Other urls found in this thread:


>expecting me to act morally in an immoral environment

honor among thieves my ass

You're getting it for free and you're crying you fucking poor faggot

I started like ten minutes ago and I'm already at 15%
I don't even have good internet

No, you can pay for the game instead.

reminder that if you don't buy this game you have no right to complain about RE5 and 6

at least casual normies buy video games

Sorry, i gave it to your mom instead


Sent ;)

Haha get fucked pirate fags


If they need too increase the file size of games to make it take longer for pirates to steal games than I'll allow it.
I payed $50 for RE7 and you fucks need to as well.

>public trackers

My sides. Got it from GGn freeleech hours ago. Game sucks and looks like shit.

Why would I? I haven't seen a AAA title worth buying in a while. If they put those games on platforms other than steam, I might actually buy them but since they aren't, I'll pirate

>Why would I? I haven't seen a AAA title worth buying in a while.

Then don't play them you crybaby

No, I said they aren't worth buying. I didn't say they weren't worth trying



This game was actually worth buying. Enjoy sitting there for 3 days poorfag faggot.

I am downloading this piece of shit at 4.7MB/s

This game will be done by tomorrow.


Wrong answer.

The difference is you cannot experience a game again , it's a one and done type of deal

>Paying 50 buckaroos for a 9 hour game
The only one to blame is yourself

Free online in pirated games is complete shit and you know that.

he means we don't have to pay a monthly subscription, console baby.

>tfw buyfags will always stay good obedient cockwipes for corporations just so we can play for free
love you all, full homo

This. Delusuional piratefags...

Doesn't count

>console baby
I only play pc

I was talking about pirated online, and thats what HE'S talking about, retard.

I've nothing against buying games as long as it isn't a fucking ripoff - much like this one

A shame tha 50% of high budget games lanched are rip offs and unfinished garbage + plus horrible dlcs taken straight outta the final product.

I'd seed if I had a not shit upload

Torrent link where?

I'm upboating on rarbg @ 18 Mbit/sec

I'm getting video games for free and there's nothing you can do about it and the fact that you get so worked up over this just makes the experience that much better. You can sit here and cry about it on Sup Forums all day but I can play vidya with a full wallet and you can't. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take a product from big wig corporations for free and doing this is deed is the easiest goddamn thing. Go ahead, I'll wait.



Why are pirates often so dumb?

>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take a product from big wig corporations for free and doing this is deed is the easiest goddamn thing. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Because it's wrong. And the developers don't get money for their hard work.

How would you feel if at the end of the workday your boss said you don't get any money? You'd be pretty pissed too.

What if he wasn't going to buy it anyway

>it's wrong
kek, that's all? I don't give a fuck

>yfw buyfags gets salty

Holy shit the buyfag damage control here is absolutely glorious.

"Denuvo protects the product forever from pirates", then "for the first month which is all devs need". What are you gonna say now, "for the first five days"?

>begging poorfaggot tries to be smug and talk down to people that support you despite shitting yourself in anger a few days ago

Kill yourself immediately you entitled smug cunt. You fucks so goddamn pathetic

Shut the fuck up and give me a good reason you filthy buyfaggot.

>thought about buying this off g2a for $40 yesterday
>thread shows up just in time

that got cracked fast god damn, denu-vo is fucked

>begging poorfaggot
>shitting yourself in anger
all dat projecting tho :)

I did but you won't listen

>he actually got triggered over smug clemetine

>only takes around 10hrs to %100
who in gods name would pay that much for this?

stupid buyfags will

Also DENUVO literally makes it worse for the actual buyers too.

Always online and other stupid shit

>literally doing the exact thing as what you said

So is anime, TV and movies.

>ITT: Torrentniggers

Do people really care about "pirates"?
I pirate MOST of games I play. I play EU4 and CK2 all the time, I have easily a fuck ton of hours over years, but I pirated both, wouldn't buy them due to the excessive DLCs that should be in the base game.
Basically, every single PC game I pirate. Some I enjoy a lot but don't feel like buying it.
I bought RE7 for PS4 because I liked the game a lot. I can pirate RE7, but I prefer to buy it.

I don't understand this "buyfag vs pirates" mentality since I'm both.

>Doesn't count
I pirate single player and buy multiplayer

Gaming is the biggest scam in the world right now, I'm not wasting my money on this shit

>tfw you have steam family sharing
>your friend buys all these games
>get them for free when he's not playing


>muh uncrackable Derrrnuvo
>cracked within days
>all malware does is turn paying customers away

you can't make up this kind of donald dumbfian retardation...!

what provider do you use and indexer?

All those threads whining about RE7 being with Dev was just inside my head, huh?


JDownloader is your friend.

>4h to download 20GB

lmao kys 3rd world shitter


No thanks. Id rather not get a letter from my ISP.

Then he doesn't get to play. Simple logic, right?

