What games let me be a mercenary?

What games let me be a mercenary?

Other urls found in this thread:


Peace Walker, MGSV



Fire Emblem

Mount and Blade

Devil may cry

Jagged Alliance 2, the game is dated as fuck though.

Battle Brothers.

Mother 3, against the final boss in particular

Far Cry 2

>Battle Brothers
fuck that game man, had my gangster crew sent into the swamp to deal with an orc clan and all the fuckers did was spam berserkers and shit from 360 degrees

lost my hedge knight and 2 of my 3 og members, spear line did fuck all to stop the green niggers from advancing

7.62 Hard Life


he said game as in video games you faggit

>its an orc fighting episode

What games let me be a Landsknecht?

Best answer ITT

Mercenaries 2.

Mountain Glades

Uhm,,, that man have no head??



Came here to post this. You're a good man.

Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War

MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries

>No FPS game about being a headless Thompson Gunner.