Final Fantasy 7

What made Final Fantasy 7 such an influential game that it is still talked about 20 years later? What makes this game so special that it is consistently heralded as one of the greatest of all time?

I've never touched the Final Fantasy series, and I hate turn based controls, yet every time I hear murmurs about this game I can't help but feel intrigued. What's the big deal?

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You had to be there.

Why don't you just play it? Fuck.
Do ff9 too man, you're too young to be here anyways it would seem.

I'm 20, the only japanese games I played when I was a kid were Pokemon and Ape Escape

you can't post on this board until you've beaten 100+ japanese game, it's the rules.

damn, does pachinko count?

Literally the first JRPG for the vast majority of people within a certain age group. It's practically the Evangelion of JRPGs: iconic as fuck, but hasn't aged as well as the fanchildren would make you believe.

Only if you work at konami

Literally cutscenes. Cutscenes and flashy prerendered CG were what did it.

This. That's not to say it isn't a great game, but this nonetheless.

Honestly? Cut-scenes.

It was the first big mainstream jrpg in the west.

>first 3D final fantasy
>first final fantasy on a non Nintendo console
>CD based storage for a bigger game and 3 discs
>first final fantasy to incorporate sci-fi elements
>amazing soundtrack
>amazing atmosphere
>shit ton of side activities
>deep and confusing plot
>interesting characters

It's just an amazing game. Yeah, I'm a fanboy. I played this as a kid and I couldn't wait to get home from school to carry on. I've never felt so attached to a video game since.

It's an extremely solid JRPG with memorable characters and a memorable story and some of the franchise's best music.

People in this thread will try to be under cut it but don't listen. It has the reputation it does for a reason.

That's what a lot of people here like to blurt out, but I recently played it for the first time myself. I fucking loved it. Literally the graphics were the only thing that didn't age well.

So.. I should play it?

My only experience with turn based are Mother and Pokemon, I feel like I'd be a little out of my depth. What's the best way to play it? I'm assuming I shouldn't touch the steam release with a 10ft pole.

>What made Final Fantasy 7 such an influential game that it is still talked about 20 years later? What makes this game so special that it is consistently heralded as one of the greatest of all time?

Final Fantasy VII is up there with Alone in the Dark, Doom and GTA 3 for most incredible technical leap ever.

Up until 1997, pretty much every console RPG was 2D Dragon Warrior. Moving around in 4 cardinal directions. Remember how blown away you were with the jump from FF1 to FF2(4)? FF6 to 7 was even more amazing than that.

Smooth in-game cinematic camera angles? Multiple planes? Multiple directions? HOLY SHIT I was just controlling my character and it went seamlessly into a FMV cutscene where I jumped onto a train as a magi-tek reactor blew up. This was all mindblowing at the time especially considering it was just 3 years after FF6 and the only Playstation RPG up until that point was Beyond the Beyond.

That said, the entire plot fell apart as soon as you left Midgar, the blocky, untextured 3D graphics and cumbersome menu-driven combat have aged horribly, and Square learned all the wrong lessons from FF7's success, basically condemming the whole JRPG genre to an evolutionary dead-end.

>first final fantasy to incorporate sci-fi elements


And even so, it's really only the low poly characters that didn't age well. Characters look good in battle and the pre-rendered backgrounds still look really nice, if a bit low rez.

You should play it.

FF7 didn't become my favorite FF until I replayed.

Yeah some things have aged, but it's a fucking good game, and you can tell they put a lot of heart into it.

Even if you don't really get final fantasy, this was many people's first final fantasy (or JRPG in general) so it's pretty accessible. The translations are pretty corny and interesting at times. Too bad the other FF7 related shit that was released misunderstood everything from the original game and just made Cloud emo.

Is Final Fantasy 7 Cyberpunk?

Great advice!

t. someone who wasted money on this laughably overrated 3/10 shit

You are so full of shit, stop pretending you know what you're talking about

It fell apart after Midgar up until the Temple of the Ancients. After that the game was good again. The filler stuff between there was pretty much garbage, except arguably Cosmo Canyon.

arguably yes, parts of it certainly are.

In Midgar it was.

After Midgar, not so much.

Then again I guess that was to emphasize the environmentalist themes.

Agree on the later iterations of cloud. I mean, he was always a bit aloof and fucked in the head, but he had other characteristics too. Moments of bravado, wise cracking, etc.

It more or less sparked the second coming of the JRPG. It is to the 3D JRPGs what DQ was to 2D JRPGs.

>most incredible technical leap ever
It just uses pre rendered backgrounds. An extremely common technique in the 90´s.

I miss pre-rendered backgrounds.
When I saw the new Abe, I was sad.

For me, it's the way the story is told. It flows well, keeps you moving constantly and it has moments where the game transitions very well from cutscene/event into gameplay. Often at the start of the game, characters would run off and I'd stand there for a second before realising I could be moving again. It's extremely well "filmed".

The gameplay is the worst of any FF up to that point other than FF1 and is very shallow compared with 3, 4, 5 and 6 and I'd say probably shallower than 2's as well. It also tosses minigames at you all over the place which you need to win to progress.

>prerendered backgrounds
nigga you're talking about going from ~6MB to 1.8GB of content, particle effects, wild fucking 3d summons, airships that move in every direction/axis, a full 3d world.

square invested millions into SGI workstations for this game. it was a huge technical leap in every conceivable way.

inb4 >polygon


I know that it was the most expensive game of its age. Except of the amount of CG videos used its not different from teh countless other jrpg´s with pre rendered backgrounds on the psx.

I was there back then. No one played it for the graphics (the shitty blocky character models were not very impressive. Resident Evil was released a year earlier). The main draw was the setting. There wasnt anything like it. It was mostly fantasy stuff.

I was merely addressing the claim that it wasn't an incredible technical leap - it really was.

in what way is it shallow? I prefer 5's job system but I thought the materia system was great (and wished it explored combinations more other than just support materia). The bosses also posed a decent difficulty for a first-playthrough.

Playing it for the first time right now.

It's fucking good mate. 2nd disc right now.