For Honor thread
post your
>thoughts on the beta
no pk orochi or nobu shitters allowed
For Honor thread
post your
>thoughts on the beta
no pk orochi or nobu shitters allowed
Knights are cheese dick pussies that couldn't spell honor, even if The Queen ordered them to.
Vikings are brain-dead mouthbreathers that only have to press a single button to win.
Samurai actually take skill.
The game is bad and will be dead a month after launch.
These are objective facts.
Conquerer and Warden
>thoughts on the beta
fun as fuck
Try and play a berserker and then say that again
>muh three hit combo is hard
Vikings everyone.
I like it, I played nothing but Peacekeeper.
I don't know why people get so angry at Peacekeeper, she doesn't win all the time.
>opponents' faces when charging and trying to corner my noobushi doesn't work
it was pretty good
hope they balanced the valkyrie since the tech test
Because fighting one isn't really hard but it's a chore it's not fun
Plus the damage over time shit is fucking annoying
well as a Peacekeeper I sure enjoy never getting any hits in to shieldfags and getting grabbed all the time by pervert fatsos
all the classes in the game are annoying and you should try to be patient and not tilt to anything
>Knights (DEUS VULT)
>really enjoyed it, gonna wait for more feedback once the game is out to buy though.
I agree with your spoiler
>Samurai take skill
The only true respectable Samurai is Kensei.
>muh spam muh overhead unblockable
fucking assholes, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
*grabs you*
I don't even play Kensei but
>not just dodging or parrying
I've actually never tried parrying it, just dodging
>playing some of the beta
>getting nearly 100% wins 2v2 with my bro
>mfw warden? that just combos attack into throw into attack into throw.
>only way to break it seems semi-reliable and even if you do you don't get a punish just a reset.
This. Kensei was my fucking shit during the beta.
I'd make webms of the clips I took but no idea how to webm
If you can't parry unblockables then you should stop playing
I parry most normal heavy swings, just really not used to fighting these fat classes with unblockables
>pretty good, wish they had more of the content from the last test
Gimme your top 5 classes, r8 and h8 others.
Parrying a Kensei unblockable is always great beacuse 90% of the time you catch them completely off guard and they can't adjust. Most either expect you to dodge or take it.
>"Nobu shitters"
>he got fucked by Nobushi's superior footsies and bleed
Go back to SFV, cuck.
>Conqueror and Warlord
>really good, needs better servers
8/10, honorable Kensei/Conq bro.
Kensei lel
Extremely disappointing, game stops being fun after a couple of hours. 90% of people you fight can't parry and send you love letters after you thrash them by parrying ("cheating"), too many people spam as Peacekeeper and Nobushi and act all indignant when they don't win because, again, they can't parry and kick off when you do it to them. Which is hilarious. Apart from all this noob fuckery the game can't possibly have enough content to be worth full price, the campaign will be multiplayer with bots, for all intents and purposes.
are there any other games that let me play as something like kensei?
I don't know what it is but samurai nigga with a huge ass sword just tickles my vidya boner perfectly
>Play literally only Warden from beginning to end.
>Lose to every Warden I fight.
>Play 2v2's with friends
>Teams are randomized every round.
>12 hours of Warden play so far.
>My team is the losing team every single round
>Begin actually thinking about suicide.
>Ridiculously good friend starts going easy on me.
>Feel slighted.
>3 more hours of Warden play without him
>Think I've finally figured out the only character I've played.
>Get off work to challenge him.
>Beta is done.
>PK vs PK
>I'm bleeding out
>she runs away
>to a cliff
>I sprint and manage to dunk her before dying and win
cheeky win
nigga warden is like top fast counter and zone attack only
Fucking same here. Dude's got such fucking swagger too.
>Holds his sword on his shoulder
>fucking saunters over to his opponent when walking
>armor has that nice ass gold trim
Kensei is clearly the most baller class.
this is really a fun game, but how many people exactly are looking for this kind of game?
if they released it maybe two years ago before Overwatch or all those other multiplayer shooters came out, maybe it'd do well. but right now, I'm not sure how well it will do given the many other games people are already playing.
It's basically a simplified fighting game, it could do well.
I played waifu-Nobushi class primarily. Won a good amount of matches, probably around 90% with my friend.
Something I think Ubisoft needs to tweak is the 2 v 2. It kind of sucks if you play alone and you have to suffer for your teammate dying and then it becoming 2 v 1.
I think Ubisoft should add a gate in the middle that you have to hold circle/whatever the interact button is on other systems to open.
