Best art direction

>Best art direction
>best overworld
>best zelda

Why was this so hated?

Other urls found in this thread:

>best overworld

toppest of keks

>best overworld
Best overworld idea.
The execution was terrible.
Same thing happened to Skyward Sword's.

What would be a better "execution?"

not him but I'm fond of guillotines

>>Best art direction
Respectfully disagree. Was never a fan of those Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer bobble headed aesthetics.
Best graphical style for sure though.
>best overworld
Lmao no.
>best zelda
Ah. You're one of those people.

So far all of them have been hit and miss. BOTW has too much wasted space too.

Larger islands with more to do than a single puzzle revealing a chest containing more rupees. More things to interact with on the sea. NPCs actually being affected by the plot, giving you a reason to interact with them aside from their little sidequest, which Wind Waker has a pitiful amount of.

you forgot :

>actually fishing

>Ah. You're one of those people.
What are you implying? Tetra was by far the best version of Zelda we've gotten up to that point


>best overworld
>Lmao no.
Which one is better? Most of them are empty shitty places, at least in WW it makes sense that the ocean doesn't have that much shit in it.

Only one reason:
It wasn't this.

Not to mention the fetchquesting amplified by sailing.

But we did get a decent Ganondorf, so there's that.

>It's okay because it's supposed to be empty
phantom hourglass has the best overworld then

Also, worse, the art style was offensive to people, but no one could point out why.

Only time would tell what the veterans of the series saw coming, yet no one believed them.

>best art direction
>best overworld idea
>best zelda
WW fags actually think this

You still have not answered the question, which one is better than WW, faggot?

>You still have not answered the question
not everyone who replies to you is the same person, you jumpy sperg

>butting in on conversations

found the autist

It's true

Zelda is a below average series in general which is what people forget

Tingle ruined the game. I literally threw mine out the window into a cemetery. No regrets. Anyone that got cucked into getting the trifoce through his terms is probably a nu-male by now.

Has there ever been a series that went 18 years without a good entry and still gets hyped the way Zelda does?

It wasn't hated.

nobody hates it now

LOL(lots of love)

Imagine how good Wind Waker could have been with a better design. The 7x7 map with one island per square was really lame.

I would prefer if there were several really big islands around the edges (2-3x Dragon Roost size) and lots of smaller ones scattered around inside. And maybe some bigger ones in there too.

The first Zelda, LttP, OoT and MM all have better overworlds.


Nostagiafag attacks once again

What a bunch of contrarian faggots.

This. And maybe a square DOESN'T have an island. It makes the world feel fake when every single square has one (1) thing to discover in it.

>best art direction
Subjective but I agree.
>best overworld
Nah. There aren't really any Zelda over worlds I would consider good, but at least the other games had enemy and visual variety. 99% of the overworld in WW is ocean with 3-4 types of enemies tops.
>best Zelda

WW is ancient too, faggot. Oh hey btw this is the order I played the series:


Fucking fight me.
The original Zelda is open world done right: without the faggoty ass size padding. You explore shit, get a sense for how the devs hid stuff, and find shit. The world is the puzzle and there's tremendous payoff for the effort you put in due to the density of rewards and their magnitude with regard to usefulness.

LttP shared similar world reward density with the first game, though it enriched and focused on dungeons setting a precedent followed by the series since.

OoT gets slammed for Hyrule Field being boring and I fell for that meme until I actually played it and found that people were judging a fish for its inability to walk. OoTs overworld elements are partitioned into its various themed areas - Death Mountain, Gerudo Valley, Lake Hylia, Zora's River, etc. Those areas are absolutely great as destinations and playgrounds and the hub allowing for a sort of interconnectivity that Zeldas rarely replicate makes OoTs overworld every bit as entertaining as the best of them.

MM simply improved on the hub design by making both the hub and destinations have even more to do as stand alones and with relation to one another.

WW was a God damned monotonous step back in every fucking regard and I spit on that ocean's fucking grave.

Even better

>actually swimming

Wind Waker was dogshit

They could have at least fixed the overworld and made it like Alola for example, instead we still have one island where all the people are cramped.

