Is there anything that can save WoW? Or even the Warcraft franchise at this point?

Is there anything that can save WoW? Or even the Warcraft franchise at this point?

The sweet release of death.

Make an actual fucking RTS again.

Just let WoW die so MMOs can be good again

This shit has been going on for twelve years.
Let it die already.

legacy servers

Just do some bullshit alternate timeline from into WC4, sure it would suck ass and be lazy as hell, but at least it would give them enough room to take the story into another direction or at least make some adjustments to how everything played out without it being some bullshit retcon.

No, they should just bury it with dignity.



>Legion defeated
>Shit goes south as Light/Darkness starts to fuck up
>"The only way anything will get out..."
>"Is if we Destroy time altogether"
>Game ends as it speeds through a montage of events before fading to black
>We hear nothing about Warcraft from Blizzard, No questions answered
>We only see heroes added to HOTS, Or skins on Overwatch
>Blizzcon 2021
>We are answered with Warcraft 4 / WoW 2

not bringing back one of the lamest villians in the series for 2 whole expansions might have done something.

I think you guys care too much about Warcraft, and not World of Warcraft as a game.

It has the most features and options out of any game ever, and is still putting out new content. It's easy to be hardcore or casual, there's room for everyday. You guys are just burnt out. I'm having fun. Sure, it's not as great as it was, but what more can they do? They definitely cannot go backwards and remove features. That's suicide for any dev.

nah. kill it and move on.

they should hire some devs that play wow on pc not tablet only

How's Legion ATM? I unsubbed a month after it came out because I didn't really like my guild and I didn't have much to do.

Seeing all this lore stuff gets me wanting to resub but I have no idea what to do in the game

make all BoP items BoE.

If you are honest, and really think about it, this small change will solve every single problem this game has currently. It's really THAT simple.

Anyone willing to info dump the current story progress?
I'm only informed up to the base Legion end none of the new patches.

Legion was the fastest I've ever quit WoW after a new expansion. 1 month in and I was done. I think I'm done for good now. Hate how the story has been progressing since Wrath though.

>They definitely cannot go backwards and remove features. That's suicide for any dev.
They've gutted the game to the point where it's retained almost nothing from the past expansions.

As usual, the raid content is great, but nothing else is. You're literally paying 15 a month to raid 4 times a week, if you have the guild for it.

Panda wives

>They definitely cannot go backwards and remove features. That's suicide for any dev.
>Gut flying the last two x-packs
>Fuck talentrees (new system isn't horrible but it is a mechanical step backwards to have such little choice and customization)
>Gut weapons from the last expiation in favor of food stamps to buff your relic that they have confirmed will then get removed
>Cut out a majority of class abilities in favor of easy to learn rotations

No. No more Warcraft. No RTS/MMORPG. Considering their current track record, it won't be good. Just let it die and be forgotten.

It's still making them gorillions of dollars they're not going to change shit.

No, let it fucking die and move on

They've got 10 million subscribers using an engine designed back when floppy disks were a thing. Whether you like it or not, financially it's still a success - which is all the businessmen in charge really care about.



Make the early game better. This may sound strange but im someone who only just played it this month. The early game was so fuckin boring. It was nonstop go to X kill Y and bring back Z items. I asked around and was told "oh ya it doesnt really get good to level 70" and I just quit there. Im not sure how the late game is but I know games need an influx of new players to live and breath life into games. Also make warcraft 4 already damnit.

That's what hots is, Wc wouldn't sell in the moba faggot age

>Is there anything that can save WoW? Or even the Warcraft franchise at this point?

seriously, who cares?
why do you want a 13 year old game to be "good again" ? just wait for the new big MMO that comes out, let wow die fuck sake.

like how is anyone ok with a game that was released THIRTEEN years ago being pumped full of updates to no end? just fuck it off. the only way you could save a game that dated is by making a WoW2 - that will fail because not muh wow1

Im not sayin im on expert on the subject just a take on a guy who played it for the first time and why he didnt even get to level 20.