That way you cant make it 2 v 1 while running away from your opponent and getting a cheap shot because the gate will take a few seconds to open up, meaning you can get hit if your opponent is still alive, nor can you immediately go to team up with your teammate as you have to spend maybe 3-5 seconds to open the gate
Other than that... game is alright
Fucking amazing because this battle system feels like what I wanted Souls to actually be, instead heavy and methodical became dexfagging. Feels good when holding point as a conqueror, sometimes you can win a 4v1 when they're really stupid and they keep feeding your block revenge.
That kinda makes 2v2 pointless, just linked 1v1s.
>Nobushi and Orochi
>Not taking a masterful amount of knowledge about the combo system, parrying, and positioning to truly succeed with
>Kensei being anything but the retard class for people that will only complain about Nobushi and Orochi dying too easily
For Honor defenders really are self-absorbed idiots.
>Muh class is hard
>Muh class is good
>muh class gets free throws AND free stamina
>I'm good at fighters
>p2p mm is fine, just get better internet, poorfag
>1v1 will be enough to carry the game
>Jewbysoft isn't planning to rip us off you guys! the planned DLC is going to be worth the price!
>cliff cheesing is totally fine as it is, just position yourself better :^)
>guard break interrupts and feints work totally fine, you just need to git gud noob
And so on.
I played warden and peacekeeper, didn't really manage to get good, miss parries all the time and stuff. Had a lot of fun though, and I plan to buy the game asap.
Also, should I try to parry, or just dodge as a peacekeeper?
Deus vult my brothers
Beta killed my hype for the game stone cold. The entire lock on thing mixed with shitty hack and slash on trash mobs just flat out blows.
You guys realise you can cancel kenseis overhead combo finisher into an almost instant unblockable left or right heavy, right?
It's doomed to fail. P2P matchmaking will assure that.
If you couldn't tell from this beta that P2P MM was a retarded fucking idea, and only exists because of console peasantry, then you don't know much about gaming at all.
I'm excited and hope this does well. Really looking for some game to play on ps4 that isn't madden or rocket league.
they need to streamline the 1v1 dueling into one big lobby where people can watch other people fight while waiting for their turn.
like I've never played Jedi Knight MP but I think that's how that worked
all the other game modes are ass anyway
yo a tournament mode would be fucking neato
kinda reminds me of the mount and blade arena tournaments
not hard to play it
hard to not suck dick with it, it's just a weak class
>weeb hates the game and likes ez mode Samurai
Surprise surprise.
How to spot a shill:
>makes vague, yet praising comment about the game
>mentions specific console they intend to focus marketing on
>mentions games on the console that aren't direct competition
>fucks up by mentioning games that aren't very popular on said console
Go tell your paymasters that you deserve a demotion.
>nobushi/orochi shitter is so fucking autistic that he can't even take note of his surroundings so he dies constantly in hilarious ways
Every time I face a nobushi that just constantly tries zoning and repeatedly pushes themselves into walls I just laugh hysterically inside. Same with orochi who rely on the backwards dodge anime slice maneuver. You're gonna get bumrushed and stunned or thrown off a fucking cliff, every time I see this.
Orochi isn't op anymore faggots. You cant block and party at the same time anymore w/o doing some crazy shit w your hands. It's a good class to counter faggots who play too aggressive and use the same combos over and over
are they going to change (read: nerf) that hold and stab move? like holy shit bye bye 40% of your health in one move.
Sounds to me like you just need to practice his dodges and parries more.
Every single Viking class can utterly dominant every other opponent with only a minor amount of practice.
What? Just browsing Sup Forums. Those are the only games I find enjoyable and can play for any amount of time. Bloodborne is a close third.
7/10 or 9/10 completely dependent on how you play conqueror
for me it's
>warden (they're just too fucking good)
You obviously didn't try any of them if you think Orochi and Nobushi are easy to win with against a competent opponent.
You stink of mouth-breathing Viking.
What was your strat against conquerors
>my double distance throws means I'm good at exploiting positioning and other people are just bad
Viking players are so fucking retarded it's laughable.
I bet you think Raider is an underpowered class too.
I think they shouldn't
without it peacekeeper has nothing
I dont get why they call the warrior castes by some generic sounding fantasy shit. Just refer to the Vikings as Danes/Nords, Knights as French/English and Samurai as Japs.
I just cant get a battleboner when the game doesnt acknowledge my unholy beatdown of some retarded Frenchie or Japcuck.
that again
>The shill will then try to cover his tracks by claiming, "I'm just browsing."
