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Yup, that's Avellone > Lucas
You know a video game developer has fucked up when they make cinematic trailers that rivals the actual cinema, yet the actual game is inferior to what they were releasing ten years ago.
>tfw no Atris romance
>tfw no Brianna / femXile romance
Just let me die already, T3
>>tfw no Brianna / femXile romance
We're here to suffer, alright, user.
The worst thing is femExilexBrianna makes complete sense, as does femExile/Visas and femExile/Atris, but the doesn't even get her as a companion... which is bullshit, because Handmiaden is both the best companion and first best girl
Is getting TSLRCM through Steam Workshop good enough or is it better to use the standalone installer?
it works fine but using steam workshop might conflict with mods from other sources
pretty much all the movies except the first sucks
I just bought this on sale, I haven't played it since the original release. What are some of the must have mods to make this game feel less aged/more complete? I know there some mod that restores sith content or something. Anything else I should get?
But the first sucks the worst from the original trilogy
>here's a cool weapon
>here's a cool ideology
>now don't use them, just defeat the bad guys through super generic ways of stealth and blowing their base up
Vanilla with TSLRCM is fine. Just stay away from the droid planet mod
yeah, no. it's called star wars for a reason, and space battles were a big part of the OT. by ideology I assume you mean the force, which he does use when piloting. ROTJ is easily the worst in the OT.
Kotor 3, it's pretty much obligatory after you've played it unmodded.
>My wife died in childbirth... or something.
> ROTJ is easily the worst in the OT
It gets way too much shit because of muh ewoks. It has some of the best scenes in the entire franchise towards the end.
ewoks ruined it
Death Star 2 was still bullshit, though
>Just stay away from the droid planet mod
Was pretty excited to play it for the first time. Jesus christ how boring, so many fucking enemies and stupid fetch quests.
>it gets way too much shit because most of the movie sucks
>it has a cool 10 minutes scene though so it's k
Yeah it is the worst.
yeah, wholesale rehashing that plus the ewoks killed the movie. Which I why I laugh when people say phantom menace ruined star wars. apparently they missed rotj.
In what ways is ROTJ better than the original and Empire.
ROTJ isn't great but Phantom Menace is much, much worse m8
It gives payoff to Yoda's bitching from Empire about how Luke is still too emotional. The duel with Vader and everything after it is also gr8.
Empire is still best and I feel like ROTJ suffers from being mostly filler hard, but it's pretty damn great as a closure to the whole thing
Can you actually explain how does any of that make any sense?
Or are you just salty that Jedi Jesus gets the best deal from the game?
Pretty funny how bioware totally ruined the KOTOR games with TOR.
>Can you actually explain how does any of that make any sense?
None of those characters' connection to the Exile have the Exile's gender as an important factor (the Handmaiden does a little, but it's mostly a reflection of Atris' feelings towards you) - especially when you consider that Handmaiden originally wasn't going to be gender-exclusive, but alignment-exclusive with Visas in a similar way to Mira and Hanharr.
In fact, the game still implies that Atris - at least partly - fell in love with a female Exile the same as she did a male one (''she loved you... as one loves a champion'), she's just not as openly thirsty about it. Visas' connection to the Exile stems from how unique you are in the Force, from when she first felt/saw you, and ultimately how you treat her when she joins your party, and the Handmaiden's feelings for you are a combination of a reflection of Atris' tsundere feelings, her torn feelings about her parents' 'betrayal'/love for each other, and her incredible desire to learn about the Force from you. Personally, I don't see how the Exile's gender makes much of a difference in any of that, but do you think it wouldn't work somehow?
>Or are you just salty that Jedi Jesus gets the best deal from the game?
Not really, since I always play Jedi Jesus - I'm just salty that the game had a perfect justification for including at least one cute yuri romance and still missed out.
holy crap that was amazing
what went wrong?
Bioware doesn't make those. That's Blur.
Not exactly 40 years because this exists.
But before that, yes, correct.
movie sucked
Nice try, Shill
Movie was good, desu
More focus on the ruling Empire is always good
With the exception of K2SO and the OT characters added for fan wank, the cast was forgettable as fuck.
>the cancer that killed kyle katarn
fuck this shit
Ben Mendelsohn was good as the villain, and I think it did a good job of portraying the internal frictions within the Empire - beset by retards and power-hungry faggots at every turn.
