What's your opinion on Super Robot Wars Sup Forums?
What's your opinion on Super Robot Wars Sup Forums?
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I never took the time to get into this series, unfortunately.[/spoilers]
I like the OG series ones, probably my favorite srpg's. Not a huge fan of the mainline ones though, the robots/pilots have wildly differing aesthetics and look weird fighting together.
Are these from GBA?
Originally, yes. Last year they started releasing versions on the ps4 that had english subtitles. Bad english subtitles, but understandable nonetheless.
Fun SRPGs with gorgeous sprite animation and moderate difficulty if you go after optional objectives. The newer mainline entries are looking pretty shitty with the low budget tier tweening though. The most recent titles also have Asia releases that include english subtitles.
>the robots/pilots have wildly differing aesthetics and look weird fighting together.
Well that is the main appeal. OG games are the ones all about story and gameplay first (and fanservice of course), mainline ones are just enormous fanservice games where you get to play with all your favorite toys. It's the JRPG equivalent of teaming up your Batman and Power Ranger toys to defeat your sister's evil stuffed bear army. That's precisely why the average /m/ user adores them, every year you get to see your favorite shows all team up and have fanficiton adventures.
Played one (emulated) on SNES on our imac back in the day. Everything was in Japanese so i had to learn what each thing meant. Then i got to some level where you had to stop a giant sea monster and couldnt progress.
I'm the opposite, I prefer the mainline games over the OG ones.
Because I love seeing all the crossover events that the developers make, and seeing the different characters interact with one another.
RIP excellen
So which game will be good for start?
We still do not have OG that henshins into a mech rather than piloting one.
If you're completely new to the series, i'd say go download the 2 translated GBA games and try them out in order. If you like them, find some plot summaries for OGG and 2ndOG and try out the ps4 OG Moon Dwellers.
Great animations, amazing fanservice especially if you lived in one of those european country that knows all his 80 super robot show like the bible
But once you are done screaming "ROCKETTO PANCHHH" and "GETTTAAAA BIIIMMMUUU" all that's left is a really slow paced SRPG where you fight horde and horde of boring mook and occasionally scream at the screen when an attack with 95% probability to hit still miss
> attack with 95% probability to hit still miss
Got used to this, just finished XCOM.
And what animus would you recommend to get into the mood?
OG1 for the GBA still pretty decent so long as you don't mind the really dated animations. OG2's a much better game although the english translation's a bit iffy here and there. Alpha Gaiden for the PS1's really great and translated entirely in english and you can probably emulate it without too much trouble, but it's hard. J's also entirely in English but it's a bit of grinding slogfest, and the story isn't much cop even if the animations are fantastic. OG: Endless Frontier is a DS spin-off JRPG where you can time your button presses to do more damage, a bit like the Paper Mario games. The PS4 OG game has english subtitles like other people have said but they're not very accurate. At all. Still a great gamr though.
If the language barrier doesn't bother you then try OG Saga for the PS2, it's a complete remake of OG1 and 2 with new animations, story, stages, units and voice acting. Also try Z for the PS2, which is still more or less considered the last truly great game in the franchise. For more hanhelds, SRW W is fucking fantastic and UX for the 3DS is also pretty good, even if the animations for the latter can feel a bit stiff.
Thanks man, you're helping a lot.
Forgot to menion the two PS3 OG games are also pretty good, though Dark Prison is pretty short. The timeline goes OG 1 and 2/OG Saga < OG Gaiden < SRW OG 2nd < OG Dark Prison < OG Moon Dwellers, the newest one that came out for the PS3 and the PS4.
All the mainline games are either standlaones or sequels to said standalones, OG games are the only ones with a continuing storyline.
>which is still more or less considered the last truly great game in the franchise
Z2 wasn't that bad except for being split into 2 parts. It had sexy Votoms, Macross Frontier, Gundam 00, Gundam Wing TV, and one of the finest incarnations of Nu Gundam animated.
Whoops, wrong webm.
I'm playing OG1 right now and so far I'm liking the charcters and the music.
Is it worth taking down every single unit on each mission for battle masteries? I just finished chapter 18 (Ryusei rute), but the game has started to throw literal tanks with tons oh hp at me and it's getting a little tedious to destroy all of them, especially since normal mechs seem to take plenty of damage from anything if you don't use spirit points, I had to give up and go for the objective after taking down the Kurogane and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
>Is it worth taking down every single unit on each mission for battle masteries?
Yeah. Switches difficulty to hard, more exp, more pilot points, more challenge.
Battle masteries determine whether you get the true ending, and are required for a couple of the secrets. Killing big tanky units also tends to give a lot of xp, and you can easily level up units coupling that with the spirit 'cheer'.
If you don't care about that, then feel free to bypass them. The game isn't truly hard, especially if you're abusing the SRX.
Still waiting for the translation patch for SRW @.
Worst part?
Nobody saw that coming.
Actually they knew her VA had breast cancer, but her death was way too sudden.
and to think the mobage would not stop with the wierd ass entries after Godzilla and Shin Chan
but I was wrong:
I'm waiting for them to put one of the Sentai robos in.