>In rarer situations, they'll do some research on what system they're trying to corner
Shoulda just left after you were called out, shill.
Turn down your tribalism a notch user
Let them hang out at their cliff until they finally got bored.
cool man, you got me
Did you even watch the opening cinematic?
what if the knights were asian and the samurai were english in their world
Feels really bare bones for a full priced game. 1v1 and 2v2 is fun but 4v4 is fucking garbage.
there's another 4v4 mode that's just deathmatch, not sure why it wasn't in the beta since it was in the technical test before
Game was a refreshing change of pace at least. Had fun but still not sure it's worth 60 dollars.
I'm good at exploiting positioning because I don't let people throw me off ledges or into environmental hazards because I don't mindlessly strafe toward them, you fucking slant.
And no, while /vg/ thinks raider is underpowered I'm fairly certain it's one of the strongest in the game in the right hands. Makes faggots like you cry rivers, doesn't it?
Not sure how another 4v4 mode can justify the full price. And since I haven't played that I can't comment but this demo was really a let down for me. If it is 20 dollars, I would get it. Not at full price.
I plan on giving all the classes a try, but I'm especially excited for Nobushi and Peacekeeper.
>muh women in combat
>muh realism
>muh only fags play female characters
Preemptively fuck off
oh fuck no one extra mode doesn't justify it, just saying it's there
I think the game's worth probably around 40 bucks since they're going to release like 6 extra characters. Hopefully they put in at least double the amount of maps in as well.
dominion just sucks though
where is the reddit of unwritten rules for this game like Dark Souls has, i need a giggle.
Then what's the point of playing as any of these historical warriors if not to satiate your patriotic desire to dominate other cultures? A warrior needs to stand under the flag of his nation, without it, they are just rogues and drifters.
Dominion is unfun bullshit. I have been putting matches into 1v1 but I am not sure I can play it long enough. We will see. 100% not a full price purchase for me.
It's a fantasy world without real world countries you fuck
because the game isnt set in the real world homo.
The nations are literally Vikings Knights Samurai.
Yes. It has some fantasy bullsht and something about spatial displacement or some shit I dont care.
Nobushi has low stamina that runs out and low health.
>WAH I played against one and lost and got banned
>wahh bleed is stupid
>faggots afraid do do anything but 1v1 duels
grow balls and come back from a 1v4, now that is real fun fags
literally no one cares that they're women
>played nothing but Peacekeeper for 6 hours before beta ended
I almost feel bad about not trying the other classes but I just had a lot of fun anyway
1 v anything more than 2 is unfun bullshit unless you dump all your stats into revenge.
Are you new around here?
Yes, because I've stated that Vikings are overpowered garbage for literally braindead retards, that must mean that people who play the other factions are automatically bad.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Jewbysoft knows that the most trashy yet impulsive players are going to roll Viking and therefore made them the easiest to win with.
>tfw getting away with le friendly windmill for the whole beta
Are there even any underpowered classes and why is Conqueror one of them?
you are
to For Honor threads
nobo complaints: poison
peacemaker complaints: typical assassin archtype shenanigans
That's fucking bullshit. Goddammit. Then why use these warriors if they're not going to represent their countries at all? That's like making a game about the Navy Seals and not set in America. Fuck this revisionist garbage. I always really wanted to kill a Frenchie as a Viking.
Not all players. Just you.
If playercounts and the map ingame were any indication, all the impulsive shitters were running Samurai, specifically nobushi/orochi. Keep digging that hole deeper.
If you can't be assed to learn why the lore is the way it is, then why do you feel the need to complain about it?
I thought the beta was pretty cool but I dunno if I want to put $80 CAD on the game. At the same time I worry if I wait to pick it up for cheaper it's going to have a pretty small playerbase.
I must have fallen asleep in history class when they went over that time Samurai fought European Knights, fuck me
is this bait
this reads like Sup Forums fanfic
look man, vikings are unga as fuck but they're not OP by any means
Man are you edgy user. Glad you're here to make such triabalistic thoughts sound so dumb
Samurai would ge their shit wrecked or adapt some knight killer weapons/martial art
how many bongs left for the beta?
Work on that reading comprehension friendo.
Impulsive implies you're going to be throwing money at the cash shop to make your Viking 'da biggest and da baddest' because you've been fooled into thinking you're good at the game, when in reality, you're playing the starter faction.
The Eternal French-Canadian knows this, and is wringing his poutine stained hands in anticipation of those Viqueen Sigils.