So What's the Verdict, Sup Forums? Will you consider getting it at launch, wait till its on sale or not getting it at all?
Other urls found in this thread:
>dueling friend who I've played with the entire beta
>5th round, both of us low on health and both of us aware it was gonna be the last duel because beta was about to end and we are not buying the game
Had a lot of fun this weekend boys. For those of you buying the game, I wish you good luck. We won't be seeing each other.
I thought it was really fun, but not $60 fun
I don't know if ubishit does that many sales like steam does but if it goes on sale I'll probably pick it up sometime
I hope they don't go full jew with the dlc though considering one of the buying options has a season pass
I don't know. I did enjoy the beta alot, but it feels like it's got the overwatch glamor which kinda stops being attractive after a month of playing...
Just pre-ordered the game. It was a great experience.
It's ok, 7/10. Going to wait a couple months to see if they add servers and maybe get it on sale if the player base isn't dead.
too expensive and buggy, waiting for a sale
I'm a poorfag who loves Souls so it was gonna be this or Nioh. Knowing Ubisoft, this game is gonna end up being like $100 with expansions and shit plus I don't expect the community to last long. Choosing Nioh instead.
Looks fun though
No offense but, you sound like a marketeer.
All future updates are free. Just like Siege. Free maps and classes.
is this Kino?
>Join 1v1
>Press square
>Press square + direction
>Buying a Ubisoft game.
>Giving your money to us Canuckistanians.
Why would you donate your money to the Syrians, user?
>posted this the second the last thread died
kensei is neato
also post webms
>fails 2 deflects in a row, just activates vengeance instead
Whoever that youtuber is, he is pretty bad.
I'm sold on the game, but I'm only buying it if they have dedicated servers and not P2P shit.
Noobs don't know how to counter
>I press square when you press square
>You obviously don't do anything else because you're shit
Not a marketeer. Just liked the game, but Sup Forums will say otherwise.
Extremely hopeful for the potential of this game. Dueling is a lot of fun, only downside for me was Dominion. Given the game has many more maps than available in the beta and more characters (besides the ones that were not available in the beta for balance reasons), I'll definitely buy.
I've played so much of the beta that the only reason I'd have to get it on release is if more content was to come.
I like the game, but I don't like it for $60
Concidering buying it, but I'm not sure since I'm afraid I'll get bored too quickly.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't had a shitload of fun though.
>You obviously don't do anything else because you're shit
Not him but teching in this game is made for babies. You are used to teching shit as it comes to you, but in this game you need to do it after you've actually eaten the grab, which is completely counter instinctive.
Who thought "hey, let's not make the tech be on reaction, let's make it so you have to actually eat the grab for 2 years, and then tech instead"?
I enjoyed it and I'm not a poorfag, so probably. Ubisofts been listening to the feedback from the previous alphas and using it pretty well, so hopefully it'll be a decent product at launch.
>peer-to-peer pvp
>no cheat detection
>ubisoft support for their own titles goes down the shitter after the first year, completely abandoned in year two
I would strongly recommend to wait.
They don't usually do huge price drops, but their new games drop to $40 during sales quite often
Preordering. Game is great, surprised there's no latency issues.
>2v1 victory
>Tie breaker round
>Embarrassing Nobushi scum
I'm a little disappointed that the 4v4 mode is just domination.
serious question? why do people still buy ubisoft games?
they take forever to develop, and are always glitchy messes with reused assets
I'd get it on sale if I wasn't convinced that it'll be belly up in 3-4 months.
40 seems ok for me to be honest. I think that's what I spent on seige during the christmas sale.
never heard of Ubisoft until Rainbow 6: Siege came along desu
This kensei was pretty good and he must have played a lot since he was prestiged and everything.
Too bad he decided, for some reason, to spam heavy attacks when he thought I was too far away to react/do anything.
That was pretty much my last beta duel.
>forever to develop
you dont buy it before it's done?
>always glitchy
havent encountered one yet
>reused assets
literally actually unironically who cares at all
>People buying this for duels.
Don't even bother; the game was literally not designed or balanced for pure 1v1'ing with every class.
Yea, for a beta and for a Ubisoft game it was surprisingly stable. Cautiously optimistic.
Any word on what the full game is going to have that the beta didn't aside from the other 3 classes?
Not getting it, looks like dogshit and the paid marketers are getting annoying. Where's Mordhau guy when you need him?
I'm hopeful too user, I wasn't even aware of this game until a friend told me about it friday. Had a blast especially during 2v2s, dominion is fun for what it is, and all the characters have their advantages and disadvantages. Personally I ran the conquerer all weekend since I love flails and I already found my main. Didn't try all the classes but I think I'll be getting it so I can give them all a fair chance. Much fun was had
have you ever played an ass creed game? glitches every 10 minutes
Recent games from them have improved in quality. I think someone important at Ubisoft got his ass in gear after the embarrassment that was Unity.
it's about a month until people figure out how to rock-paper-scissors, otherwise every class has a good chance at being 99% successful
Great game
yeah played every single one available to PC all the way through. maybe I'm just an ubisoft fanboy but the occasional NPC walking through another NPC or a bench floating in the air doesn't bother me enough to list it as a reason not to buy a game.
Wait, player progress is being reset?
Totally buying it. This is the most fun game I've played this year. After decent games like The Division and Watchdogs 2, I thought Ubisoft was done innovating, but I'm glad I was wrong. This game plays like heaven. Deep, complex, smooth combat, in maps that require great strategy and teamwork. Honestly the best Ubisoft game this year. I already pre-ordered the game and Season Pass.
I think he was trying to bait you into trying to punish his feinted JINJOU NI SHOBU
but you didn't fall for it so you fucked him, noice
why the fuck wouldn't it?