Fire Metzen. Develop new RTS with mapeditor right off the bat.

>just wait for the new big MMO that comes out
So never?

rotation are just more logical and easy to pick up. youcan focus on mechanics instead (which is more fun)

Talent tree is pretty much 1 build and nothing else. at least this one makes you think about your best option for each encounters.

the rest sucks.

Wat,cmetzen quit last year

Killing it and starting the age of sigmarcraft

Then fire any other hack who gets off on the whole corruption shit.

MMO's are dead.

It doesn't get significantly better even after you reach 110. Whoever set lvl 70 is some sort of threshold for how boring the gameplay is, really doesn't know what he's talking about.

Once you hit 110, instead of going place x to kill y and bring back z, you just sit on queue and afk until you have enough gear to join normal groups to grind for some more gear until you have enough gear to join heroic groups to grind for some more gear until you have enough gear to join mythic groups to grind for some more gear until you get bored of grinding gear.

It really doesn't get much better than the early game you saw, trust me.

I dont doubt it I played it finnaly kinnda cause I felt like I had to try it at least once after all these years. I dont feel like I missed much. Personally the only MMO I ever liked was uncharted waters online. There was just somethin special about sittin on the cape of good hope pouncin unsuspecting traders comin from india and japan and makin millions. Then bein a bro and givin back the spices that you dont have the time to trade. Then running away from the pirate hunters soon to be on your trail then spammin emotes at them as the camp the port waiting for you to try and run the blockade. It felt like a more down to earth Eve online.

>rotation are just more logical and easy to pick up. youcan focus on mechanics instead (which is more fun)

some how having less is more logical, instead of having a swiss army knife of options?
then again, after reading your other posts you seem to have trash opinions.

Is there any servers where it's possible to clear dungeons solo? I just want to hang out in WC world and experience the story post Cata.
Because I've already did that in vanilla-BC-TWoLK

Just move on to FFXIV.

Legion wouldnt be shit if it were so RNG heavy, Time gating up the ass and if Suramar didnt exist

>Especially fucking suramar
>Dude lets make an area where you need to stealth and make mobs in groups of 5 allowing for 0 escape if you fuck up lmao

Wow lost every piece of comfy experiences it had and replaced it with a robotic model of gear replacement.

The only purpose you have this game has, now, is to keep you constantly swapping pieces of gear until you either come to your senses and stop playing it altogether, or until you just collapse and die.

It's fucking ridiculous how absolutely NOTHING matters in this game anymore.

Already max level and it never got faster and the game being held back by consoles

Fuck off with your ERP Massive Multiplayer Online.

>the fucking northern part
God fucking damnit
And every day you would have to go back knowing it's gonna be just as awful

FFXIV may be shit, but the 2.5gcd is literally because there's a second global that happens simultaneously alongside it. Pick one of the other flaws to meme on

Thats why I didnt even get to level 20. It felt like I was on autopilot maybe if I was playing it with a friend but at the same time anything with a friend is fun. It didnt have the magic of a group of 3-4 players who have different skills and know different languages coming together on a whim to brave the ottoman held boshphorous through to Morrocco and break through the AI and human pirates swarming the south african sea. The shear fuckin rush of making it back from India with a massive haul of spices to England and making millions the fuckin stories you made playing that game. Theme park MMOs suck IMO.

Fire everyone. And I mean fucking everyone.

Glass the executive staff and all project directors.

Do the same for Diablo and Overwatch, just to be sure.

Form a Committee of Shit Lore Review. Allow only Metzen, Samwise, and Christie Goldent o submit ideas. If CoSLR says it's shit, it stays out.

Make all Class balancers main the class they balance. If they fail the first question on their interview: "Do you use anything besides KB+M to play the game?", do not hire them, and put them on a train to a FEMA camp for immediate "re-education".

