>install PvP Watchdog
>literally everyone within my SL is cheating.
There isn't anyone playing Dark Souls right now over SL 107 who isn't cheating.
>install PvP Watchdog
>literally everyone within my SL is cheating.
There isn't anyone playing Dark Souls right now over SL 107 who isn't cheating.
Other urls found in this thread:
play as the invader more likely to find a non hacker host and if you do can just black crystal out
What, you thought people were actually going to build a character by playing the game?
Mate literally everyone still playing is using custom built characters for pvp.
This is the fate of all games with online capability as they age. First it dwindles to just the hardcore min-maxers, then they leave and it's just cheaters preying on unsuspecting noobs that are picking the game up late, then the servers die and you have to use some kind of Russian server app to play online at all.
If they didn't level their character and manufactured it using CE, they're cheating.
PC master race amirite
Point still stands. It's been a common practice since it was possible.
I started playing Dark Souls for the first time a few months ago, and invaders have been the bane of my existence. The first few, I tried to fight. After landing a backstab on a guy wearing no armor and only dealing 10 damage, I just gave up on ever fighting one again.
If you do it rite (and make sure your build is feasibly possible with your origin and sl) PVPWD won't say that you are a cheater.
Everyone uses save editor because unlocking the merchant who sells cracked red eye orbs at low level is way too hard.
What SL are you playing at? I used to use legit SL13 builds since they didn't take long to make, but SL100 builds were just time consuming for a fun gimmick.
What does that have to do with his point of people taking the faster/easier way to SL?
You just reinforced his point.
>mfw comfy BB pvp in the nightmares
>don't have to worry about any cheats, just good fun
He was being an apologist for immoral behavior. I established that he's point isn't a valid excuse.
It's cheating.
They can't play the game straight up.
There is indeed something to be said for console PvP. Cheaters were truly rare when I played online games on my 360, but on PC it's at least a weekly occurrence.
>Actually playing through the game for the sole purpose of getting to the commonly accepted pvp SL so you can play more than one build
There's a reason soul vessels were added.
Playing it for the first time on PC right now and still getting random invaders that are just normal players. Also, fuck Tomb of Giants. This whole area is horrifying.
Cheapen out and hit up Dusk who has a nice Light magic spell that is much brighter than the lantern and you can 2h your weapon without being blind.
Is DSCM any better or do they basically do the same thing?
I really don't feel like going all the way back there. Is this a really big area? Thinking about just bumping up my estus and toughing it out.
Who the hell cares, people who have already played the game don't want to invest time in a character when it can be made in under 5 mins using cheat engine.
Did you get the Lord Vessel yet? If not, find the Large Divine Ember that's there and get the fuck out since the only other thing you can do is save Rhea from her retarded bodyguards.
it's not that big. tough it out with the lantern. youll have the area memorized to the point youll barely need the lantern soon enough
>Did you get the Lord Vessel yet?
Yes, but I can't imagine it teleports me to the bonfire I'm currently at... Does it?
>youll have the area memorized to the point
Oh god, that sounds bad. Fuck it, I'm gunna do it.
I like to make low-lvl pvp npc cosplay characters (darkwraith, crystal dildo man, kirk, xanthous king) with shitty stats and invade in parish. It's fun to roleplay like that when you see that host is playing for the first time and panics like crazy
I lose every fucking time but it's very fun
still cheating.
no matter how you try to justify it, it's immoral behavior.
this is dark souls feglorb
>play on xbox right after they made it free
>twink but drop shards on those that look new and leave
>drake swords EVERYWHERE
>get 400+ kills
>all that fucking hate mail
>all those thanks from people who got shards
10/10 experience
It sure is.
You are either are capable of fighting with honor or you are not. There is no middle ground here. If you use CE for anything, you're cheating.
Cheating is immoral behavior and those who do it have no honor.
>dark souls
10/10 post
would chain in township
>focus my build on the longsword
>invade and spam R1
>get my ass kicked
longsword is one of the best weapons in the game. that was entirely user error
>Dark Souls
Yeah, How many times has honor ever helped you win? Faggot.
That shit only works in DaS3
at this point you are more autism than man
I usually find more honorable fights by staying around level 30-40. At max I go to level 60 now in Dark Souls 1.
More people disconnect, but the ones who do stay around are actually eager to fight and will gladly take on the challenge. I still have faith in the pvp.
just go play 2. it was actually balanced for pvp
Nah, sorry. I honestly played Dark Souls 2 for around 200 hours but I will not touch it again. It just isn't my taste.
Well, the first attempt went pretty bad.
But then I figured out the skeles wouldn't respawn if I hit them with a divine weapon and it was a piece of cake.
If it's the latest patch, actually it will teleport you to that bonfire, pre-patch (console only) is the only time they didn't make sub-bonfires teleport capable.
Nice job my man.
At least multiplayer is working for you.
I launched that game some time ago after a long, long break, and couldn't connect to anyone. The bloodstains and orange soapstone messages remained the same no matter how long I waited.
BB is pretty much an exclusively PvE game. I haven't been invaded a single time in my five playthroughs. Even DS3 is a better PvP game than BB.
Tbh I don't feel like getting all the way to the 4kangzz just to get a PvP item that'll only give me invasions every 5 minutes for a half-dead game. I try to avoid giving myself OP items. Sometimes I'll play the role of a certain type of character, like in the Berg I'll do a sword n' board knight, in Darkroot be like some forest machete-murderer with the sackcloth bag on my head, in Anor Londo as a silver knight, etc. It's pretty fun, and I'm not in it to invade people and 1-shot them. I still kill them most of the time, but usually I'll play around first.
