Games you used to like until Sup Forums proved you wrong

>thoroughly enjoyed fallout 3 when it came out on x360
>years later read the criticism on Sup Forums
>get it on PC, install a bunch of mods
>can't get into it at all, see I was naive all along

Share yours below

Almost the same thing for me, loved it the first time I played it but playing it again was unbearable.

The thing I like more about F3 than NV is the more likeable protagonist and NPCs. I get that gameplay is vastly superior in NV, but the whole concept of post nuclear cowboys and legions is really jarring.

please be bait.

I'll give you NPCs because I don't give a shit either way, but

letting V dictate ur opinions
truely the most hivemindy

You are a fag.

>Be fan of the original Fallout games
>play Fallout 3 when it came out
>though it was ok but felt it was missing what made the originals great
>play New Vegas when it comes out
>It's glorious

>play fallout 4 when it comes out, love it
>come on Sup Forums, everyone and their mother hates it
>go back to playing it and have fun, and enjoying it even more now with mods

lmao at you letting Sup Forums tell you what you should enjoy


Never read about a game on Sup Forums if you intend to play it. It won't completely chagne your opinion of a game but it can sour a personal 7/10 down to a 6 or 5 even if you purposefully try and compensate for it.

Also New Vegas sucks dick. I played it for an hour and never came back.

>Sup Forums is so dumb that they can't connect with a silent protagonist

I loved Fallout 3 and NV

So why do i have such a hard time getting in to shit like Oblivion and Skyrim? They just don't click with me. It's just boring and ugly

My opinion of F3 isn't dictated by Sup Forums, I just shared my similar opinion with OP.

Sup Forums can barely form a coherent thought without a bunch of memes and buzzwords, so that's never happened.

Only because you started browsing after reddit was created

Oblivion. I only liked it because it was my first open world rpg.

The game is just shit compared to NV and its hard to play a second time because the story is so fucking bad.

Whats worse are the locations.

I still love sunshine, but I don't get why Sup Forums hates it? Reddit hates it, why the fuck isn't Sup Forums being contrarian about it?

Sup Forums is way more coherent now than back in the day

I mean, Fallout 3 does exploration way better look at it that way.

I think it's a first time playthrough only thing. A first time playthrough of most Bethesda games in the top tier fun experience, but most of that washes off when you start a new game. Even New Vegas suffers from it to a degree, but not as badly as FO3 or FO4. My first playthrough of 4 I actually had fun, even though I was shitposting how bad things were (and I still stand by what I said) on here between sessions. I still enjoyed it. Once I passed that 60 hour mark and I ran out of new things to see and do it became a chore to play and I quickly dropped it.

None, because I generally don't care for the opinions of the retards that post here, and am capable of forming my own objective opinions of my gaming experiences.

Most of Sup Forums has shit taste in general.

>letting a bunch of kissless virgins dictate your taste in video games

They probably hate it because it wasn't mario N64.

That sounds about right.
90 hours out of 20 bucks for F4 was very worth it just to see all the dumb shit.

I have the same problem. I won't touch any of the elder scrolls game. Oddly enough, I typically enjoy the genre and setting of those types of games.

>>can't get into it at all, see I was naive all along
It was new, it was interesting, is sure as hell wasn't well written or thought out, but I'm guessing you played other Fallouts or Rpgs since then and going back you can see it's shortcomings?

Seconded, I was pretty amazed at how good the wasteland looked when I first stepped out of the vault. It took me a playthrough to realize I didn't care about the story in the least and the parts that I did enjoy (the varied and interesting post apocalyptic settlements) was just a shallow theme park. That being said the rock-it-launcher was an awesome idea, paralysing palm was neat (turning enemies into mannequins), that VR quest with doctor van braun(?) was an interesting plot point and the cinematic gore was neat too.

every game really

I come here to let people tell me what to think and I hate almost all games now

Nice thumbnail subhuman scum. Proceed to kys.

>not letting a bunch of kissless virgins dictate your taste in video games
Who do you think has better taste in vidya? You should outsource all of your tastes to experts, I imagine you're a pleb on multiple levels.

What npcs in particular were more likeable? Because I don't remember them at all, they were all just bland, archetypes.

>letting Sup Forums change your opinion

worse than liking Fallout 3

what? games have always been shit for me when I replay them, you can't beat the fresh experience

this, Sup Forums didn't change you, you just already beaten it

This, Fallout 3 makes more sense and is more realistic and serious than the thematic-park and lolsoepic thing going on in New Vegas, kinda what fallout 1 and fallout 2 are to each other.

I think Fallout 4 suffers from this too, it's supposed to be this dead world, but it feels so alive.

but if it was any other fallout game except 3 or 4 he wouldn't have had a stale replay experience.