Remove PvP entirely. Make it a standalone f2p moba shitfest with a metric tons of microtrans to fund better games.

Tauren Instances.

Make Saurfang Warchief and never stop.

>Gut flying the last two x-packs

I'm not the biggest fan of WoW as it currently is, but flying was the worst godamn thing they ever added. It completely undermines any attempts at memorable environment design.

Permanently removing it (which they will never do) would be a huge step in the right direction.

Yea well as some one who has played it I can tell you it isn't fun still. It just means I need to follow an insanely STRICT rotation with 0 fuckups and the world has so many loading sections it might as well not even be called an MMO.

Reset the entire lore back to WC2, pretend WC3 never happened.

>modern Acti-Blizzard with most of their guys gone at this point

Someone already did that.

Allen Adham came back though.

>Retarded business man failing out of UCLA Comp Sci leeches off his smart engineering friends and convinces them to hand over their life savings to rip off

Yeah. Truly the hero has returned.

Everyone at Blizzard is retarded.

We stopped the Nightmare and purified the Dream, killing Xavius in the process. Ysera died but who cares about dragons any more. The Nightfallen, Kirin Tor, Blood Elves and Night Elves won the war with the Nightborne and Legion, killing Gul'dan and stopping him from putting Sargeras in Illidan's body (or did they?). We've got all the Pillars of Creation and are gearing up for an assault on the Tomb to close the Legion portal. We know 7.3 is a patch on Argus, we know 7.2's final boss is Kil'jaeden again, so it's highly likely that Sargeras dies in the final patch of Legion and we move on to N'Zoth and the void after Legion.

god that is such a terrible idea, i'm glad you don't make games

>gut weapons
LOL weapons have been nothing more than stat sticks for the last like 4 expansions. Who the fuck cares if they replaced that shit

Different user. Did this void and zoth have been mentioned at all before legion?
I've always thought that Sargeras was the endgame.

>Ysera died

They already spoiled at Blizzcon she's not dead.

Neither is Vol'jin which is just fucking dumb. In which case he's likely to come back in an incredibly retarded way.


You fucking kidding me?

Ysera is for all practical reasons dead, she lives on in the Dream but I seriously doubt we'll be heading back there. She'll just be vaguely mentioned as a source of information about N'Zoth in the next expansion by Malfurion if she's ever relevant again.

I'll never understand how a shallow and shit company like Blizzard became so successful.

They made good games

Sargeras was always assumed to be the endgame, but our lack of contact with N'Zoth during Cataclysm was always a little suspect. Given that he's not a raid boss already and he's still plowing Azeroth the femtitan's crusty orifice somewhere beneath the Maelstrom we'll need to deal with him pretty soon.

The Void as a threat has only been a big deal since Chronicle revealed a lot more of the creation of the Warcraft universe and the reasons behind Sargeras' betrayal of the Pantheon. Now the Void Lords that sit outside the universe are the big bad Sargeras was taking steps against this whole time.

If this leads to more Lovecraftian stuff I'm all for it. The Legion are comparatively fucking boring.

kek, no chance in hell. Warcraft has been trashed by everyone who has touched it in the past decade. Even the movie was complete and utter ass. The only chance of a Warcraft 4 happening is if they rebooted the franchise from where Warcraft 3 left off. There's less a chance of that happening than WoW becoming good again (ZERO).

No they didn't.

Yes they did

Ripping off other franchises isn't making a good game. It's making a good copy.

That's like saying China makes good games. Who, by the way, is the only audience for Blizzard games as evidence by Warcrafts abysmal movie sales in the west.

you know it would be bad. you'd buy it and be sad/mad.

>buy, heh, yea right, kid
they would pull some always online bullshit with it. somehow.

>It's making a good copy.

What game did they copy?

The gameplay to said games were great after being patched a million times.

Great, they made good copies, thus good games.

You have a better point?

