ITT: oh yeah that was a thing

ITT: oh yeah that was a thing

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What the hell is that thing?

Gamecube with a DVD player

That looks fucking amazing. Where do I get one?

Through a quick google search you're basically shit out of luck finding one that still works for less then ~1.5k. I guess these things are actually huge pieces of shit.

>$550 for a Japanese DVD player

ye but you can play melee on it

At least the shipping is free. ;_;


Decent port all things considered

Is it competitively recognized melee..?

Remember when Arino got his own game?

Ouya was never a thing.



what the hell is the bottom piece for?

A store near me had one of these for $800. Looked interesting, but I already have a toaster.


>game player

Is it at least a good DVD player?


>doesn't support progressive scan

I'm glad I never bought one of those. I was half tempted to, but thankfully my cousin got one and we found out how terrible it was.

Didn't look any better on the DSLite.

Nintendos failed attempt to make the 64 a more powerful machine/relevant.


didn't the developers use some sorcery to fit these onto the carts?

A special Game Boy Player for the Panasonic Q (SH-GB10-H) was released because the Q's legs are oriented differently from the original GameCube's.

And people love it.


>Brand: Sega
>Platform: Dreamcast

Wait a minite.....

Me in the middle



What's on top of the 64? Never seen that attachment

Hahaha I forgot all about that. Honestly thought it looked cool back in the day

What about this fucker that I wasted $200 on.







It looked ugly AF but I always wanted one.

who the fuck thought this was a good idea ?


I had the first few episodes of DBGT



I want the underage to leave

Where can I get one?

mediocre until you get to the shitty jrpg game then it's ruined

I'm probably older than you and I want you to leave fAGGOT

At least the sequel is pretty good

>23 is underage
>implying kids gave a shit about extra processing power in '96

>tfw I actually had that and might still have it somewhere at my parents house

>Non-BC fat



I remember some controversy over some TF2 tournament to win one of those things by playing with one of them. Apparently some guy had some script to counter the recoil the thing generated in game and everyone was losing their shit over it.


Lurk moar

From what I can find it was only sold in the UK.

I wish Africa would make video games because if they're anything like their games they would be the greatest things ever.

anyone have the full vid? and their games would be some motral combaf ripoff man

>ouya that was a thing
And the sequel

23 is underage for a lot of us.

And yes, we all shit our pants with the Diac Drive and Expansion Pak back then.

They just compressed it heavily

>tfw I had one of these
It was shit

what the fuck? you can literally see the website printed on the bottom of the sticky "cracked screen" area

how you can know the difference?


PSX was an actual released piece of hardware, and not simply the PS1.

You posted this in the last thread, and I'm going to give you the same response.

Fuck you, steel battalion was awesome, when is mecha going to come back to gaming.

PSPgo did nothing wrong.

Wtf are you talking about

Genuinely one of the best things I've ever owned.

Australians probably

top kek

It's so "entire library cost less than the add-on"


I remember how a lot magazines said that this was going to be the Game Boy killer.

Played Deus Ex Human Revolution on their service for $1 like 6 years ago. Was well worth it and streaming games was cool as shit

Looks uncomfortable as hell to hold
is it?

>All this underaged b&

You fuckers don't even know.

it's a fake wiimote sticking to the TV screen.

To it's credit thought, it did try to be a dedicated mobile gaming phone before smartphones where a thing.

Holy shit that logo
>Autistic screeching

still dont see it

That must've sold DOZENS

Holy shit. YEARS of speculation in gaming magazines.


Now that is fucking ricer

I had one. Never used to play much more than Game Boy games.

R-r-remember me, g-guys?


>Implying 550 is a lot for a collector's item

1 of 6500

wonder how much its worth now