So it only works if the other people have it installed, which 99% of the randoms probably don't.
if you're trying to play a 5 year old game that's already gotten 2 sequels, you need to expect to actually put forth effort
Not finding players isn't the problem. The problem is that my online seem to have frozen in a snapshot from years ago. I wouldn't mind the online being dead, because it really is dead. But there's something different about it, something wrong.
there is a hack that causes that.,
this is why you play on console, friend
Be honest Sup Forums. Did you ever legit run a Giantdad build?
I believe it worked back when I actively played the game. If I got hacked I'd probably noticed that earlier. I think it might have something to do with a long inactivity.
My friend, who also returned to the game after a long hiatus, had the same issue at first. But after a couple of hours his online sorta broke through, and he was actually able to do some pvp in the forest.
But for me it didn't seem to work. I tried different chars too, and I'm guessing a hack would only affect a single character. Maybe I should've idled for a longer time or something.
Sure did. Two even. One a proper giantdad, and one a low level dad.
>dark souls pvp
Nah. I do only use chaos zweihander builds. There's no need to go physical.
No, I mean if you get invaded by a person who used this hack, it would literally freeze everything in your game. This is mod has a patch for that
Of course.
Chaos Zwei IS Giantdad
R1 spam was never viable in any game because even shitters can press L2 and shut that shit down you fuck
It was viable in 2 because riposte wasn't all that good in 2.
>because even shitters can press L2 and shut that shit down
you gotta get back up and pwn them after
But did the power up the bass cannon when pvping?
which is why I said I do, and also chaos zweihander isn't giantdad when you mix in int or faith.
>when you mix in int or faith.
You might as well put points in dex, you fucking faggot
Enemies and NPCs and my character all act normally. It's just the online that seems to be frozen. Also I've installed the watchdog. But as I said, I don't think that happened to me long time ago, I just booted the game recently and it was like that. I haven't been invaded or anything.
Do you not remember the video?
Yes I do but I really thought you were above that.
I've never used CE because it literally isn't necessary.
You can just kill Queelag and dupe her soul and level up to whatever SL people are PvP'ing.(At least that's what I do when I want to PvP with a new character).
It's a meme build to begin with, of course I'm not above that.
you only get invaded if you are searching for people to help you out, barring the nightmare zones which a bell is always ringing
I've been doing SL60 in Lost Izalith and man are these people scum. It's like I'm playing DS3 with all the bonfire camping, phantom summoning, and disconnects on death. It's a load of fun when I get a decent host, though.
>play DS1
>invade on my twink in the church
>the host is using invulnerability hack
>he's still panicking and running away
>black crystal out and invade some other dudes
>half an hour later I invade him again
>he's running to the boss fog gate again
>he still hasn't killed the gargoyles even with the hack
ITT: a bunch of faggots that cheat in online games circle jerking
I can understand cheating so you have the components for your build right away and don't have to deal with getting to the level and finding all the gear, but invulnerability cheats?
>Implying I'm going to play a bunch of hours simply to get some pvp character going
This is when pvp sl was 120, dunno about now.
>Twinking on gargoyles
I actually find that to a lot in Lost Izalith. You're probably better off doing duke's archives or painting world.
There will be gankers most of the time in duke's archives but medium to high levels wait there just to fight.
I skimped out on attunement and just used one black flame because I couldn't be fucked to go into NG+, so I didn't min-max as hard as I could with that build.
I had far more fun with a dex-int build with elite-knight armor, falchion, crystal magic weapon, havel + wolf ring
Where do most people duel/invade these days? Oolacile Township?
any of you niggers mind helping me co-op at kiln on pc this fire faggot is a faggot
It was still Oolacile Township bonfire/Undead Burg bonfire last I checked
I've never used the zwei in any run in any of the many, many runs I've done in all three souls games.
Bask in the glory that is my contrarianism.
It's literally the best place to twink, since it's a twin boss, so lots of people summon/kindle the bonfire at Andre's.
It's not like I just invade and oneshot the host with my op weapons. I'm doing it for fun in a fatrolling clownsuit, and often let the host win.
Do you remember your first weapon you beat Dark Souls 1 with - that faithful companion that always protected you?
Gargoyle Halberd for me. I have not used it literal years, but it served me so well my first play through.
What's the hardest non-Viking class to play? I want to work on my mechanics early and I don't want to play Viking because I'm not a faggot
I did it before I even knew it was a meme.
doing one right now. it's honestly fun.
but i haven't really done any PvP outside of a few Forest Covenant auto summons, so who knows
Balder Side Sword. I didn't even know it was good back then, I just got it to +15
Is it considered bad form to heal during an invasion in the Forest?
You thought this was a Chiv thread, huh?
Wrong thread, killin myself brb
did your invader signal a duel? (like using any bow or greeting gestures) if so then yea.
If not then fuck no, chug all you want
I was doing painted world at first, but I was pretty much only getting NG+ people, and while I don't mind killing them, I prefer to fight people closer to my own level and on a fairer playing field. Any NG players I did get never stood a chance, unless they were outright cheating, and even then I'd kick them around for a while before they could get rid of me. I dunno about Duke's, it's probably my least favorite area in the game. It's so huge and everything looks the same, I imagine it's a nightmare to find the host there if he's not specifically waiting for a fight.