Warhammer, Baulders Gate, Everquest.

what warhammer video game did they copy?

The entire concept. Fucking idiot, Warcraft was going to be a warhammer game until Blizzard decided to jew it out as their own ""original"" game.

>ywn go back in time to MoP living in bliss of what the game was to become
>still being mystified and hyped for wrathion conclusion
>still making mad dosh boosting shitters in CMs with your friends
>enjoying that perfect patch cycle (outside of 5.4 lasting ages but what expansion didnt do this on its final patch)
>that sweet sweet irony of them wanting to prune away bring the player not the class, but in reality it made more specs fun than any prior point in the game's lifespan

if i didnt rp and have friends made through it i'd have unsubbed years ago

No, if you ever loved anything the came from the west it will die, no exceptions.

>Make Saurfang Warchief and never stop.
That's about the only thing I agree with, desu. Also, that they shouldn't be hiring free-shovelware devs to make these games. These people not only need to know what they're doing, but also need to be heavily involved in said IP to really have the drive in improving it and making it better.

Make PVP servers where territory can be contested. Put the war back in Warcraft.

>tfw based tigole reduced to spouting harambe memes at an awards show whilst making dartboard balance changes catering to the lowest common denominator in a casual shitfest of a team-FPS
>pardo jumped ship before WoD, the expansion he was ecstatic to get back to work on had even launched
>diabloification because blizz need to move their employees around

what went so wrong over the years Sup Forums?

Except Warcraft is better than Warhammer ever was

Profit over quality.

Blizzard was always the kind of shit company that jewed the most out of their employees, hence the "we don't have the resources excuse".

They're on record for publicly saying designers, and even some artists need programming backgrounds to work there.

Jack of all trades hiring eventually caught up with them. Modern tools enable better work, but only if specialized. When you put someone with a diluted talent set behind them, the outcome is just as diluted, and eventually the result is sub-par.

Let artists art.

Let designers design.

Let programmers program.

But no, muhprofits comes first. Especially when you're a company of that scale. You have no choice but to do the wrong thing.

Argus shenanigans.

>Pirates a game with the logic "it ain't stealing when I copy"
>Gets mad when they find a workaround to make money off their work

PCpirates are spoiled, blind fools who can't see shit in the long run

This. Blizzard is one of the worst game companies in the world, worse than Konami.

It's surprising how hate works like flavor of the month
EA, Blizzard. Activision, Ubisoft, Konami..

what? explain please I stopped following legion after EN opened

>Make all Class balancers main the class they balance. If they fail the first question on their interview: "Do you use anything besides KB+M to play the game?", do not hire them, and put them on a train to a FEMA camp for immediate "re-education".
I agree so much with this, the reason I stopped playing wow is because the 2 classes I mained got nerfed into completely unfun garbage while the top specs continue to dominate

>ever caring about the story seriously

You're actually a huge fucking retard. The story has been shit since WC III

>wanting to go back to MoP
God, when even the panda babies are unhappy with the game you know something is wrong

>Expansion releases
>It's nothing but a race to get all the content done before it becomes completely irrelevant by the next expansion
I thought the point of an expansion was to, I don't know, expand upon a game. Legion may as well be a completely different game, there's more that was removed than added. What's the point of the Draenor expansion? Nothing, since all of it's content is now irrelevant and the changes are gone.

Fuck Blizzard. Might as well call it continent of Warcraft because that's all it ever is.

MoP was the game's peak as far as balance goes though.
Most specs were fun as shit to play and PvP was pretty damn good.

What do you even do in Legion that even matters?

Game died after WOTLK.

Nothing. You tie up loose ends in WoDs shitty story. Gameplay wise, the designers have stated at Blizzcon all progress is being wiped clean for whatever shitty grind they come up with for the following expansion.

All you're doing now is working towards unlocking flying on your account for future alt leveling, and grinding out legendary weapons to unlock them as a transmog.

That's it.