>people hate RE7 because it's first person
Fucking why? First person is WAY more immersive. God damn casuals.
>people hate RE7 because it's first person
Fucking why? First person is WAY more immersive. God damn casuals.
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't seen the perspective criticized as much as the game's length and enemy variety.
it feels like GTAV's first person, where the controls and camera movement are so floaty and shitty that you can't escape the feeling that it should be in 3rd person
My problem with it is that they jumped in the P.T. ride for no reason, and lost most of its RE feel.
Honestly I'm glad they did because all of the RE games looked the same to me after a while. It's a breath of fresh air and it's the first RE game I'm genuinely interested in in ages.
The devs use it for so many cheap cutscene transitions where someone manages to get behind you when you're doing something. It's a crutch for bad level design and AI.
>people hate re7
Lol no. Maybe get off Sup Forums every once in a while
Would have been better without the RE name tag. The game is pretty good but they missed a trick by not going for FPS traditional RE in a big fucking mansion and zombies.
Hillbilly Manor and DEJAVU dad is great but it doesn't feel like RE. But then no game since 4 has.
>where the controls and camera movement are so floaty and shitty
They captured the original game really well
I only watched the Dunkey video of it and based on what I saw it's complete shit. I put up with enough disgusting hicks and hillbillies in real life, I don't want to have to put up with them in a video game too.
It got cracked, now everyone will love it and the game will get free advertisement from all the streams and praise it gets and it will sell millions. This will guarantee RE8 is a great sequel with enemy variety, bigger mansion and a huge lab.
>traditional RE
literally ONE resident evil game has been inside a single big mansion
>God damn casuals
immersion is casual retard.
it's just a generic horror game loosely tied to RE. I would have rather had a somewhat fixed camera old style game. and another thing i hate all you gotta do is power walk thru it till you see a big shiny A button
>Retards can't handle tank controls
Denuvo got cracked already. Just putting that out there.
You should all buy the game though, it's clean af.
CPY seemingly exist solely to fuck Denuvo repeatedly.
I'm more interested to see where they go from here. I actually enjoyed the late-game ship area, since you got a little stronger firepower and I'd imagine the Redfield DLC will be similar if you play as him. If they up weapon craziness just a little, and have good enemy variety, I could see a new RE4 coming out of the foundation they've laid. RE1 is never gonna happen again, so I think that's the best we can really hope for.
As it stands now, the game is good but doesn't really do anything better than the games it draws it components from. I'd put it around RE3 in terms of quality. Above CV.
Ethan was good all along.
Less ammo, more Jack Baker.
you mean jack?
Does it really need to be a mansion with a secret lab? RE2 and 4 were cool because they were new environments.
I hope so...
I like the tricks this game pulls to make up for the lack of fixed camera angles, like how you walk down a silent hallway and an enemy occasionally meets you right before you turn the corner, or that one hall in Lucas' part where you're focusing on the traps on front of you only for an enemy to scuttle down the hallway behind you. Does a really good job of keeping me on my toes like the classic RE games but without blatantly rehashing what made them work. RE7 is a-ok in my book.
well looks like i have to restart the game ALL OVER again
I didn't notice a plot-required item was locked behind the antique coins and I'm about to fight Jack for the 2nd time and no fucking way I can take him on with a handgun and the knife
I know madhouse is """hard""" mode but that feels like deliberately withholding information from the player and then putting them into an unwinnable situation, then again maybe I'm just retarded
oops yes, typed the wrong name
To be fair, RE2 was just a police station with completely nonsensical mansion puzzle elements and a secret lab.
What plot-required item is locked behind the antique coins?
The police station was kinda boring to be honest. I like the rural/outback location + Lab, the urban + lab combination is not so cool.
I truly hate denuvo. The early games always had performance issues/problems because of it. Nowadays I don't think it still does that but now it feels like a waste. Instead of investing in the denuvo crap, they should focus more on marketing and making their game be good and look good. Re7 accomplished all of that though.
Capcom did a good job with the game. It deserves a lot of sales, especially since Capcom was bleeding money and about to go bankrupt recently.
scorpion key. I put a few coins into the stat boosting before I realized the key was there too, and now I can't find any more coins. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough.
And youre a retard who can't handle fps controls
Am I the only one dissappointed with how underwhelming the enemies are and how pain sakingly dumb they are.
Even if you're spotted, you can sprint away and as long as you close a door behind you they'll instantly lose track and not actively search for you.
The game feels very 'on the rails' and scripted.
I'm having fun, but you can tell it's a resident evil game, maybe I was expecting something different, but the first person doesn't take that resident evil feeling away.
Far Cry tier crafting as well,
I can't even believe how well they captivated what made the classics great while implementing modern gameplay. Anyone who didn't enjoy the game has objectively shit taste and should stop playing videogames.
what the hell are you talking about?
you find the scorpion key in the lab, you dont get it with the coins
>hate 1st person games
>loved RE7
I think you can time out Jack 2: Chainsaw Boogaloo's first phase, actually. Juke and jive until he gets bored and snags the saw-scissors.