>go out a buy a game
>turns out to be shit
>skeptical of all games now, spend money on games only after due diligence or when I have spare money I can live with possibly wasting
>earn higher respect for money and saving


>pirate all games
>instant gratification for things I want
>this feeling builds up each time, to the point that waiting over an hour is unbearable and must make shitpost threads and bash the game I'm desperate to play in the meantime
>have no concept of wasted money, no need for money, no need to work or acquire savings
>buy katanas and fedoras en masse because I don't know what pointless purchasing really is

Really makes you want to shoot paki scum that can't afford $50 on a game.

>y-you're not listening

I heard you loud and clear, sponge, and I don't give a salty fuck if I'm taking money from multi billion dollar companies who like to fuck their paying customers over on a regular basis and get away with it.

>Because it's wrong. And the developers don't get money for their hard work.

>How would you feel if at the end of the workday your boss said you don't get any money? You'd be pretty pissed too.

That's fucking bullshit and you know it, no employee is getting wage cuts because of pirates, there would be huge problems if that's the case because the aforementioned multi billion fucking dollar companies claiming that they can't pay their employees because of pirates is shit coming straight out of your dirty mouth.

Give me a good reason or just say you don't have one because there is no reason to get mad at pirates. Your silence, claiming troll, or asking why I'm so mad will be equivalent to the latter option. I'm all ears you punk bitch.

Dude, im at 70% and i started less than 1 hour ago
And i live in a eastern europe shithole

Get a better net connection, since people are seeding just fine

>i hate pirates because they don't appreciate pissing away money on shit games like I do

*bzzt* Wrong.
Thanks for playing but you kinda suck at this.

In all honesty tho 60 bucks is too much for 6-8 hours. I would pay 35 or so.

>can't read
It says the file is 4 hours old. It's taking them 31 minutes to download it.

Almost 4000 leechers



>mfw I ALWAYS pirate before buy
>mfw 3ds and ds full of roms
>mfw every emulator possible with tons of jrpgs and other games
>mfw nearly any good game on steam I have pirated for free

>mfw there are literal moralfags/buyfags who will get triggered by this post

>date shit girl
>know what bad qualities are
>avoid in the future

>date shit girl
>date shit girl
>date shit girl
>drag on society
>die alone

I don't hate pirates, I just pity them. I can't imagine a more depressing life than being driven to insanity because you have to wait an hour for something.

Thanks user. Is this legit or just gay porn, not that Im complaining.


Who is begging for what mah dude?

should have went with food analogy, kiddo
those always work wonders

It's priced too high, and I paid the $90 version. But I loved the story in the game. Not sad I picked it up. I'll buy ever RE game, since I haven't bought any other game since RE6.

As a matter of fact, sir, I actually pity buyfags because they're wasting their money on shit video games and they also come up with some of the most unconvincing and contrived reasons and analogies for why pirating games is bad.

Absolutely legit, my dear mate

The company isn't losing anything if you pirate anime and manga not sold in your region.

Music sales come mainly from the day 1 purchases or money gotten by streaming.

Programs and apps get their money from major companies using their software not individual users.

Game piracy is blatent theft.

>eat hotpocket
>shit my pants
>don't eat hotpockets

>eat hotpocket
>shit my pants
>sit in my shit
>eat hotpocket
>shit in my pants
>stand up to let shit cake break off my ass and chair
>stand next to microwave and cry as 1 minute ticks down, feeling every second until my next hotpocket as if it's a lifetime
>pull out hotpocket after 10 seconds
>eat it cold
>get sick
>start thread on Sup Forums on how hotpocket quality is now shit

How do Americans get away with torrenting, do you use vpn?

downloading on my server from GGn right now. I could upload all the parts onto transfer.sh if enough anons in this thread care for it

WHY YOU RETARD i buy games and i have to download them too it took me 40 hours to download infinite warfare

how is $50 bucks on a game you like "wasting money"?

inb4 bitcoin miners everywhere

If its your favourite franchise then its another story. Cheers on your purchase mate.

>hey! you're stealing a $60 product from a multi billion dollar corporation that constantly alienates it's own fanbase!

Yup, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it pussy.

>And the developers don't get money for their hard work.
Are you 5 years old you animu faggot? Developers get payed in advance to even start the project. They are payed fully when they finish the game. What comes after decides if the publisher will want to fund a sequel.

You're fucking retarded.

>Pirated version forces makes the first major boss impossible to kill.

Piratefags BTFO

Because you could've gotten it for free.

It is, but I bought an xbone simply because RE was coming to it. So I wasted money in a different manner. I try to justify it because I needed a bluray player, and this cut down my electronics to just a tv and xbone (pretty true). I would've bought the game at $120, so I'm pretty blind to what I should be doing. It's just a happy coincidence that the game turned out good.

>all these plebs vs my 55-megabytes-per-second download

>that constantly alienates it's own fanbase!

>Fanbase doesn't know what they want or even understand the series half of the time

Because I get to play it for free and spend $50 on something else. :^) Try and stop me, oh wait, you can't do jack shit aside from crying about how this fact triggers you so much on intrawebs.

is there any reason why Sup Forums suddenly "cares" about the game when it becomes piratable? you guys were talking so much shit about how awful it is for the past week

Are you being retarded on purpose