>Letting TORtanic memers and contrarian retards decide what you like

Nah. I bet you listen to metacritic scores and online hacks too.

Nothing in F3 makes more sense or is more realistic, what the hell are you talking about.
The place looks ridiculous for being so shit so long after the bombs the complete lack of progress, the whole handling of the BoS, Super Mutant and Enclave rehashing where they shouldn't be is so stupid and unnecessary, the water purifier being the reason for so much fighting but then in the next game is a non issue.

You must be mad if you think le cowboys vs roman empire shit makes more sense.

people only like him because he's funny, not because of his actual assessments of a game's qualities

he's not even that pessimistic anymore

He's baiting you dude

>he's funny

NCR isn't cowboys, you must be retarded to think that. Caesar found some old world texts about Rome and decided to unite the tribes in his area using that as as a foundation.

There is some progress towards an actual self sustaining civilization, which you would expect after 200 fucking years.

>I bet you listen to metacritic scores
If that were true then shouldn't Sup Forums lover F3 especially more than NV?
But of course that's not the case, if anything the people that like F3 more regularly use the Metacritic score to defend 3.
You are so full of shit dude, its neo/v/ that loves Metacritic scores, follow youtube e-celebs like prophets and have to agree with the masses especially if people on Sup Forums disagree, often citing a hivemind as to why Sup Forums thinks in an incorrect way and using an even bigger hivemind to prove Sup Forums wrong.

I don't know when exactly back in the day is to you but Sup Forums was way more coherent pre /vg/.

the whole game was built around a western theme with roman legions thrown in, how could you miss that?

>Letting TORtanic memers and contrarian retards decide what you like
But TOR was and is a mess in terms of gameplay and setting/story/lore, I know better than most, I actually tried it for myself to see how bad it was.
Not to mention on the whole the hivemind beats sense into newfags so they're on the same page and as such Sup Forumss general recommendations on games are usually pretty on point.
For example
>STALKER series
>VTMB: The masquerade
>Dragons Dogma
>Deus ex
>system shock
>Ultima underworld
>Splinter cell chaos theory
>arx fatalis
>Freespace 2

All games that Sup Forums has recommended me, and all of them are objectively well made cohesive titles. Feel free to argue otherwise.


Some of the people in the NCR have a cowboy aesthetic, most notably the Ranger Veterans, but it's almost entirely the settlers that fit the cowboy bill. NCR troopers look like they're dressed for a desert, which makes sense considering they're living in the fucking Mojave.

They are not cowboys, why do you say that? Because some wear clothes suitable for desert environment so therefore everyone even if wearing average clothes and armor, is a cowboy?
Romans were just the framework of an existing example of one tribe conquering and unifying many, which is what Ceaser needed to do, many little tribes that fought each other brought under one unifying banner, hence the Legion.
What's not realistic about that? Or are you just memeing?

Everyone who likes nuts is a fag

Sup Forums has the most legit taste in games
if you like a game and Sup Forums shits on it then protip: you just have objectively shitty taste
we call em as we see em

I mean, I dont live it compared to SM64. It had too many of those linear bonus stages.

I liked it slightly more once Galaxy came out. I fucking HATE Galaxy.

>Listening Sup Forums
How retarded cuck can you be?

Why was this picture made.

are you? we get that they're not literal cowboys and legions, but the fact that you're trying so hard to say otherwise shows how contrarian you are.

you are Sup Forums you retarded cuck

seeYou can't just take Sup Forums at the surface level there's a lot of flavor of the month shit, but the all time favorites of Sup Forums are fucking solid.

anyone who has played fo3 and nv extensively and prefers fo3 has objectively shit taste

Told consistently that War thunder is shit, so I foolishly decide it's shit because v says it's shit, see tanks are added, it was Americans so there was already a fair amount of russian and german content. I think "hmm, I like tanks." 621 hours later I realized, wow v opinions really do suck.

>objectively shit taste
oh cool, buzzwords

Fallout 3 was fine for its time even though most of its story (particularly the ending) was crap. But after you play New Vegas you can't help but recognize how shallow it is.

The Tranquility Lane mission was brilliant though.

Well that's a given, only "muh atmosphere" faggots prefer 3 and they can never really explain why because they "feel" it has better atmosphere.
NV does everything 3 does but better and more of it.
Give us examples of why you prefer 3 then, give examples of how 3 is superior in any way.

You stupid fucking faggot don't be a slave to the opinions of others, if you're too foolish to think for yourself then you're too stupid to post here.