>he played on normal
fuck off pleb
If you really wanna be cheap, you can use psycho-stimulants and run through areas to see where everything is, then reload your last save and go get them.
It's easier on normal where you can save constantly to each area in baby steps. I'd assume madhouse is only harder in that you'd want to reload and scan the entire map before actually going to pick stuff up.
In Madhouse mode, it's locked in the coin cages. That's what he meant.
because they dont have a head set
>Plays resident evil
>It plays too resident evil-esque
>It doesn't take the resident evil feel.
If anything, it's the least resident evil game released so far.
I scoured back through the old areas (it's easier now that jack fucked off from the foyer ) and was able to find the coins I needed. I'm still low on health because of the infinitely respawning molded in the processing area but maybe I'll manage. Cheers.
Because it's literally Outlast. A non-spooky walking simulator.
It doesn't feel like that at all though.
I have a 60' with surround and the game was 2x more stressful with my headset
>If anything, it's the least resident evil game released so far.
How? The original Resident Evil is about tight corridors and trying to survive the encounters against them. RE7 is almost the same thing in the mansion part.
The game isn't supposed to feel like a regular first person shooter, that's the point.
If RE7 had the mobility of the average FPS game the whole game would break.
that's Micheal bay's RE6
Maybe we have different ideas of what RE is and isn't but I'd say 6 is the "least RE" game of the lot. No other game in the series quite like it. At least 7 calls back on classic RE fundamentals.
Only contrarian shiposters hate this game. They're a vocal minority
if you don't play normal, you miss a bunch of story related shit.
>The early games always had performance issues/problems because of it
That was never proven - just because lords of the fallen runs like shit isn't because of denuvo.
>Instead of investing in the denuvo crap, they should focus more on marketing
Denuvo IS marketing to the suits. A game only has to stay uncracked for a month or so and piracy is effectively a non issue as far as publishers are concerned.
>My problem with it is that they jumped in the P.T. ride for no reason, and lost most of its RE feel.
But the game doesn't feel like P.T, like holy shit it doesn't feel like P.T at all.
It's more Evil Dead in tone than anything else.
alright, you fags have convinced me, i'm buying it
hope you're not meming me again Sup Forums
RE7 is Resident Evil with the environmental design of P.T., the general tone of most Sam Raimi horror films, and the everything else of classic Resident Evil-- including the bad parts. It's breddy gud.
Even so, I play resident evil for the gameplay (shocker) not the """lore"""
only reason its first person is to appeal to the casual westacuck faggots who only know games that exist in first person
RE needs to go back to Fixed Camera angles, but that will never happen now, because the normie horror fans have latched onto RE7
>caring about immersion is for casuals
How the fuck do you figure? How is just playing a numbers cruncher like a speedrunning autist more hardcore than wanting to actually exist in a horror movie and feel like you could really die.
I always had problems with denuvo titles. JC3 and tomb raider had problems for a couple months before getting patched up. I'm not even gonna mention batman since that's not denuvos fault at least.
>environmental design of P.T.
>P.T. was the first game in history to be 1st person and have banging noises in the background
Re7 has been in development longer than PT I believe. 4 years as far as I remember.
Games should be about gameplay first and foremost, go watch a fucking film if you want immersion.
It does a good job of selling the atmosphere and providing a sense of claustrophobia and not knowing what's around the next corner
I know your Sup Forums contrarian pride compels you to rebel against anything popular by general principle so you can pretend you're superior to the normies, but it works with this game.
There's SO much wrong with this. RE has always been one of the most westernized Japanese franchises out there, and I don't know what you think RE4-6 were if you only think "normies" are latching onto it now. Or, here's a thought, RE has been extremely successful since its very first entry, it's never exactly been a niche franchise. Fixed camera angles didn't stop shit back in the late 90s and early 00s.
>horror games shouldn't try to make you immersed
First and foremost doesn't mean immersion is not important. It's like the argument against graphics. Just because they're not the most important thing in a video game doesn't mean they're irrelevant.
I don't think you ever understood the appeal of Resident Evil, it's always been about immersion since day one. The older games being gamier were only because of different trends back then and technical limitations.
Since the 90's though all I can think of are all the dads who bought these games because of the immersion factor and how so many who grew up with the series loved it for the horror atmosphere especially. Not because you could do a no hit knife run in 51.2 seconds.
RE7 was made with VR in mind.
ironic, considering first person is the ultimate casual shit
One of the cool things about survival horror as a genre is that it's fine to break the rules. Saddling the player with janky controls and slow pacing is fine because horror doesn't work without that immersion factor, you have to design the game around that for the concept to work. I actually think its fascinating because survival horror games are one of the few genres that actually can, for the sake of artistic vision, get away with committing game design sins. Well, to an extent anyways - games like Silent Hill 4 and Siren arguably pushed their luck a little too hard.
