you want to play xbox so badly just get one for literally 2 dollars. Not that many great exclusives on it anyways.
Hardware doesn't last forever, emulation is the only way to preserve games. "Just buy it on ebay" is a dumb thing to say when not everyone is autistic enough to care for 16 year old hardware and just wants to play the games without worrying about broken disc drives, replacing thermal paste, broken capacitiors, etc.
What is this thread about? Did I miss something?
Some faggot on reddit destroyed a very very rare xbox dev kit to make an ebin pc out of it
The kit couldve been the key to xbox emulation
>Voodoo Vince remaster will flop and MS will not invest in more remaster or reditions of OGX games
Some faggot on reddit took a xbox dev kit, stripped all the parts, and used it as a shitty case for his meh parts
Good luck finding cheap copies of JSRF, Gun Valkryie, and Ninja Gaiden Black.
Xbox dev kits can't be that rare, are they?
Supposedly only 50 were made
This being said it's not like the xbox had good games
50 made ever
There was only 50 of that PC tower model ever made.
>buy Xbox
>have to pay this much for MWC
Yeah fuck this.
Oh my god that fucking sucks so bad.
Hacking an original Xbox isn't that difficult.
Can't you just mod the Xbox and pirate it?
What are ISO's senpai?
>hey reddit, guess what! I destroyed this incredibly rare xbox developer kit that could be the key to xbox emulation forever to make my epic PC build, what do you think xDDD
>guy gets a very rare Xbox development kit (only 50 made) from his father who had got it previously from a yard sale
>Development kits sometimes have early builds of games (last year one was found with an unreleased South Park game)
>Father allegedly tries to sell it through Reddit, got no offers, instead leaves it laying around and later gives to his son
>Son checks the 16 GB HDD and finds "nothing" on it (some files couldn't be read by a PC)
>without even booting the kit up, the son guts it and wipes the hard drive
>uses the shell to make a subpar PC
>posts it to r/pcmasterrace
>people in comments angry at him for doing so, posts a picture of the gutted parts on a carpet
Basically since the dev kit came directly from Microsoft, it most likely would've helped Xbox emulation improve greatly
Can I get a translated ISO?
>wahh i can't pirate more console games wahhh
found the 12 year old PCfat
If the game is in English then yes if not then no
Ninja Gaiden is like $15.
>look up screenshots
>her ass is covered
Where did those gift of her in a thong come from?
>had an old xbox hard modded and loaded with every arcade game and loaded with older generation emulation games
>it died
I-is there still hope?
>I don't think I'm talented enough to do anything with it
No one thought that after what he fucking did with it, along with PUTTING THE PARTS ON THE FUCKING FLOOR
Also, does he have someone who actually knows what they're doing with it under a known name? Or is he just unknowingly shipping it to another retard?
Isn't the Chihiro just an Xbox with two times the RAM? (Or am I confusing it with another Sega arcade platform that used "modified" Xbox hardware.) AFAIK Xbox emulation would solve Chihiro emulation inherently.
Also the real tragedy here isn't the loss of a potential stride forward for emulation so much as the loss of whatever was on that HDD. I'm more interested in it for historical purposes than I am for backwards engineering purposes.
"PC master race" fags have gone too far. Is there anyone worse than in videogames?
Unless he's just covering his ass, kudos to that guy for trying to rectify his fuckup. I probably wouldn't have done it if I were him considering he got nothing but negative reinforcement.
He's still a fucking moron tho
NGB is very common here in fucking weed man's domain for like ten glasses of maple syrup.
I would do the same, because I am evil.
>it's not like the xbox had good games
Nice meme
None of those games will run you more than $15-$20 on ebay.
Xbox is actually a great console to collect for and play on. Only a small handful of great exclusives and everything is affordable.
I'd still like to see a working emulator emerge though, for the purpose of availability and preservation of information.
>It made xbox software, not games
Name 10
You guys are forgetting the worst part. He literally stuffed a 1050ti and an I3 in there when he could have sold the devkit and bought two 1080s and still have a shit ton leftover.
Buy the Xbox, put all your games on a 1 TB hard drive, mod 'dat shit, play.
you have to go back.
He gutted an extremely rare dev kit and WIPED THE HARD DRIVE, just so he could build a toaster?
not only that but his defense was that "there was nothing on the hard drive"
people asked for further explanation
then he said there was indeed 20 gigs of "something" on it but windows wouldn't show it so he brushed it off
I made this tutorial! Glad to help out
Luv ya Pence. Best one out there.
b-but my dad put it on reddit and no one wanted it! f-fuck you idiots didn't want it! Its your fault!
You look pretty fit for someone who knows so much about this stuff. How do you do it?
