ITT: You get to keep ONE item from the last game you played

ITT: You get to keep ONE item from the last game you played.

>What game
>What item

keep? like take from game to irl? or to take to the next game you play?

The last game I played was Dragonball Fusions, and there aren't any items outside of the Dragonballs themselves.

Also, what the hell is the mask supposed to be in your pic? Is it just supposed to be a bunch of nonspecific videogamey-looking items?

>Black Desert
>+7 Witch staff

>Space station 13
Oh boy, a mech would be cool

>last game was rocket league
guess I now own a rocket car. no bully for screenshot quality, I purposely lower everything to get the best frames/latency when I'm doing competitive 2v2.

>Ace Combat X
Not a CFA-44 but picrel will do nicely

>Demon's Souls
Shit, there's just so much good shit in this game.
Probably either the Official's Hat or the Monk Head Collar. They're nice hats.
Or I could be an ABSOLUTE MADMAN and choose a Shard of the Archstone to enter the Nexus.

>not a GBS blood grenade

Dead Space, fully upgraded suit.

>Binding of Isaac

I guess I have cancer.

Always wanted a nigger.

>not thinking about that

Split/Second, S510


kinda gay it just triples your damage though, but i'll take it

>game full of magic items and weapons
>picks a top hat

Repellent cape.

DQ8. Yangus's hat.

>Gun That Can Kill The Past
then shoot myself to the point where i was playing team fortress 2
>Team Fortress 2
>Australium Scattergun

Do you even euphoria?


Some of them are pretty specific.

Pickaxe - Minecraft
Rupee - LoZ
Crate - Unsure
Mushroom - Unsure, could be a stylized Mario reference.
Bomb - Not 100%, but looks similiar enough to the cartoony LoZ bombs.
Med Kit - I'm getting a L4D vibe from that
Key - I doubt it, but looks like a LoZ key with the handle as a full circle instead of half.
? Block - Obv Mario
Ring - Sanic
The little crystal thing - The Sims
Companion Cube - Is the Companion Cube
Crowbar -.... Half Life
Coin - Mario
Spike Trap - (This could be a hell of a lot of different games)
Oil Drum - ???
x - ???
Beats by Dre. - ???
Mask - Kinda similiar to Splunkey (also the spike trap and crate reminds me of spelunky
"Z" Tetris piece - Tetris
Weird CD - ???
Sword - Probably supposed to be either Master Sword or the Magic Sword from LoZ.

>Renegade X
>Repair Gun
Literally heal and repair anything almost instantly.

Rainbow 6 Seige.
Probably the twitch dronw, that shit would be funny to mess around with.

>Beats by Dre. - ???
It's the Pac-man cherry.

Well, I was thinking about the Meat Cleaver because that's my weaponfu, but I don't think I'm ever going to have to slash up or go full wizard on demons any time in my life.
May as well go with something practical.

The "beats by dre" are Cherries

Beats by dre look like cherries from Pacman
Weird CD looks like a Pokeball

Black Desert Online
Honestly have no idea. Maybe a staff of some kind? Or a magic ring? Anything that could allow me to use magic. Spend the rest of my life as a real wizard, instead of a fake wizard.

>not picking the silver coronet and gaining magical powers
>not picking invisibility ring
>not picking any rings

>messing around with the one drone that can't jump

Halo 5. None of the weapons would be all that useful in daily life. So I guess active camo, as long as it wasn't a one time use.

>Wario Land 4
Probably just one of the person-sized Blue Diamonds.

Oh shit, you're totally right about the cherries. I wasn't thinking that retro.

And maybe to the pokeball. That's pretty iffy though.

>Fallout new vegas
The pipboy I guess

I choose miku.

Oh god I don't even fucking know

>Beats by Dre. - ???
>Oil Drum - ???

>Danganronpa 2
Chiaki's panties~~~

Oil Drum could be a variety of games. And I said Beats by Dre for humor, I couldn't discern those were cherries at the time.

