
until now i've been silent on all the fucking games that have gone to pc that were prior Sony exclusives but fuck that
i won't be silent anymore, this shit HAS to stop NOW

why can't PC get their own fucking games/??

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I love console exclusivity as much as the next guy, but we just have to come to terms with the fact that the console market isnt what it used to be. Consoles in the near future will be lite PCs that you can upgrade and in the far future, consoles will no longer be a thing and will be seen as an out dated concept

>consoles will no longer be a thing and will be seen as an out dated concept

go to hell fucking pc fat

Nice fantasy world you have there!

Pc gaming has been dying for a long time.

i think you take this a little too seriously

>this has to stop

jou ma se poes reik soos vis

I see.

It's kind of funny how long time Sony exclusive series are now coming to PC since the console market is getting smaller every generation.
Atelier,Nier,Tekken,Tales of and many more to come there's no end in sight of this stopping since the PC market doesn't get smaller it only get's bigger unlike consoles.

fuck off i bought a ps4 because i was under the impression that games like nier 2 danganronpa 3 and ni no kuni 2 would be SONY exclusives but now trhis bull shit happens fuck it

>ni no kuni 2 pc port

Then you're an idiot who deserves everything you get.

Sony does not seem to share your sentiments

no bully, I love consoles and hardly ever touch my PC these days. I even love my Wii U and it wouldn't be possible without exclusives, but PCs are just becoming more inticing platforms to port/develope games for. Whether or not it's a good platform is another matter, but it has a large install base that's growing exponentially and it allows developers to push their games to their full potential. And other times, they'll just release a lazy port to make some buck off the PC userbase

>not Ni no KunII

way to drop the ball

> sdwinlding developer support, no noteworthy pc exclusives games coming out on the horizon /games being developed specifically for pc anymore
> Gone are the PC glory days of Far Cry and Half-Life

>gets a few ports of console games

> "PC is winning, console is dying!"

Dat logic !

i bet you're an xbot piece of shit mad bnecause Sony keeps wining??? SONY SONY SONY

*dwindling developer support

It's just hard cold facts look at the numbers shitposter-kun.

>implying the xbone didn't somehow manage to be even more embarrassing than the PS4

I honestly don't know how they did it.

nothing is stopping you from playing these games on the PS4 if that is what you prefer

Before you reply, remember where you are.

You made this exact thread yesterday

thats not the fucking point retard, they promised i would be the only one playing it togetrher with my sony bros

oh i see this is bait

sure thing buddy lol

What makes you think video games are owned by game platforms?
>I love console exclusivity as much as the next guy
What do you get out of it

Really, you didn't realize until just now?

>doesn't like to see his team winning

>playing on console ports because no pc exclusives
> raising your wife's ex's child and not having any of your own
> cuck life

>He thinks a corporation run by a bunch of old Japanese men that see him as nothing more than another walking wallet is "his team"

fuck off pc fuck