>no monitor
>no keyboard
>no mouse
>no operating system
How exactly is PC gaming supposed to be cheaper than Nintendo/PS4?
>no monitor
>no keyboard
>no mouse
>no operating system
How exactly is PC gaming supposed to be cheaper than Nintendo/PS4?
go go power rangers
It's not, anyone who tells you that is a liar.
But I like to build hi-tech things and get optimal performance so its worth it to me.
The Switch isn't even cheap, you can get a Shield for $200 and the Switch is the exact same thing plus the dock which doesnt add much functionality.
How many people even buy a comp above ~600-700 bucks?
Well, I did, but I don't have any other hobbies except drawing and that costs nothing.
It's not. It's a meme to keep poorfags away.
same bait different day
Why is it at an inclined angle?
I dunno, at some point you'll want to invest in a good large high res drawing tablet with a screen.
>turn on pc
>it mighty morphs
>obvious joke thread
nu-Sup Forums everyone
my comp was 700 dollaridos but it has a shitty gfx card.
thanks taxes i guess.
>make the same thread
>call it a joke this time
>No TV
>No Games
>blue leds in the front for cooling coupled with eco-friendly green leds
>all the heat red leds in the back
>cybran router on the side
Excellent design, well worth 5k
It's more streamlined so it runs faster.
>power ranger megazord pc tower neverever
Why even live?
>$5k and it's not even using purple LED's for power and cooling combined
damn i wish i had 5k pc
If you have the money, you will build a PC because it is the most efficient way to play videogames, without paid online, K+M and controller support and extras such as mods
If you are poor you will buy a PS4 and get bloodbourne as compensation price
If you are an idiot you will buy a Xbox One
It's this easy desu
I don't understand the "PC costs more!" argument. It's not even really an argument, it costs more because you're getting more. You can emulate every console that isn't current-gen. Jewing out and buying the cheaper product and arguing from that really speaks for itself.
>How many people even buy a comp above ~600-700 bucks?
A MacBook is just 1000 bucks.
>Muh fishfucker slang
>all this ricer shit
>You can emulate every console that isn't current-gen.
>Buy a PC!
>to play ass-old console games!
>because PC has nogaems.
Are you 12?
Take into account that most people would spend at least $300 on a computer for work related tasks anyway. So the extra $400 or so they spend on a gaming PC is equivalent to a console. Then you can just compare the fact that you can get games dramatically cheaper on PC.
In 5 years the current-gen is going to be an "old-ass console gaems."
>le ebin tricky hook meem xD
>No Free Online
Don't you know, the games are only important if they are released this year. Isn't your mom rich enough to buy you the latest AAA release, user? They are awesome XDD
It's not supposed to be cheaper, just better in every way
>Isn't your mom rich enough to buy you the latest AAA release, user?
>AAA release
The last PC AAA release happened in 2007.
>caring about AAA releases
Have fun at Gamestop, console peasant.
>doesn't come with a Titan
>M-maybe if I beat the fishfucker scum by ironic shitposting, that'll definitely show them.
Fuck off, disgusting low-level shitposter
weak shit bait pls
>backwards- and sideways-compatibility is bad now
pretty sure you are not allowed to post on Sup Forums under 18yrs old.
Make a post discrediting Sony, instantly shill threads popping up left and right.
Coincidence? How could you think that anymore.
Try it yourself it's like magic
>Cherry picks the most expensive PC he possibly can.
Someone finally made a computer uglier than the 51.
>obvious joke thread
It's not obvious when half the kids looking at it don't get it and actually take it seriously.
Stop making shitty threads, if you want to talk about something don't start with tired ass shitposting. How about that for a change?
i'll never understand this whole "gamer" aesthetic.
I thought that was a mech head for a moment and was expecting an Armored Core thread.
Nothing is uglier than the 51.
is that an HDMI port at the bottom ?
what the fuck ?
>Muh shill boogeyman
WOAh dude
Looks pretty neat tbqh fampai
>You can emulate every console that isn't current-gen
Original Xbox.
>b-but that doesn't count!
Yeah it does bitch don't even try it I'll suck you dry asshole.
For those people that have the tower behind their monitor.
You're retarded, but I would totally fuck that guy on that pic. What's his name?
One console that you can't emulate, but can pick up cheap nowadays to mod and install every single game ever released for it.
Playing console games on a PC is not "backwards compatibility", it's emulation. It's sad that you have refer to old console games to rectify your PC purchase.
What is a PC without console games? What is left then? Isn't that poor?
And guess what? We all played those games to death already, when they came out, we don't need emulation to play them over and over again.
Try it
me neither man, and i'm pretty sure only 12 years old think pcs like this are aesthetically pleasing.
nothing looks better than a plain and simple case like
>Original Xbox.
Actually, there is a original Xbox emulator. Its just really slow and still in development
>Yeah it does bitch don't even try it I'll suck you dry asshole.
Litterally every fucking game released for the original Xbox has a PC version
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Steel Battalion
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Meme Wolf Chaos
Really loving the PC versions of those games! Now pull your pants faggot it's time for that sucking you badly want.
