Is there any reason at all not to start as Knight in this fucking game?
Is there any reason at all not to start as Knight in this fucking game?
Yeah. If it's not babby's first Dark Souls game, you start as Deprived.
If you want to turn the game into a Skyrim, you go with Knight.
I'm a fucking noob and picked Knight in DS2 and DS3, finishing the game.
It's the best choice for dumbfucks like me who don't want to go full autismo with builds.
Yeah, only literal autists choose anything else.
>Is there any reason at all not to start as Knight in any fucking game?
Because warrior is generally more optimal
The worst thing about the game is that there isn't any sort of explanation of statistics and caps, you have to look it up or GTFO and change vidya.
The only boss fight I had serious problems with was the nameless king, otherwise it went breddy good.
Knight gets the best armor and is generally the easiest class to start with bar none. He gets everything he needs to complete the game with no difficulties right at the very start: a 100% physical resist shield and a straight sword.
>Start with knight
>Not deprived
>implying deprived does anything but make the early game slightly harder
>acting as if picking deprived is hardcore
Knight has the best armor until late game, it's ridiculous.
Yep. Knight's starting armor has better physical resist and is lighter than Black Knight's armor, LMAO.
pyromaner with his swamp ring is kinda OP early game
fireball is cheap and spammable as fuck for 100+ ranged damage, and it fucks up pus of man (stun), and lothric knights pretty badly
2 attunement slots, 15/15 int faith is great for support spells for the entire game, even if you start building full melee asap
Woah bro you're such a hardcore gamer
Since this is a DS3 thread and I don't want to start a new one, I might as well ask here: what's a good soul level to stop leveling, if I don't want to get cucked out of doing pvp or coop? I'm currently soul lvl 80 and am consciously delaying my lvl ups for fear of not being able to pvp or coop later due to being too high level, should I level up further at all?
wow there
Unironically? Isn't that too high? You're not trying to ruin my game, are you?
community is divided between 80 and 125. its up to you. plenty of pvp at 125 tho
Don't listen to him, just go for SL140. That's what I'm at right now, and I can guarantee you that it works just fine. Trust me.
>Faggot Detected
Depending on you final build your starting class can save you a few levels. Going Pyromancer caster build and starting off with higher strength and really low intelligence is wasted points.
Is the rapier/estoc as OP as it was on release for PvE?
Huh, last I knew it was 120 and 150...
Ignore the retard, 125 is a meme. 99 is a good cap and keeps you away from the 120 shitters.
OK, thanks. I'll get to level 100 and see how much multiplayer I get and decide where to go from there.
>99 is a good cap
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
I go for Knight in every fantasy RPG I play.
>Is the rapier/estoc as OP as it was on release for PvE?
It is due to the nature of combat mechanics. Long reach and fast attack make them OP in a game where poise does not exist outside of hyper armor during certain heavy weapons attack animation frames.
Mage > Knight
Enjoy your buff sword build while I snipe you from far away with my magic missiles.
>poise does not exist
Then what does the wolf's ring do?
Enjoy not being able to do shit against a magically enchanted greatshield, LMAO.
>poise does not exist outside of hyper armor during certain heavy weapons attack animation frames
Poise still technically exists, just during very specific moments of your attack animations with specific weapons.
Thanks for the easy (you)s :^)
>playing dark souls for any other pvp than invading
kys yourselves
>i'm gonna run dex this time
>picks knight
>I'm playing blind
>by the fifth episode has already DSPd and grinded out a bunch of levels and completed the entire game off camera
Assassin was my starting class, I liked the idea of no fall damage. Made clearing some levels a lot faster and easier
My first playthrough started with the Herald, the absolute worst starting class in terms of stats. But I like miracles and spears.
Yeah, good luck with that, especially if you're playing a non-meta build.
You know exactly what I'm going to say to you
Then you are retarded, because you assume that those ganksquads you will face 99% of the time are comprised entirely of retards. Unless you post proof of you successfully invading and beating the odds, your opinion is irrelevant.
I have about 300 hours worth of invading at levels between 20 and 60 so I don't think I need you to convince me anything.
>I have about 300 hours worth of invading at levels between 20 and 60
Too bad I will never see proof of any of those successful invasions and therefore your opinion on the matter is completely irrelevant.
>"I'm a huge faggot who can't formulate my own opinion so allow me to spout dank maymays at you"
Am I close?
Honestly it's all about evened out leveling. That's how I play and I rekt noobs with it too. You don't have to worry about sticking with a build, when you can be ALL of them
>i-i was just pretending
anyone have the GOTY cover?
the one with the girl and Gael?
You're both shit. Pyromancers are the best.
>going to the graveyard first
Literally no one did this.
Are Pyros OP like in DaS1?
