But will it be any good?
But will it be any good?
It won't be funded so it's a moot fucking point.
Well they've certainly chosen an interesting direction for it. An RPG-Horror Vietnam game sounds like an awesome concept if they manage to retain the atmosphere.
Apocalypse Now is a disjointed museum of a film. It's like a day at Disneyland where you go through different sections of the theme park, rather than a cohesive story detailing the growing disillusionment of America with the Vietnam War and the descent into madness that the book it's loosely based on handles so much better.
A game might be fun though
>surfing levels
sign me the fuck up
Is that a bad thing?
No because we already got the superior game based on the movie.
Who here /made the mistake of sitting through Apocalypse Now Redux/?
I can easily handle Tarkovsky films but that dreck was just boring as fuck. Shame it's the standard version now.
It causes it to have a great imbalance between different segments and their role in the film. It's trying to have it's cake and eat it too. One half of the film is trying to make a "look how fucked up Vietnam was" while the stuff with Kurtz has to take a backseat and you just want them to get back in the boat, and then when they finally find Kurtz, it's a fucking snoozefest. Some interesting stuff happens there but it's broken up by non sequitur distractions.
We need a vietnam game of any kind. That potential CoD Vietnam leak / fake got my hipes up.
>what is Black Ops
black ops happened though
video games based on movies suck. the 1 exception was spider man 2 based on the tobi spider man 2 movie with doc oc
jfc what kind of mcpleb do you have to be to prefer spec ops the line to hod
But Spec Ops was shit and so was it's "message."
it's the kind of game you play for a couple hours and then get bored. Did anyone ACTUALLY play through the story missions and enjoy it?
For you
Get Kojima on it, he'll fucking love it.
We already got it, it's called mgs3.
Call the Bogdanoff bros.