Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

Did you back it? If not, what would it take them to promise for you to back it? will it be good?

>Less than 1000$ for next stretch

It don't will make so much money as first, but still fine

do you really think it'll make less cash? I'd expect backers to be more generous after 1 was well liked by anyone but Sup Forums and codex.

I'm not backing it becasue of


but I'm still interested to see where it's going. Is it still going to be a high level campaign?

>backed the first game
>got an email the other day that I get $5 discount on this

Why would I want a discount if I'm paying them to support the game?

yeah it's retarded

>what would it take them to promise for you to back it?

Nothing since they would gladly lie about it anyway like they did during the first kickstarter?
I mean seriously, why do you retards keep falling for this shit.

>Nothing since they would gladly lie about it anyway like they did during the first kickstarter?
what did they lie about, user?

The major lie that everyone knows and either hates because they are sane or ignores because they are retarded is the stronghold.

They crammed it full of SJW anti-white shit.

Fig's a weaker platform and unlike last time this crowdfunding operation isn't a life or death scenario in which if the company fails to secure funding, it dies.

Anyways, here's a neat detail I found on Sawyer's tumblr. Say what you will about the guy, but I admire that he takes the time to talk to a lot of people about why he does the shit he does.

It was implemented and did everything it promised. Turns out what it promised wasn't good, but oh well.

>It was implemented and did everything it promised. Turns out what it promised wasn't good, but oh well.

Congratulations, you are on the retarded side.

Anyone got that limerick that they needed to change from PoE?

Are we talking about quality or the specifics of what was delivered here? I'm not getting what you are getting at here.

but the stronghold was in the game, as promised. it might have been lame, but it was there

you're a retard

>it will be good?

No. Either make an action game or make it turn based, don't make an abomination failure of mmo combat

No but I've got this, you shit-stirrer.

>what would it take them to promise for you to back it?

Getting the full game for 10$


I'll back it when they're accepting backer pledges through a medium that's not fig.

Tim Schaefer: Not even once.

Avellone on board again, and this time they don't butcher his work. aka I'll never back this.

I gave them 29 bucks because that's a pretty cheap price for a game preorder

Not going to back it, I have too many outstanding crowdfunds already. Plus, obsidian and CRPGs in general have been lack luster in the page few years.

Have any game founded on fig been released yet?

Source? He told another thing not so long ago

I hope you're rich, because otherwise blowing so much money to be able to beta test (aka paying them so you can work for them) and being in the credits is ultra retarded.

reading comprehension. he'll back it if MCA is back, which means never.

source right now bitch

Source on what? That they cut out pretty much everything he wrote for the mainstory and crippled his characters so the others don't pale even more than they still do in comparison?
Google will surely give you source on that. I don't care as much as I don't care about this game.


>about to fund it
>it's on Fig so no paypal option

Well, guess I'll buy or pirate the game on release then.

>lol just google it