Computer Case ~25 USD
Crucial 8GB DDR4 RAM ~54 USD
Motherboard ~54 USD
600W PSU ~50 USD
RX470 GPU ~222 USD
G4560 CPU ~70 USD
ChinkMouse from eBay ~1 USD
ChinkKeyboard from eBay ~1 USD
Refurbished 320GB HDD from eBay ~10 USD
Total - Less than 500$
If you want the PC for the price of a console, swap the RX470 to an RX460.
If you want a monitor to go along with the PC, swap the RX470 to an RX460.
If you want both, swap the RX470 to an RX460 and plug it into your fucking TV.
Why does the sony puppet have a dong?
You are telling me that I regret purchasing my PC? The only time I actually regretted a purchase was with the PS4.
Stop that, I'd rather have 10 Sonyggers that I can slap to the ground where they belong with the truth, than having 10 of you guys that are on the right side of the argument but have flawed reasoning that does more harm than good.
Now that faggot thinks he has a point to talk about.
Good fucking job.
hey, thats my case.
>nothing looks better than a plain and simple case like
That always looks like hot garbage.
>not just a solid black hunk
>not getting hard from seeing the inside of your rig
generally a quality pc initially costs more than a console. but since you don't have to pay extra for online functionality and the games are cheaper, you make up that lost money pretty quick. generally, multiplats play better on PC and have unrestricted modification potential which can make the games infinitely more entertaining (see bethesda games).
that said PC doesnt really have exclusives. there is no corporation to pay to have content locked to pc, but sony and nintendo will gladly pay for exclusivity.
instead of wasting time on platform wars a consumer should just consider what he or she wants from the console and if the possible exclusive games available for the platform are interesting enough to motivate a purchase.
You can buy a used gaming pc for dirt cheap. Or you could put a used old GTX card into a new case if you wanna be aesthetic
Thats why there is a Xbox emulator in development, are you fucking retarded?
>hat said PC doesnt really have exclusives.
There's entire genres that just don't happen on consoles
I dont mind plain cases but that looks like a 5 year olds PC
>We all played those games to death already, when they came out
Post your cases guys
Not him, but boy are you insane.
Show me the backwards compatibility of your screenshot-box.
The point is not that you could emulate all of the vidya, but MOST of it, and tdeveloping is still going on there is a 99-100% chance that at some point in time all the dead consoles can be emulated perfectly fine and even improved one greatly. Improvements are happening constantly and so is development.
You got absolute no fucking leg to stand on this argument, it's lost before you even try to weasel your way out of it, that's how the truth works, it's quite one-sided.
Just take the direct approach, at one point in time even the last original Xbox has died on the planet, and you can throw all the games for it out of window at that point.
Do you not want to preserve the vidya for your kids, for their kids? Do you hate the vidya? Why are you here?
There is not a single sensible reason anymore to keep consoles on life-support. They overstayed their welcome and their use as much as religion has.
this, but the front isn't grated.
Is it like an inside joke or something, to make gaming pc as ugly and tacky as possible?
you are correct, let me corect myself: there is generally no monetary incentive to make PC exclusive games. of course genres like strategy games only really work with a keyboard and a mouse, making them rather necessarily PC exclusive.
Sony and Nintendo pay developers to make platform exclusive games. No such practice exists on PC.
$5000 is cheaper than $300
Because the puppet was on the guy's dick.
That's true
>when your PC tower is the final boss
>paying more than 1000$ for a pc
You can fucking play everything with a budget 800$, retards
Also I need a new keyboard
Who the fuck buys pre-built LED RGB trash computers with the worst possible parts and highest possible price?
You build the computer yourself, you can get the parts you want, min max it to the fullest and make it really cheap if you're smart.
Computer does what consoles do better and beyond that. Also, PC's have longer lifespan and if something breaks, you can fix it yourself, instead of needing an "expert" to do it for you with the cost of another console OR a brand new one if the old one can't be repaired.
If new parts come, you can easily install them and make your PC even better.
If you want to get comfy, you can hook the computer up to a television, insert a controller and play from a couch, or have a small lap table and enjoy strategy games and such with keyboard + mouse on a big screen.
The only negative part about PC gaming is that there's like 2 or 3 actually good exclusive games for consoles, but that's about it.
Please, someone who's "well versed" in console gaming, explain why should anyone buy a console for anything else but the few exclusives they might get? Eventually they'll switch to PC gaming, like Xbox did.
Because that is a meme product and an actual real top quality desktop in which you have to make yourself would only cost less than $1500.
Ez Replies right here.
Please ignore
>worst possible parts
Aleinware's $5000 pre-built comes with an i7 and two Titans.
>Computer does what consoles do, but better
sorry my brainfart there
but you can build literally the same computer for like 3k
you pay 2k extra for the logo
Good choice.
>instead of wasting time on platform wars a consumer should just consider what he or she wants from the console and if the possible exclusive games available for the platform are interesting enough to motivate a purchase.
You can't know what will be "exclusive" for the specific dead-end platform. You are just hoping that Sony will buy out enough developers to chain their games on their disgusting console that doesn't have a reason to even exist weren't it for these exact games they paid for to be on it.
Why do I want this to continue as vidya consumer?
t. sweeden
>Falling for the SLI meme
For what purpose?
Isn't this just e-peen at this point?