Could've used more flashback scenes to Coruscant/interactions with a younger Galen, though.
> kotr 2
> obsidian
> good game
Quick, name me all the main characters from Rogue One.
Pretty sure the modders cobbled together everything that wasn't the actual planet
think it would have been fine, if it wasn't so fucking long too. I hit it at the stage nothing is a challenge and it was such a slog to go through, fuck knows what a lower level character would be like.
I prefer the Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series over Kotor, but Kotor is still one of the best Star Wars related media.
it was worse than force awakens
Jyn Erso
bazinga bot
jackie chan
Something Endor
Heavy Weapons Chink
Muslim guy
Director John Daggett
Darth Vader
Don't forget half-asleep extremist man
yes to all of this
Haven't played Kotor but I wouldn't bet to say it is worse than R1 even though I loved that film.
>Haven't played Kotor
any reason why? Any PC can run it now a days and if you love Star Wars enough to enjoy R1 you'll love this series
You are now hearing the best piece of music in the entire SW franchise, manually:
Dunno, a combination of many things like that I am not as much into that era as the prequel or OT era and time (which I spend shitposting on this chinese cartoon forum amongst other shit) , I also have a load of SW vidya to play like Bounty Hunter, the old Clone Wars videogame or Jedi Academy (last one mostly attracts me for Movie Battles .
>better than OT
>Quick, name me all the main characters from The Dirty Dozen
Shit argument.
What's the dirty dozen?
Not even better than the prequels
>people played the exile as something other than jedi jesus
Karpyshyn go home
Worth it once, so you can see that Disciple isn't as bad a character as he's made out to be and for the different interactions with a few characters - Atris, Kreia, Mira, Sion and Atton. Only once, though.
Friendly reminder that Visceral is working on a Star Wars action RPG
>last game was hardline
Yall ready for the remake of the first one?
>Kotor2 with restoration patch
>republic commando
> jedi outcast
> force unleashed
The rest are just forgettable or trash.
>EaW and Battlefront is not in the list
And force unleashed is.
lol no
KOTOR1 > KOTOR2 btw.
>force unleashed
First one was better.
But that's wrong. Star Wars is a setting built on the mashing together of pulpy genres and tropes into a more creative and enjoyable whole. Generic space empire fighting generic space under dogs is pointless, especially when the bland as fuck cast and plot can't carry it.
The only enjoyable parts in the movie were when Vader was being a big stupid space wizard on planet Morder, making bad puns and scaring the shit out of generic space soldiers.
force unleashed is shit, republic commando was a good story held back by console-gameplay and jedi academy belongs on there for the multiplayer
Empire at War isn't even good with mods
Battlefront was forgettable shit
Force unleashed is decent. I can see why people would dislike it but people give it more shit than it deserves. Fuck TFU II tho
Boy and I thought I had seen enough people with shit tier tastes in this board.
Mucha shaka paka
If you defend Force Unleashed, Republic Commando's gameplay, Empire at War or Battlefront you're literally babby tier and don't know shit about video games.
Each of those games is simplistic as shit and completely unengaging to play and only autistic spazzes like them because they are star wars chash ins (except RepCom, but again, holy fuck that story did not deserve such a horrible gameplay tied to it.)
>obsidian will never write another star wars game
Just kill me
>Empire at War isn't even good with mods
Battlefront was forgettable shit
But that's straight up wrong so long as Thrawn's Revenge exists.
>Battlefront was forgettable shit
Never mind. Shitposting.
The edge.
>RC gameplay was horrible
>But holy shit dat story
I seriously want to know how your fucking head works to get to that nonsensical conclusion.
>Not wanting to go back to onderon in glorious first person.
>you're slow as fuck, every enemy has a shitton of health, 4 weapons, regenerating health, every situation has one optimal tactical approach, linear levels, melee button, low enemy variety
unusual perspective in the sw universe, well done atmosphere, plot gives a nice backdrop for the levels but doesn't waste your time. level, visual and sound design are good
>Never mind. Shitposting.
>liking battlefield-clones
you need to be 18 to post here, you know
>But that's straight up wrong so long as Thrawn's Revenge exists.
so how does Thrawns Revenge fix the completely 1-dimensional gameplay?
Project is canned thanks to EA.
>First person
Force awakens was worse than phantom menace.