>giving people who got arbitrarily chosen for a beta a headstart
hopefully they continue with their free updates trend after how well siege did. that game wasn't very good at launch but is now stable and healthy.
honest question to smart anons: any good reasons for picking a peer-to-peer infrastructure over a dedicated server? Maybe there are reasons I am simply unknowledgable about, because it seems very odd that they are pushing a completely new IP which probably cost a fucking fortune, only to slap the laziest online infrastructure on it.
shill thread
reported :)
I had a lot of fun, but Ubisoft games tend to lose playerbase within a month or so. I'll wait and see if it has staying power, and hopefully a price drop.
Three factions isn't worth 60 bucks. I would at least need two more.
I honestly love this game, It makes me angry but I know it's just my fault for being a shitter.
I'll get this game but at the moment the cheapest I've seen it go for is about 40 €urodosh, not sure if that's too much for me, but 59,99 definitely is
it's cheaper on the developer's end
Great game. Pre-ordered cuz me and my 3 bros are gonna get it. I hope it gets lots of DLC so it has a long life span. I can see myself playing this game for years.
Man I wish people would drop falseflagging and console wars and could just actually be decent.
Glad you asked. I actually just came back from pre-ordering the Collector's Edition for PS4 at Gamestop.
>environment kills
>peer 2 peer in 2017
It's trash.
Liked the graphics, surprised by the optimization and loved the animations. That's all.
I couldn't find the mindless multiplayer fun that I got with The Division in this game. I also doubt it's going to be alive for a long time, so $10 is the best I would pay for it.
and what about future soldier? I've played a lot of games, and that might possibly be ranked as the #1 worst game I've ever played
That guy is incredibly shit
>Game is actually fun
I wonder how Ubisoft will fuck this up.
nah haven't played that one but i don't doubt it. didn't really care for HAWX either
Just pre-ordered the Collector's. Fun game, hope a lot of my Sup Forums bros get it so we can faction together against the evil Leddit and NintenGAF.
>samurai players
>skilled fighters
>fight 1 on 1
>gives you time to get ready
>doesn't throw you off ledges
>doesn't spam emotes when they win
>knight/viking players
>usually low skill
>always fights 2 on 1 when they can
>rushes in and attacks immediately
>does nothing but attempt grabs when near ledges to throw you off
>spams emotes when they win
Game will be forgotten about and abandoned within 2 months, guaranteed.
Ubisoft is not going to fix the problems, and everyone knows it.
How long do you guys think they will add microtransactions? How long can ubisoft last before they do that?
Don't be retarded about your positioning.
If you're like that Orochi from tomorrow who would rush the center of the map and conveniently place herself in front of spikes while I'm fucking Raider, you bet your ass I'm shoving her into it.
That I agree.
Do you play with kb+m or controller?
>complaining about ring-outs in a fighting game
Confirmed scrub
you can see the mouse in the triangle-shield hud thing
It's actually SHOUBU, my fellow weebfriend.
I'll shutup now.
This is why alot of people play cancerous assassins like peacekeeper and orochi.
They bring a gun to the rock paper scissors game with their retarded dodgeparry dodgestab mechanic. Those who spam heavy are even more annoying to me because I keep expecting them to dart around.
>mfw the correct way to play peacekeeper is the least honorable way you can fight in this game (stab & run & w8 for bleed to end & repeat)
Watch it become warframe.
I am not smart.
>he thinks i play ubisoft games of all things
>Any good reasons for picking a peer-to-peer infrastructure over a dedicated server?
1: Ubisoft is so down the toilet that they are under threat of their company being devoured by Vivendi; basically they can't afford it.
2: They know the game will be a failure so they don't bother with the investment in a dedicated server for a game that will be the next Evolve.
>over minimum specs
>game warning "You are under minimum specs"
>60 solid fps
>Extreme settings!
ive enjoyed what i played, im not a huge Pvp fan in general but i had fun even if i was total shit. I doubt ill ever get it but if its alive lots of content and on sale i might be willing to throw some money that way. already have uplay for other reasons
I played with kb+m the entire beta, I tried playing with my ds4 a bit and didn't like it at all
>Start game up
>"You are under minimum specs!" right as the Nvidia logo shows up
It's because I'm using AMD isn't it.
>playing dominion with 3 conquerors on the other team
>off screen shield charges everywhere
Not him but P2P is the biggest one
I only got to play 40 minutes on PS4 earlier. Tried the Samurai and the assassin samurai, didnt click at all and lost hard
Then I played Conqueror with that bitching flail and I won every match I had up to the beta's closure. Conqueror is insanely fun.
What's really sad is that almost nobody knew how to do it. Peacekeepers shouldn't be an issue for most people if everyone actually watched the advanced tutorial video.
>Read the requirement
>I'm actually right under minimum requirement
>Decide fuck it I got the beta for free I'll give a shot
>Game warn me about spec
>Also warn me about unsupported driver
>[worried laughter]
>Game run absolutely perfectly at high setting with a few at mid
Really can't help it with Peacekeeper, or assassin's in general; they are designed to play dirty and to pick fights where they are clearly advantageous. It is the same reason they have the highest run speed, they can chase after people who think they can escape from them or run away from a bad confrontation with ease.
Not him but I barely noticed any connection problems in the whole time I played.
I will get it dirt cheap only to be reminded how much of a dissapointment it is.
>his duel win ratio isnt 100%
Actually bad
1050ti. one notch technically above. was hitting over 100 at high. their settings are bullshit
Literally every game has microtransactions now, get fucking over it or quit gaming.
I don't get all the posts about P2P. I've only had 1 laggy game and 1 connection timeout prematch in 4 days.
I'm convinced anyone who complains about it isn't in the beta.
I assume poison is dirty so what is dirty about Orochi? Dodging?