Is it finally safe to talk about the things she got right?

Is it finally safe to talk about the things she got right?

making money by being not productive

made a career off of saying men are sexist but this time in video games!!!11!

With how much Sup Forums hates her, you'd think there would be more hate porn of her.

She played both sides like a fiddle and got mad dosh for it.

>called Ico sexist
she doesn't beat the games she criticizes, so she's as ignorant as an ign reviewer

No, but we can talk about what we want to do to her

Remember when she pitched a game that was literally the "Ms.Men" trope?

She got one thing right,and that is if you are persistent about something no matter how stupid it is you will and get it in your benefit.

She pointed out obvious things that other people have talked about in more detail and in a better way. The only thing she succeeded at was scamming people out of lots of money and not delivering on the promised number of episodes.

At least the media stopped giving her fucking attention when they silently realized that they were fucking played worst than the "haters."

i wonder if her feet smell haha

>tfw you are too stupid to think up these simple schemes for getting mad dosh


Scamming gullible morons and brining the largest shitstorm upon this site since fucking forever.

She's pretty cool.

>the things she got right?
That won't take long.

There. Done.

>tfw got 5K in hardware few years back pulling a little scam
Its a good feel

RMA Fraud ?

post her feet

It's still cool to hate on nerds.

So you walk into Sup Forums and propose a thread about nothing?

Almost all of her arguments were based on the same false premises and fallacies. Watched several of her videos, never made a single good point from what I watched.

It gets purged off the internet pretty quickly. I've done lots and it gets removed almost everywhere where I've post it. I don't bother anymore.

maybe because the shoop is fuckibg horrible

Could you put them on anonmgur or something? Before this thread 404s.

I think she did made a couple of decent points. The one that stood out for me was how male characters can fulfill all sorts of roles (toug guy, handsome, ugly, smart, clumsy, nerd, villain, etc...) but female characters tend to have more limited and stereotypical roles.

She ran a highly successful scamming operation and not only got away with it, but got lauded for it. Gotta respect that hustle.

yeah that one is pretty bad but it's the only one that I could find that I personally did

Besides scamming a bunch of retards she didn't get anything right

Facebook giveaway.

I've seen way worse shops out there, user, yours' okay