Final Fantasy 14

I dunno, the magitek armor I guess?

>Killing Floor 2
>Full-Auto Kriss Vector

>potion of cure disease

>Dragon's Dogma

Godsbane so I can kill myself and end this suffering.

But really, most of the items are single-use and would be limited in their effectiveness.

An Eternal Ferrystone would be hella useful if it weren't for the fact that you also need Portcrystals to teleport to, and those are two separate items.

Perhaps a Wakestone, so I can revive myself if some freak accident or early illness claims my life.

Mount and blade

1 unit of butter

>Strange Journey

>Men with butter kills an entire town

How do you get something that doesn't even exist?

>last game you played doesn't have any obtainable items

'cause it's a game!

Street Fighter V

I don't know, Karin's panties I guess.

Oh I know I'll take sargeras's greatsword before it was destroyed just for the fuck of it

Kingdom Hearts 0.2
I'll take a keyblade.


No you're going to get her panties before the island killing game when she was still real enjoy the holes and bloodstains

>Shadow The Hedgehog
They're not exactly an "item" in the game in the typical video game sense, but it'd be pretty sweet to have his rocket booster skates.
If I had to pick an actual "item", I'd probably nab one of those cool Black Arms swords.

RIP in peace user

>FE Awakening

>Nuclear Throne
This is shit, I can't buy ammo for the guns or radiation for the ultra weapons
I guess I'll take Chicken's sword.

>Serious Sam 3 BFE

The pistol, since it has infinite ammo.

Don't Starve Together

Hutch >>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > dogs

>Darkest Dungeon
>the Tempting Goblet

>SMT 3
Ingesting a Magatama in real life would probably hurt as fuck but oh boy all dis magic

Raidou's gun with all of the elemental / status bullets.
I guess they couldn't trace the murder back to me if the victim was frozen or some shiet.

>Potion of Fortify Intelligence made with bug abuse
I wonder how is to have 3 million intelligence feels like

Would probably make you depressed.

>become to intelligent to enjoy video games
You played yourself, pal

Jokes on you, I'm already depressed

>implying that anyone here still plays video games

You'd probably commit suicide.

At that point you probably get insane psychic powers. Like, we're talking world altering shit here. You could make all the girls have feminine penises!

the last game i played didn't have any items

The Light from Destiny.
No bully.

>Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
The smartphone with the DSP, I guess
Would it even work

Demon's Souls

Raping Spear

Titanfall 2
Gimme my Legion, hell yeah.
Also Fuck tone players

>Gravity Rush 2
I want KAT!
Or at least the lunar style gear. That'd be cool.

Dragon Quest Monsters Joker
I guess a seed of skill could be useful

Risk of rain
Skeleton key if it's for locks instead of chests
Life savings if not
>86400 seconds in a day
>$1 per 3.33 seconds
>$25945 per day

glass shield cloaking. doosex MD

>GTA 5
>sticky bombs


>Dragon's Dogma

>raiden's suit

I guess a ship would be pretty cool desu.

>Titanfall 2
While a giant robot would be cool, I'll take a Marvin or Spectre for handiwork.

I fucked up, I should've kept playing more RoR

Does the Zohar count as an item?


TF2 medigun. Or maybe eureka effect.

>Ace Combat 2
I take my F-14.

rip user, he was not worthy and turned to ash

>Super Metroid
I don't even have to say what

>Metal Gear
I'll wear that bandana all day and never run out of staples.

The Witcher 3

I'll be keeping Triss, thanks.

Either Masque of Clavicus Vile (for persuading people) or Sanguine Rose.

>Kirby's Return to Dream Land
The Lor Starcutter I suppose, it can travel through dimensions.

>Titanfall 2
Do I get some sort of neural link if I pick my Titan? Ideally some 'I came here to laugh at you' shades that can display my HUD like in a spy movie.

Great taste, user.