>le an alpha hdd with different specs than devkits or release consoles is useful for emulatiom meme.
Consumer games didn't run on this
Didn't his dad put it on the Xbox subreddit? Why did he actually think someone on there would want to buy this?
Link to the plebbit thread?
Well I have been involved in sports and weight lifting all through grade school/high school, broke all kinds of records in weight lifting/shot put. I also have loved vidya since 5 years old. I don't know a damn thing about sports teams or hunting but I can tell you everything there is to know about vidya/technology
>father thinks posting on a tiny idiot-filled subreddit was an adequate attempt to sell it, not even asking for offers but asking what it's worth
>supposedly worked for Microsoft and should have understood its importance
>kid backs him up saying people should have somehow magically seen it and offered to buy it if they wanted it so bad
>doesn't realize selling it would yield more than enough for a PC case he was too lazy to purchase and components three times as powerful
>claims he safely removed the parts but then shows them layer across a carpeted static-hazard floor
>father claims he hadn't booted it in a while, that there was likely data on it. Kid never even attempts to boot it now and instead ignorantly thinks the HDD is empty because presumably Windows didn't recognize it
>won't sell just the parts he's doing nothing with which could still be reassembled
Density runs in the family.
Literally no reason to wipe a mysterious treasure of a hard drive because he would have zero use for a 20GB hard drive. The fucking intelligence of a redditor. Oh boy I'm not entirely sure what this is so I better go set it on fucking fire!
This makes you mustard race idiots look terrible now. You all look like a bunch of morons thanks to this kid.
To be fair I'd use the case too.
But I'd still make an img of the hdd and fuck around with the hardware.
But you have to admit it makes a based case.
I'd hack it to bits modding in a basement and acrylic window
I honestly cannot understand why he did not even tried to boot it up.
I mean humans are supposed to have curiosity, you have an extremely rare thing laying around, the literal first thing anyone would do is to turn it on and see if it still works and what's on it if it does work.
Couldn't he have just paid for a replica of the original case?
Meme cases are the best cases.
>tfw never obsolete
Not the same.
Tonnes of people do it with those old powerpc macs.
>I'd hack it to bits modding in a basement and acrylic window
holy shit you have zero taste
Kill yourself ledditor
Would tempered glass be better? Then you have to do a whole panel and can't do it in the xbox limegreen
Blinx 2
Dead or Alive 3
Metal Wolf Chaos
This meme again. Depends on your tastes, but in my opinion it has better games than the PS2 (i don't like jrpg's)
White people hate you
Ninja Gaiden
Jet Set Radio Future
Shin Megami Tensei Nine
Quantum Redshift
Unreal Championship
Grabbed by The Ghoulies
They've remastered several old xbox games dude
Oh god, Unreal Championship 2 was fucking great. A totaly different game than the first one. I wonder why we never got a PC port of that game
anyone saying anything other than panzer dragoon, metalwolfchaos, otogi
are fucking retarded redditors
Ah yes, I ment to name UC2, it was a really weird step for the franchise but it was damn fun.
Wich ones?
>playing games forced to use this abomination
How the fuck do people find these things at yard sales? I've been to countless yard/garage/whatever sales and all I find is nothing but stacks of generic ps1/ps2/xbox games. These fuckers find nintendo championships, console dev kits, nes earthbound prototypes etc. It's not fair.
Live in Washington nearby Seattle.
I had no trouble with this, N64 controller is way worse
You could try to find cheap copies of all those games
Or you could try to find a cheap copy of Splinter Cell and then pirate all those games
Guess which thing I did
I don't know if there's a pre-patched .iso but there's a partial English patch that translates menus so you can play the game without knowing any moonrunes
the controller was later remade tard, plus that controller was comfy
why even bother, you're likely an underage whose first console was a PS3 and thinks he knows about og xbox because he read about it on the internet, googled xbox controller but couldnt even notice that there are 2 versions
>Always heard about Metal Wolf Chaos, wanted to try it out
>tfw have to buy an Xbox just for that
what am i looking at?
what followed though was a literal work of art.
I have like 3-4 wired of these just for my Gaming PC.
I wonder if the XBONE controller is any better... Its too expensive for me though.
You can get these wired ones cheap as fuck.
Our last hope for a chance at Xbox original emulation.
i bought an xbox on ebay for $40 a couple years ago to play JSRF and a few other games, it's not hard to mod and anyone that likes vidya should get one
Rare xbox dev kit that was gutted to become some kids toaster.
read the thread.
Is there a guide you used on how to do it that you recommend?
holy fuck why
is god dead?
>game has less fan service
The more angry depraved creepy nerds the happier I am. Get a girlfriend or masturbate to actual porn, degenerate.