Sup Forums i'm thinking of getting PSVR. Is it worth getting it now or should I wait until after E3?

Sup Forums i'm thinking of getting PSVR. Is it worth getting it now or should I wait until after E3?

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Do they still even make this? VR flopped so bad. Valve thought they could shit gold and then came steam machines and steam OS and steam link and steam controller and finally of course the vive - all of which have been massive and colossal failures. The PSVR outsold the Vive and turned out to be Sony's biggest flop ever. Even more of a flop than the Vita or the move (which they recycled for this). Don't buy it user. It's shit

It has been sold out for months. Didn't flop mate.
Id say you should wait until farpoint releases and then maybe get RE7 with it aswell.

It probably won't ever be worth it, the only good upcoming title looks like that dating sim(not the one that's already out, that one is shit).

VR generated like 4 billion or something last year, it's not a flop it just has a slow start because most people are going to wait for the next iterations that Valve said would come out before they launched the first one.

Wireless, 4k, new controllers, new base station, price cut, etc.

It actually flopped hard.

>It's been sold out for months.

Yea because Sony isn't restocking it. The reason behind that is anyone's guess.

i just used a psvr at a friend place for the first time this weekend and it's easily the nmost comfortable of all the VR headsets i've used.

It also works really well, the visuals on it might not be anywhere near as crisp as a vive with a monster rig but it's still an amazing experience

They just started restocking it.

>It actually flopped hard.
It didn't, the reports to the investors indicates that it sold well.
Not insanely fantastic but well.
Ontop of that it outsold oculus and vive by a long shot.

Flopping means that they stop supporting it. That hasn't happened yet.
On the contrary they have opened a new studio and have unannounced titles for it.

Maybe they can't meet demand.

>sold out
>outsold the vive and oculus rift combined
I dont think yall know what a failure is

It sold like ten times less than it was projected to sell.
>Ontop of that it outsold oculus and vive by a long shot.
How does that matter? Especially when software wise it was much worse.

I didn't say it failed.

>It actually flopped hard.

How many full games do you need for considering it worth your money? There currently are like 1 and a half games for it.

Why they didn't pay Bethesda to make a Skyrim Vr port is beyond me.

You can still play it on vive and oculus using screen vr or custom drivers.

>DOA VR comes out
>Japs queue for days for a lottery ticket that gives you a chance of buying one

You should wait two years, and then grab one used from the clearance bin for like $50 bucks.

For what the thing has going for it right now, 500 is fucking highway robbery, and there's no fucking way this thing is going to get more support than the Eyetoy or Playstation Move or Playstation 3D or any of the other billion add-on gimmicks Sony's had over the decades.
I garantee you, when this shit has run its course, there's going to be a grand total of three worthwhile games for it, if that.

>want PSVR for RE7, AC7 and Rez Infinite
>want a Vive for independent VR games/experiences and VR porn
wat do

Because it did.

Rigs dev were shut down, anyone who bought it has nothing to play, the games that game out with it aren't good, the most popular titles are heading to PC, and the vast majority of VR games on PC didn't get ported over.

You'd have to be a moron to consider this not a flop. It hasn't failed yet because it's only been a few months but it will.

Because console hardware is shit and couldn't run that game over 30fps.

It's a flop.

Buy the Nintendo Switch, available March 3rd.

>maybe get RE7
vr is a meme like all outlets played it without the headset

Wait to see if it gets proper support, it is phenomenonal though.

MFW i bought a shitty xbox one s when i could have gotten a PSVR

Sony never gave projections though... You're talking total crap

no, just wait. I have a rift and I never use it, there's nothing worth playing more than once.

There's no 3D SBS support for the record. In case you want to watch your own custom stuff.

Where did I say they did?

>All these people with their heads in the sand, saying it's a flop without any research.

I prefer PC VR but the PSVR wasn't that bad.

Not him but they did?

> it sold like ten times less than projected

SuperData isn't Sony.

Where do you see "Sony" in that sentence you fucking mong?

Nice argument.

That has nothing on Sony projections, they've never released that.

>Nice argument.
It is! Where's yours?

You've already addressed it nigger but since you have nothing you just shitpost.

Why would you care about anyone else's projections? Only sony knows what they want to support it further.

Do you know what it means when a product flops?