FO3 is the objectively supior game because Liam Neeson is your father. Debate me.

why should I care about taking the effort to convince you? I enjoyed it more than NV during the first playthrough, that's all that matters.

having more things doesnt make a game better you assfaggot. I bet you're the same kind of autist who goes and gets the new sandbox rpg because it has the biggest map and most quests.

Fallout NV was a boring , dull, bland ,and lifeless imitator of 3. They thought by adding a whole bunch of stuff that didnt even matter they could make a better game but in all honesty NV is probably worse than 4.

The story has got to the one of the worst iv ever seen in any AAA games ever.

>hurr durr im super smart and a great inventor
>hurr durr i can stop nukes even though the Us government cant
>im gonna spend all my time and effort coming up with my master plan involving robots

Mr house has got to be the least intelligent "smart" person in any video game ever.

>Games you used to like until Sup Forums proved you wrong
Liking something isn't a matter of being right or wrong. You're just more concerned without how other people perceive you instead of how you actually feel.

You know what's weird, the additional guns felt like a fan made mod.

Maybe Mr house was some kind of autistic savant who was good at inventing but didnt understand people at all?

>in all honesty NV is probably worse than 4.
kys autist, nit picking the story which is still 100x better than going to rescue your dad

I enjoyed blobbing in EU4 until Sup Forums told me blobbing isn't fun and that I need to roleplay, which is "less intense blobbing".

>literal meme characters
>boring desert and they didnt even try to make it look interesting
>horrible graphics and the worst unresponsive movement in an AAA game
>side quests are only good for having more stuff
>plot-holes in the story which isnt special in the first place

yeah, you have many choices, thats a great rpg element there. almost everything else sucks. whether you like the game or not depends on how much these things bother you

Sup Forums doesn't hate sunshine. There are a ton of people who defend it and say that it and 64 are superior to the Galaxy games (which is true of course).

Right on my dude.

That reminds I should get oblivion and f3 for my laptop. Fallout 3 I did enjoy intensely, even a few years back. Any old machine can run that game and its worth playing through.

>Games you used to like until Sup Forums proved you wrong

You gotta stop falling for peer pressure mate, especially on a board that doesn't know what its talking about most of the time.

>literal meme characters
liberty prime and 3 dog are the biggest meme characters in the entire franchise.
>boring desert and they didnt even try to make it look interesting
and the brown green vomit of fo3 was better?
>horrible graphics and the worst unresponsive movement in an AAA game
again, exactly the same or better than fo3

as for the other two i cant believe you'd even suggest that fo3 has better writing than new vegas. that's obviously not true.


>tfw enjoyed the fuck out of fallout 3 on PS3
>play on PC with no mods
>still enjoy it

nigga i probably dumped more hours into the mon hun series than any other, and still i found his review of tri hilarious.

Liam Neeson says a total of 30 lines, and ultimately does nothing significant. His presence would have been better served by a cheaper actor who could be more involved with the story.

I couldn't even get into at a lunch. It just seemed so shitty and hald baked. And yet they managed to make it worse.

Well maybe you should try playing it again when you aren't eating lunch.

I love how people say this, but then completely disregard things like this

>oh boy, another fallout 3 versus new vegas thread

3 is mediocre, just barley better than complete shit. really don't see what people consider so attractive about horrid writing, one note characters, the half-assed skill system, and an incoherent goddamn mess of a world.

Theres a reason I said most of the time.

Yeah I should totally believe all the baited virgins who swear on Neptunia and generic waifu musous

Oh boy, an MSpaint comic by some assmad Sup Forumsirgin

There is no goddamn way in hell this isn't bait. I pray for you if it isn't.

I have the opposite problem, I can't ever get into the fallout games but I love TES

obsidian cuck detected. Go back to your tranny game.

>does nothing significant
>literally is the father of the protagonist
>creates water purification system to help the entire DC area
KYS shitter.

>Boring and Ugly
Have fun in your gray wastelands, I guess.

>it's a housefag in disguise as a b8 poster who makes an intentionally moronic post to make house look better

I see right through your facade, House, and I ain't buyin it. Caesar will hear about this, profligate.

>i cant refute anything you said
>il call it bait
>that means i won

As another user suggested the only thing that would make sense is if mr house is quite literally extremely autistic and cant into social interactions at all, which is why he trusts random shitters with very important parts of his plan when he LITERALLY has an entire robot army that can do it for him. The thing that finds you after you are shot is a robot, showing is right away that he could have simply sent it instead.

None. I'm a grown man who forms his own opinions and do not let the denizens of an anonymous basket weaving site get on my nerves


Must I say much more?

no mr house is quite LITERALLY the least intelligent person obsidian has ever written.

He spends decades cultivating a plan and then ultimtely decides to trusts a few random strangers who betray him when he had no need to.