What do you think of Sonic Boom, Sup Forums?

What do you think of Sonic Boom, Sup Forums?

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The arms shouldn't be blue.

TV Show > Death >>>>> Game

Seinfeld with furries that's significantly better than it has any right to be, considering how shit the game was.

I feel bad for Sonic Boom. It's paired with a shit game and gets no air time despite being somewhat decent, because gotta play reruns of Teen Titans Go for 12 hours a day

The cartoon is good. That's the only thing it has going for it.

Is it really based on Chris Chan

Seriously what the hell? ttg is slowly killing every other cartoon on network. Might as well just run ttg 24/7 at this rate.

Idk it's pretty good in neutral but I don't play guille so it might be less good than I think




As a sonic fan everything surrounding boom is garbage. Casuals and normies say its da best vidya cartoon eva x3 but its painfully unfunny and boring to watch for me since it never goes anywhere and the jokes suck.

It has to be, look at those goddamn arms.

Just bought it from Walmart today for $7, making it the first console game I've bought since 06 released.

What am I in for?

Yes. Episode has so many references to him.
Also the overall episode is pretty damn good, absolutely recommend it.

a game worse than 06



Sonic Boom is the most boring show on Cartoon Network. Everything the show does has been done several times before, and much better too. The supporting characters are boring, the backgrounds and locations are boring, the music (when there is any) is generic and boring...Boom is just content with being average, cheap entertainment for children that probably won't keep anyone with a brain interested.


>As a sonic fan

Did you really type that and expect anybody to take your opinion seriously?

>people still believe this delusion

Good to see someone else critical of it rather than joining the bandwagon and saying its so fucking epic dude

Boom anything is boring as fuck. The characters are flanderized to fuck, theres no badass story like sonic adventure or unleashed to follow where theres stakes/drama, the good music that sonic typically has is absent, the environment is drab as fuck. Fucking sonic boom

>caring at all


I don't think anyone's saying it's fucking epic, but it's at least on par with most of the shit CN's putting out these days.

I'll always prefer Satam, honestly.

AOTSH for its comedy and cast does it for me, while i like japanese sonic x for something more thats trying to tell a story. Sonic x isnt that bad honestly, its when 4kids got their hands on it and the next batch of voice actors were brand new so it was hard fitting in. But amy and shadow sounded great

I've always found AOSTH, well, offputting.

Loved Robotnik though, RIP Long John.

And it's funny how the X voice actors got canned as soon as they started seem more comfortable in the roles. I was getting used to Griffith.

Absolutely fucking hilarious. I've enjoyed every episode I've watched.
Why is Robotnik the best character?

Because Robotnik has ALWAYS been the best Sonic character.


Because Eggman is always the best character.

It's popular because it's so cliche. It doesn't rely on lolsorandumb humor a lot of other kid shows do, so people find it refreshingly unoffensive. It's not great, it's just that most people are surprised it's not completely terrible and get caught off guard by that.

sup Lee

>I'll always prefer Satam, honestly.
well no shit, it has best boy after all

It's the Spongebob infection all over again.

>Everything the show does has been done several times before
That describes basically everything, everywhere

>cruel iron-fisted maniacal genius in the comics
>ruthless genocidal dictator in satam
>one-dimensional comic relief with an army of robots in the TV show/video games
it's like Sega can't make up their fucking minds or something.

Shut the fuck up Lee

Kek aren't Gumball and Adventure Time ending too? I just watched the episodes where they murder a bunch of vampires and it was pretty good. My wife's adopted son loves TTG though.

Holy shit I thought the same thing.

That's a conveniently-placed chili dog

Blame the fact that they gave the west free reign in their interpretation of Sonic. Hell, that's where the idea of Mobius came from, Sonic was just from Earth in Japan.

Gumball is probably ending soon.
Regular Show just ended.
Adventure Time is a zombie.
At least we have Steven Universe

He's more a generic fan caricature but there is a few subtle references to him.

>badass story

You say that as if a blue rodent chasing a fat egg shaped man that looks like Teddy Roosevelt was ever intended to be a serious tale.

Nobody care about the Kiwifarms drama.

>You say that as if a blue rodent chasing a fat egg shaped man that looks like Teddy Roosevelt was ever intended to be a serious tale.
Where else did you think all the autism came from?

>the chili dog is where his penis should be.
I never noticed before.

my boner does

I want to fuck that new brown girl OC

Watched this episode and it was funny as hell.

Watched the other ones and... meh.

Watching those spergs cannibalise each other is pretty funny tbqh family

He's also a feminist in Sonic Heroes

What year was peak CWC?

Everything was gold before the transtrender era, now he's a lot more boring.

Is it me or does Sonic look pregnant and is holding his stomach from the thumbnail?

Knuckles being buffed is cool and I actually don't mind Sonic's arms also being blue. Fire and Ice is the only decent game from the branch and it's pretty mediocre in itself.

I get the feeling it was a late edit when they realized they cant put mpreg deviantart shit in a childrens cartoon even for a joke clearly defined as a joke

that or it's intended to allude to it without showing it for above reasons

>Aware, but paralyzed
>fifty years
>tiny, pitch-black holding slots
Jesus fucking Christ Eggman

You should see what he did to Snivelly.

At least we """"have"""" Steven universe the way they release the episodes it feels like we don't


He doesn't think so. Also

>i am not mental or crazy

>I am not mental or crazy

What did he do?

It's referencing one of the sonic pregnant pic