V-video games were always expensi-
V-video games were always expensi-
from this to overpriced gimmick
fuck wii
oh look its this thread again how about fuck off
Yea wish they would learn from this with the switch. It sounds a bit crazy but if they included mario kart with the switch or fucking Zelda then I'm certain the switch would sell like nuts, regardless of artificial scarcity
The gamecube was not $99 when it first released you fairy.
out with you nintendo cuck
Go ahead and keep plugging your ears and shouting you spoon fed idiot
And yet Nintendo is confused why the wii u didn't sell well when they practically never dropped it's price through its whole lifespan
This isn't a problem exclusive to the switch
>sell like shit
>shittt we need to low the price
>Super Game Boy with Guide
>with Guide
Why did they feel the need to put that on there?
>This isn't a problem exclusive to the switch
Member when the average price for a PC game was $39.99? I member.
>15 bucks for a controller
It didn't start out at that price you fucking moron.
i get the feeling this is a b8 thread we should leave op to post with himself instead of taking part in this shit
you okay? Dumb frogposter
Remember when games had a fraction of the budget and expectations as they do today, the economy wasnt in the shitter, people had more spending money to use on entertainment, and you were 5 years old? I member too
Putting out a new product is a better way to maintain brand value than to firesale your product.
ever see a 100 dollar console after 2 years of release m8?
Economy was better back then, money was worth more. And likely R&D/expenses/overhead wasnt that fucking crazy compared to now.
Dont be a fucking shithead OP
Actually, I was in my twenties. I'm 41, Hoss.
Even prior to that there were some HUGE releases that were solid as can be, one example would be Wing Commander 2, or Ultima 7.
hey guys is everyone excited for skyrim for the nintendo switch
i sure am
Doesn't fucking matter
The gamecube launched at $199
>What is inflation?
>What is price drops?
>What is not being a faggot?
'adjusted for inflation, those $70 games are like $90 these days
Congrats you're retarded
Gamecube was $199
Wii was $249
Barely any more expensive than GC
Wireless was a mistake.
p-please help increase awareness of skyrim for switch
my life depends on it
Dude youre ancient history
Youre just jaded and done with video games at this point. Play the classics you grew up with now and then and find other hobbies. Reminder that youre talking to a bunch of high schoolers and early 20s fuckheads. Im one of those fuckheads at 21 and even im getting bored of games. I picked up biking for fun plus exercise, am slowly learning the piano and a synthesizer i got for cheap years ago. Want to learn how to cook but i fucking hate doing work in the kitchen and prefer just biking to a restaurant or some shit kek
>What is inflation : The Thread
Hey look, it's this thread again.
>14.99 controller
What a fucking world
>Mario Kart Double Dash inside a limited edition steel lunch box, wow!!
>Entire two pages of sports games
>Priced 70-95
>Shaq Fu is 33
I don't know why that's so funny
The price drop didn't do shit for Gamecube sales. Nobody wanted it even at $99 with Mario Kart packed in.
>implying the GameCube wasn't $200 until 2005
>$60 for games in the early 90s
I'm so sorry mom.
To be fair, the Wii made it literally obsolete and Wii Sports/Fit was the new hotness.
maybe if they didn't spend hundreds of millions on marketing then they wouldn't have such high budgets
Now adjust for inflation
1996 was 21 years ago.
Actually, I find myself gaming less and less, not because I dislike gaming but rather I have run through all the gaming tropes so many times before. Everything is a rehash and little seems to be original (to me). I would love to pick up different hobbies but life has thrown me a a few curve balls severely limiting my money.
I really want to go shooting more often and pick up hunting, but that's expensive plus I now live in WI so its fucking cold. :(
Maybe I will start brewing beer again.
They dropped the price to $99 in 2003. Now you know why Nintendo didn't slash the price of the Wii U when it flopped. Might as well make some money off the few people willing to buy your failed product.
Thanks for that little bit of nostalgia
And $199 in 2001 is $277 in 2016.
I played the FUCK out of Tekken 2 in the day, it was a barracks favorite.
Seeing that image with Tekken and Wipeout on there brings back good memories.
Man, so much SNES nostalgia. That system was the best
Wasn't the PS2 $250?
ff7 was $110 when it came out in aus
yeah, i remember paying fucking seventy for N64 games
>all those sports games
Jesus Christ, thank god I went with Super Nintendo as a kid
>that feel when there was a time you could get a SNES with one of it's best games for under $150
>even with inflation that price is great today
Genesis had god tier sports game, my dude.
Question. would you pay 69.99 if micro transactions all had to be free?
well tbqh those prices aren't inflation adjusted
15 dollars would be how much? 30?
And also they are like 10 times simpler than the pro controllers from today
That's a big reason why the PS1 won. PS1 games were $40 to $50. The Greatest Hits games were even cheaper.
N64 games? $70, sometimes more. I remember seeing some N64 game with the expansion pak going for $90.
>realistic graphics
100 dollars for a game and a console?
I have fun playing games i grew up with, like mario galaxy, resident evil 4/5, mario kart, custom robo, sonic unleashed, halo 3, no more heroes etc along with older games i got around to playing thanks to recommendations. But the new stuff so far just hasnt stuck with me. Shooting and hunting sounds great but not something i can really do in CA as you can imagine. Hobbies dont need to expensive to be fun m8, im a neet and have plenty of shit to keep me entertained. I love my bike and synthesizer
Obviously, it's only $10 more.
>implying not realistic graphics
old consoles get pretty cheap
once when i was a teenager with an x360 i visited the used game store and discovered they had a deal to get a ps2 console + three games for the same price as a single xbox game
i had a lot of fun in ps2 mgs3
Which means nothing
>paying 70 dollars in the fucking 1990s for a N64 game
Yes. Video games were actually more expensive back in the day.
>even with inflation, the controller is cheaper to buy than one today.
Can't argue about the games' price, though.
>PC gaming
>Durr what is inflation
What is the number of software sales not even being comparable to what it was back in the days?
It is equivalent to a console costing $277 today. The Switch is going to cost $299. A difference of $22, practically nothing.
>what is inflation
>prices of things go up but the amount of money people make doesn't
Gotta love it. What a shit show this is.