They might as well.
Not enough games translated
I'd buy a mainline SRW game if it had Godzilla in it, just saying
That would be very interesting to watch.
Though some enemies in the series, like the Invaders from Getter Robo Armageddon, would require Godzilla to get some new powers to fight them.
That, or make all the Kaijus in the Godzilla series immune to Invader assimilation.
Though it would be fun to see Big G and company wrecking stuff in the series and being a spammer in the works for some villains (Fucking Ribbons would lose it if Godzilla shot down Memento Mori...while said weapon just shot at Big G and the latter simply countered it at the same time with its own atomic breathe)
No mention of Moon Dwellers ?
>see image
>"wait whats wrong with adding shu and granzon"
>look at video
japan was a mistake
>>"wait whats wrong with adding shu and granzon"
different artist for X-Omega.
but of the 3 MK characters in X-Omega Shu got it easy. Masaki and Lune looked like they got younger
Fuck you, Kisaragi is great. The only bad thing about this is that these series will never see the light on a real SRW game, I want Albegas and Majestic Prince goddammit.
>no imber
wtf bamco
best mech.
that's because it was already in.
Xenoglossia already got in for a limited time.
Gotta admit I ended up liking them much more than expected
also X-Omega X-Mas event
All I can say for certain is that Jesus was fucking great and so was Moon Dwellers. I intend to play the Z games someday but it's a little disheartening knowing I won't know what's going on.
My Lancer's been sick lately, but I can't tell what's wrong with him. Does he have a cold or something?
He's wearing a garter belt and thigh highs on the outside of his pants, user.
>Jesus was fucking great
he came down with a case of severe nanbu envy
Same thing.
I really wish 2nd got a translation patch at some point, considering the entire script was translated recently
Just finished chapter 19, was there a trick to take down the warp fields? Because it took me ages to destroy the Valsion and all I had left was the cyburst, grungust and a fighter jet. I don't think I would have made it if I had attempted to take on the Granzon as well.
energy takers/drainers
and sometimes you need to use Fury to bypass the block for draining weapon.
and some stronger weapons have barrier bypass
also this thing will fuck you first time over
I forgot one thing, did you see those weird tiles next to the Valsion and Granzon?
Debuffs in general are really useful against bosses.Reducing their hit% and evade%, and especially energy reducers against energy shields/warp fields make them a lot easier. Try to keep a mech or two with some debuff weapons for bosses, and make sure those mecha have Strike (or however the one that gives you 100% hit is called) and Evade if you can.
If everything else fails, just load Latooni in a max-dodge fighter and play bait for them, that girl ca't be hit.
He's expressing himself
He expresses himself by screaming BEOWOOORF, not by failing at crossdressing.
whatever animus are featured in the game.
Animations, music and characters are all cool as fuck. I also know Moon so I could play all of them but sadly I just can't into SRPGs. Also, some of the games have stages that are dull as fuck or enemies that have a sea of HP.
If only they were regular RPGs or something.
I think so, you mean those Energy tanks right? I placed the Grungust on top of it and spammed it's strongest attacks on the boss.
Latooni was piloting Ryusei's old metch (the Wildraubtier), Garnet was pretty much a lifesaver for this mission since the Valsion kept attacking her and she dodged everything.
Was Kira ever supposed to get good in J? He wasn't as bad as the playing card Gundams, but there never seemed like a point in fielding him when I had Bellzelute and Tekkaman.
>Captcha trying to brainwash me
>I think so, you mean those Energy tanks right? I placed the Grungust on top of it and spammed it's strongest attacks on the boss.
yeah, those terrain slots give HP and EN regen. Sometimes smart terrain placement can mean the difference between winning and losing.
That's what I meant, I didn't use Garnet but don't dismiss jets, since they're size SS they have massive +hit and +dodge bonuses, especially against big enemies. Also, they usually have around 10 spare space and can fit an energy taker.
Alright, a quick tutorial on how to git gud. Note this only works for OG1 and 2, OGs and on nerfed this into oblivion.
First, make sure you take Rai and a unit that has 'support lv2'. Garnet is a good choice for this. Next, equip both of their mechs with energy taker/drainer weapons. Fly up to a boss you want to kill and arrange it so that rai and garnet are next to each other. Have rai cast focus and fury to bypass any protections the target has, and target it with the energy taker. Have garnet support with her energy taker. Do this for 2 turns and the target will have no energy. At that point have all the rest of your units spam their attacks on the now mostly helpless target. For the attacks, again make sure all your pilots with support are next to someone that's attacking so you get more damage per turn.
I'm annoyed because even though I specifically have an "alert me when this is on sale" on Play-Asia for Moon Dwellers, they only ever notify me when other things are on sale.
Seriously. They clog my in-box with shit about Figmas for shit I don't care about, but not a single email for the Christmas sale.
Still no Transformers.
This. They're awesome in that they provide the single most amazing crossover ever but the games themselves are only decent and overstay their welcome a lot.
But the fucking hype, man...
Transformers is a western series.
It's like complaining about the lack of Megas.
The games have enough licensing issues as it is, juggling a million valuable Japanese IPs at once.