What's the best weapon/build to completely cheese the game?
yes, very
once i ran through the 3 abyss bossfight to izalith and got great chaos fire orb (forgot exactly what it was called)
then helped guys with the abysswatcher fight and one orb took 1/3 to half of one guys health
Except many people did.
You lie.
Pyromancy isn't OP for most of the game, but Izalith Pyromancies are
>throwing Chaos Bed Vestiges and watching Pontiff Beasts just melt
quality straight sword(probably dark sword)
>Tip 11
This was made because idiots would wander into the Graveyard first.
"this fucking game" is a Nioh, DS3 was made by gods of Japan basically. Remember that, pleb.
>probably dark sword
Dark Sword has been nerfed to shit. Currently, the most powerful straight sword damage wise is the simple Broadsword, but it's somewhat lacking in reach. Pair that with a decent greatshield like the cathedral knight greatshield and you're set for the entirety of the game, even pvp.
there is literally a help button that highlights the stats and tells what each does
when you level up it also shows you what you'll gain, so you know when you've reached a softcap
This a retarded fucking advice, as you intentionally cuck new players out of getting the zwei. There's literally nothing wrong with high reward high risk exploration early on.
fucking this. I will never play as mage. Would rather go for knight again in my 2nd p/t
Clerics start with a mace so they have no reason not to go there first. Thats why Patches is there to greet you and ask if youre a cleric.
I did it. It was nice.
>Wanting easy mode after a single dangerous trek into the Graveyard
Good for you. That's bad advice for new players.
It's better for new players not to be shitters
You realize we have no reason to believe you right, o' god of Soulsgames
You start as deprived if you want full customization and a challenge. You start as a Knight for a vanilla experience on Easy difficulty for the first location and bos (it evens out later on).
"Class" selection in DaS is just a disguised difficulty selection menu (that changed difficulty for the first location mostly, after which it evens out).
You can read the explanation of any stat right there in the menu. A whole button on the motherfucking cotnroller is specifically for that.
The only reason i can think of is being a xdd git gud le elitist faggot.
You can play whatever the fuck you want.
>You start as deprived if you want full customization and a challenge.
>Thats why Patches is there to greet you and ask if youre a cleric.
>if you say yes you permanently lose access to the one armor set in the game meant for clerics
huh, why would you?
>You start as deprived if you want full customization and a challenge
Are you retarded? Deprived is the worst class to pick for optimisation in almost all cases.
This. Deprived is dogshit for min-maxing, since its stats are stuck at 10 minimum. Even the knight is better if you want to min-max as a pure melee build.
Patches sells the Cleric set once you unlock him as a merchant and it's the only way to get that set in the game.
If you say yes when he asks if you're a cleric he turns hostile the next time you see him so you have no choice but to kill him.
There's literally no reason to wear any armor in DaS3, and there's literally no reason to use any other weapon than a straight sword.
The game really is that bad gameplay-wise.
>There's literally no reason to wear any armor in DaS3
You take extra damage for every empty armor slot you have.
Deprived works because you can get the most out of your build since all your stats are at their lowest making sure you spend every point on what you want to. It isn't even hard starting the game as a deprived if you don't suck fucking balls at Dark Souls in general.
you fucking faggots that mindlessly hate on das3 are the worst
>Deprived works because you can get the most out of your build since all your stats are at their lowest making sure you spend every point on what you want to.
Wrong, stop talking
>Not always starting as deprived
Git gud
>10 everywhere
>their lowest
woah dude shut the fuck up anytime
Hes pretending to be retarded.
>mindlessly hate
Wasn't mindless at all, it was incredibly specific.
I'm lvl 101 and I keep getting summoned/can invade in less than a minute. On PC at least.
The way armor works in 3 is arguably the worst in the series, probably tied with Demon's Souls for uselessness.
warrior has better dmg
>still pretending
They aren't nearly as busted, largely because they actually require stats to deal damage. They deal totally viable damage for the entire game, and tend to do better than other casters because they get everything earlier. Earliest access to a trainer, earliest access to each of the damage-boosting rings, earliest access to end-game spells, etc. Very little resists fire, and for the rare times something does you also have dark fireballs.
If you're going to be a caster for pve, it's really the best option. At the same time, I'd only put it on par with a good melee build, not vastly outclassing it like casters did in DS1. Unless you're doing co-op, which has always allowed you to just unload on bosses at range when they aren't paying attention.
No, the way not wearing armor works is the worst in the Souls series. It works just fine if you do wear something in every slot.
Guys I'm thinking of replaying DaS2 with a faith build.
Is a faith build actually fun or is it just spamming soul arrows and running away?
Knight is for shitters, go warrior, 2h sword, max strength, ggez.
Point is, it doesn't matter what you wear as long as you wear something. Which is a lame copypaste from Bloodborne, and isn't Souls at all.
i started with depraved and used a trainer to go instantly at max level