Been trying for a while to get into...

Been trying for a while to get into, but I just can't seem to enjoy Dream Drop Distance and I can't really nail down why. I think it might be because of these Dream Eaters, I think I just might hate them.

Any tips for getting more out of the game, or is this just a bad one?

I felt the same way. I just slogged through it

play the game like THUG and jam on the anime button like a spastic gymnast

Gating abilities behind gathering pokemon was a bother. Also shitty gimmick end game bosses jsut ruined the experience for me, I had to set 4 active curagas to finish the fucking game on proud

if you're touching the ground at all in combat you're doing it wrong

Literally git gud

How do I git gud at liking things? I feel this is important to know

>How do I git gud at liking things?
You don't, you git gud at hating things until you can't like anything anymore

Its bad, not the worst of the series but definitely one of the weakest. Pokemon shit ruins it, active flow loses its novelty quickly and it brings so much more clusterfuck to the story.

DDD was only made in a year and you can really feel it.

Ive gotten gud then.


As someone who finished it a couple of hours ago, I can safely say that it's not worth keeping with it. The story only gets interesting (read crazy) towards the end and the combat stays shit the whole way through, even when you've grinded out the mandatory skills like second chance, leaf bracer etc. The final bosses really made me want to drop the game because they're such a pain to fight where you're never sure if it's actually ok to hit them now.

Like the worst parts of BBS

I haven't played BBS, what do you mean exactly?

Some of the later bosses are literal RNG and can and will combo you to oblivion some times, completely by chance,. And theres really nothing you can do to stop them unless youve studied them and knew in advance if they were going to do something.

>tfw the b-team who made BBS and DDD is making KH3

It's not fucking fair.

If the guys who made this and BBS are the ones making KH3 then I'm not interested. I'll just watch the custscenes on youtube or something because if the combat is going to be this shit then it wasn't worth the wait. I heard 0.2 also had these problems so fuck it.

Yeah, the A-team is currently doing the FF7 remake and will be tied up for years, don't bother getting anything Squenix related until it's done.

0.2 got patched with improvements. Osaka Team take feedback.

>tfw had to grind like a madman just to beat Ansem
>having to grind in a KH game to begin with

Ff7 is being done by the Naruto/dot hack people. The whole thing is basically outsourced

Maybe it's because it's not a good game.

It does fix a few of the issues BbS had, but also introduces a whole slew of other issues.

DDD is basically taking everything good out of BbS and adding shit to fill it up, instead.

Whoa, CC Corp is doing FF7? im slightly intrigued now

Yeah honestly it's more interesting then if it was in house. They've got style

Balloonra is literally more broken than Fire/Thunder Surge. You can fill your entire deck with Balloonra and one to two cures and have the essential second crutch/leaf bracer/crutch more and just spam them, and destroy every boss in the entire game, even the secret boss.

Interdesting; I do have fond memories of Thunder Surging my way through Critical

At least with the Surges, you had to aim in their general direction. As long as you lock on (and even sometimes you don't have too), Balloonra will hit your enemy, whether you get hit by any move (as long as it doesn't kill obviously),

I beat it on Proud way back and the only trouble I remember having was that bullshit gimmick in the final boss fightwhere it makes you redo the entire fight if you fuck up in that small window in the end

Wanted to do Critical this time but reminded that its now locked in this game for whatever reason. Now blazing through Proud with as little grinding as possible and hopefully Balloon will carry me to Crit

>the last phase with ventus
>Terras last fight
Yeah, that shit made me angry. Terras last boss can oneshot you with one combo because of the stunlock. He also shoots a bunch of shit that you can't fully block. The worst part was the meteor shit. He summons a bunch of meteors and teleports to different spots. The only way to survive is managing to get a focus attack on him.
Because that's not unfair enough, the boss also starts to heal after a while. Total bullshit on higher difficulties.

I had more fun messing around with the pokemon. I didn't touch that tournament battle mode.

Is the pokemon shit mandatory?

Dude fuck the A Team. They're the ones that made KH2 into a mashfest and literal joke. I'll take B Team any day.

Not really, but you have to level up different ghosts to get better commands.

Only if you care about abilities/resistances.

it is if you play anything but Crit Lv1