Are you ready for The Godfather of video games, Sup Forums?

Are you ready for The Godfather of video games, Sup Forums?

H-how many Praxis are there that she has to kill "every last one of them"?

Jak 1 is the worst of the trilogy, so fucking repetitive and draining although that's what you get with Mario 64 clones.

>Are you ready for The Godfather of video games

We already got it over a decade ago.


Good luck faggot I'm behind 7 praxis.


Never understood why people treat TLOU like it's the best game ever. I mean, I like it. I think it's a solid 8/10 honestly. But 8/10 is just an 8/10.

Last of Us was the Citizen Kane of vidya
LoU2 will be The Godfather

What will be LoU3?

Suicide Squad

The storytelling reminds them like its a TV show. Which isn't a bad thing for sure, but its very alluring for normies.

There are a million other games that do that though.

>People unironically like TLoU

>Naughty Dog hasn't made a good game in 15 years

Really makes you think.

Any examples? I can only remember that Siren game on PS3 but that was awful. Fatal Frame 5 also did it but it was a mediocre game, nothing special. I don't count american VNs like Walking Dead and stuff.

because it IS the best game ever! anyone who doesn't like TLOU isn't a true gamer!

It's not a bad game. Impressive visuals and storytelling but there isn't much impressive about the actual gameplay.

Except no? I can't think of that many games with similar TV vibe TLoU had going.

If I make a shitty movie with the best soundtrack ever made, should I get praised for making a good movie and get awards?



yeah nah

>Best Original Score
>Best Original Song
>Best Sound Editing
>Best Sound Mixing

i mean, yeah

criminally underrated post

>promoting underage homosexuality
this is just sad to be honest

No, you missunderstand me.
I did not ask if you can't get recxognition for making a good OST to a shitty movie, but if having a good OST makes a shitty movie good.

You can get indivdual credit for each part, but no matter how good the OST of Revolution 60 were, the game is still shitty as fuck because it failed to deliver the main aprt or pretty much the only thing asked to a videogame: being fun and have good gameplay.

>Underage homosexuality in western games

>Underage homosexuality in Japanese games

Never change Sup Forums

Look some vidya awards shows. Gameplay and fun it's not a priority anymore

Next naughty dog game after tlou2 is the 2001 of video games.

I wish it was

>Underage homosexuality in western games
>Nice and progressive. I hope someone can use this to get through any rough patches in their life

>Underage homosexuality in Japanese games

>Underage homosexuality in Porn games
>All gaming news outlets give it straight 10/10
>"The perfect video game"
>"I came 58 times in the time i played this game"

well how good a game is is the sum of it's parts.
If a game has good visuals good story and a good ost, but meh gameplay, then the game is still pretty good.
Saying that gameplay is the most important thing in a game is like saying that cinematography is the most important thing in a movie. It's very important, sure, but you can still have a good movie with cinematography that isn't amazing.

If the soundtrack was that good, the movie would still be worth a watch, assuming that the soundtrack relies on visual context (which it should, otherwise it hardly classifies as a soundtrack).

TLOU's gameplay isn't horribly offensive, at worst its like 4/10, and the other elements being very good elevate the whole experience to about 7-9/10

Jak II is the worst one. All the issues of a Mario 64 clone, but with an excessively large hub where every next mission is on the opposite end of the map.

>That pic
Is he still drawing comics? I miss Mortadelo & Filemon.

The bits where Jak II is a 3D platformer are its strongest moments. It's everything else that sucks.

>F.Ibañez in Sup Forums

I never tough I'd see the day

There are still Mortadelo & Filemón comics, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't been drawing seriously in years. Might be wrong, though

Holy shit, he is 80 years old and still kicking.

cause it uses story/cinematics more effectively than 99% of western games

the gameplay is really shallow but it excels at story telling

He will die soon. Probably before 2020

What happened to Ellie? She used to be kinda cute/hot depending on how horny you are.


>This strip was made about nine years before 9-11

Cheap TV-grade drama happened to her.


man, american standards really are low
these comics are bottom of the barrel trash here in Belgium
come on, just look at that artstyle


you,re so dumb. you,ve never seen anyone use "," as a contractor, have you? I can,t believe it.

>Valid opinion

I think a mid-to-late 2018 release is pretty reasonable.

Not even a real country

It's well known that France and Belgium make gr8 comics m8

Mortadelo and filemon is god tier senpai.

>Underage homosexuality in western games
>so progressive white male tears stick it to em naughty dog

>Underage homosexuality in Japanese games
>fucking pedophiles godamn weeabo virgins fucking creeps this is disgusting

At least two. Baron Praxis and his daughter.

It's an M rated games. Kids shouldn't be playing it to begin with but lesbians are already a millenial trend

Kill yourself. No, really. Not being able to enjoy M&F should be punished.