If you liked ALttP you should try ALBW.

>Larger islands with more to do than a single puzzle revealing a chest containing more rupees. More things to interact with on the sea.

Fair enough. That would have been nice.

>NPCs actually being affected by the plot, giving you a reason to interact with them aside from their little sidequest, which Wind Waker has a pitiful amount of.

Zelda isn't exactly known for character interaction or changeable storylines.

Funny how on Sup Forums if you make a thread claiming something like this it mainly attracts negative responses but on other sites it mainly attracts circlejerking.

>Worst dungeons
>Worst sidequests
>Worst difficulty

Why was TWW so loved?

One of the best Links too. MM has the best Zelda though, as in she only has like a 5 seconds of screen time.

Worst Link, you mean.

I know what i said.

Every fucking positive thread on Sup Forums is going to attract negative responses.

>NPCs actually being affected by the plot

There were a few NPCs that were affected by the plot, actually.

It's the best game with Zelda in the title.

Wind Waker's reception would have been much better if the swift sail was present in the original version to begin with. I liked the overworld, but the sailing soured it for many people.

Nah people are just ADD Riddled babies.

>I also am 17 y.o.


>there are people on this board who honestly can't remember the 6th generation
feels old man

but to spoonfeed you newfags the critics wanted the prettier OoT sequel that they saw in the E3 techdemo

>horrible overworld
>enjoy having to reset the wind 10 times to clear out all the cannons in reefs
>enjoy wasting shots since you cant see where you're aiming
>lol, here's the third pearl. You dont have to do anything, just shoot a rock wall, lol
>oh here's a boat. You cant go anywhere in it until you beat the third dungeon, but look at all that cool NOTHING around you!
>hey, you know what absolutely nobody likes? ESCORT MISSIONS. Lets build 3 of our dungeons around that mechanic
>lets make some item fetchquests, but make it so you can just use the grappling hook and farm enemies, making the whole thing pointless.
>lets make it so an entire shipwrecked island is unexplorable except for a trader, and another one you cant even walk on and only has a boat trader. Then we'll make it so the boat trader has 3 important items all 800 rupees and up! and forget making heart pieces or bottles require effort to get, just put them behind paywalls, lol
>ok, now lets make this cool underwater realm the player will probably REALLY want to explore, then put invisible walls in the area so they cant explore it
>lets make a fetch quest where they have to go the ends of the earth to find triforce shards! and pad it out for like 2 hours!
>hey, remember the forsaken fortress? Lets make them return there, only the only purpose it serves is two boss fights, one being a boring tennis match
>ok, now the final boss, guys. Lets make it really good...I got it! we;ll have it so the player can never damage Ganon through actual effort, and only make him able to be hit by a QTE counter attack!

and of course I cant forget tingle

>lol, pay 398 rupees each time you want a cart deciphered, cunt. that means you can only get 2 before having to farm more

I just beat it and I thought it was pretty good. Art direction was great. Combat felt iffy. Also, why the fuck are there so few dungeons? It felt like when they were making it they focused way too much on the sidequests and not the main game, but the sidequests don't compliment the main game like in MM.

Also best soundtrack

>That fucking forced trek from Greatfish Isle to Windfall and then to Outset Island.
Fuck that.

CD-i was best Zelda, prove me wrong.

Pro tip: You can't

>Best art
I agree and for some reason they haven't even tried to be better since. TP would probably be best if they had competent character designers past the 3 main characters and used some color though.
>Best overworld
pretty much every 2d zeldas overworld is better than anything done in 3d. They always end up too big and empty. MM is probably the best of the 3d for not wasting as much space as the rest
>best zelda
If you mean Tetra then yes, but if you mean the game Overall I think a few the 2d ones are more solid all around.

It was the best for YTPs

>worst difficulty

Thats not Twilight princess. Though none of the Zeldas are particularly difficult except Zelda 2, and that was more frustrating than anything.

The controls. Literally perfect if the CDi controllers weren't utter garbage though.

Somehow FF does and its retarded.