>muh gameplay
The autist's saving grace. Shit doesn't even mean anything, I mean how the hell is immersion not a part of gameplay?
>Fucking why? First person is WAY more immersive. God damn casuals.
It kind of bugs me that Ethan's top speed is "leisurely jog." I know sprint buttons are kind of overdone in this genre, but it doesn't make sense to not be able to put some real distance between you and whatever thing is after your asshole.
Survivor is underrated. The story is like fanfic tier and it was a mechanical disaster due to when it came out but other than that, the idea was there that first person is cooler and has more potential.
Was Survivor or Dead Aim the one where you're on a cruise ship and fighting a more flamboyant tranny than that Ashford chick(guy)?
Dead Aim
>It kind of bugs me that Ethan's top speed is "leisurely jog." I know sprint buttons are kind of overdone in this genre, but it doesn't make sense to not be able to put some real distance between you and whatever thing is after your asshole.
That's kind of the point, I mean if you could just easily outrun enemies the game would be hilariously easy.
The fact that they can and will catch up to you means you have to be a little bit clever with how you escape, stunning them and using blocks and whatnot.
What's the fun in being able to up and outsprint your opposition? I mean yeah, the molded are slow enough to run from anyways in most instances but that just means the speed you're already allowed is good enough.
Because sony is killing VR along of oculus by making shit exclusive to shit hardware.
I mean yeah, it makes sense from a gameplay standpoint, but there's a certain level of suspension of disbelief that gets crossed there.
The slow walking speed and the game being very dark for some people's monitors are two complaints I see a lot on here and the reason for this is the same for both, they are both due to the VR support. Since horror relies on strong lighting contrast to set the tone, they had to dim it a bit otherwise it's too overpowering in VR, and since this was one of the first (if not the first) VR games that lets you move around freely and with AAA graphics, I personally think they made it slower so that people could adjust more easily and not get sick.
>since this was one of the first (if not the first) VR games that lets you move around freely and with AAA graphics
There is Doors of Silence, which has similar graphics to RE7, maybe even better textures.
I hate it because 90% of the enemies are a family of speaking regeneradores that don't die until you reach a scripted event and the rest is sludge monsters that take 200 bullets to die and the story being a completely closed off story that has nothing to do with the rest of the series, it wasn't even a planned umbrella experiment but just an escaped BOW, speaking of which why the fuck is umbrella still alive if it takes place after re6 and why does this game take place at all if BSAA is used to blowing up threats 200% more dangerous than Eveline? How could they not pick up the trashed ship that carried umbrella laboratories inside with all their tech and knowledge? Why is Ethan completely unfazed by everything that happens?
This game is just nonsensical on so many levels it's hard to give a shit.
>speaking of which why the fuck is umbrella still alive
It's likely not Umbrella itself, just like it's not Chris.
why the fuck would they name themselves umbrella if they aren't umbrella, in the world of RE it's like going around with a sign that says you are hitler, why would you intentionally draw attention towards you like that?
>inb4 it's just to throw off players with le epic credits saying it's totally chris redfield and break le epic 4th wall ecksdee
I will literally murder capcom if they do this stupid shit for youtuber lulz
>in the world of RE it's like going around with a sign that says you are hitler,
>Implying people dont due shit even more stupid than that in real life
Oh okay, didn't know that game existed.
But looking at that video, the environmental design doesn't look nearly as detailed as RE7. Rooms and halls are pretty empty. RE7 is more visually intense.
And does it have combat like RE7? Action puts more stress on the user and also the game itself, so you have to factor that in as well. Right now RE7's pacing seems actually pretty optimal for a smooth ride in VR given the graphics and combat.
>why the fuck would they name themselves umbrella if they aren't umbrella
Umbrella Corps and Biohazard: Heavenly Island already had a bunch of mercenaries using the name "Umbrella Corps" to collect viruses and research data from Umbrella Laboratories around the world. It's likely they're the same guys.
In Umbrella Corps they work for several pharmaceutical companies, A Russian company called Medvedev and a Chinese company called Sheng-Ya.
In Heavenly Island, Sheng-Ya dispatches the Umbrella Corps to an island in the Caribbean where they're recording a TV show and Claire Redfield is participating of this show. The island has a secret facility and the tribe of this island is infected with some virus that turns them into some Hulk creatures.
so glad i can still enjoy video games
the game is great
Nah, Doors of Silence is an indie walking simulator, but the graphics and style are pretty similar to RE7.
I just wouldn't really call it AAA, the graphics themselves are there but it looks like there is way less detail and no set dressing really. Not as much information for your eyes to process etc.
Oh yeah, RE7 is the first high-budget VR game, in that sense you're correct. I just said that DoS has similar graphics and freedom of movement.