What do you like about the Egyptian theme

What do you like about the Egyptian theme

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Unreal maps were fucking great.

Aesthetically pleasing usage of colors

Brown girls in skimpy outfits

Neat weapons, statues and shit

This too, hard to think of any recent examples

Loin cloths are a personal favorite regardless of the gender wearing them

The furry gods
Nice color scheme
The music is usually nice in egyptian levels

that they were so furry xD


Triggers niggers.

They were not! They only had animal HEADS. Look to greeks if you want degenerate shit

Nice setup user, you're really becoming a shill master, you know that?

Fellow devs can see what you're up to though ;^)

Are you suggesting that I would virally market my own game here?
Picture definitely unrelated

Yup, exactly as I thought.


when it's not gay furryshit


So just regular furry shit? Alright, you can enjoy whatever you want user, it's none of my business.

I'll pirate it, todd

to be quite frank with you user I thought your game looked pretty cool and you had great art but starting on that sex-scene show-off you've been trying to attempt for the past 4-5 days has really made me lose respect for your project.

Inadvertently this post will likely spawn off a few demands for source or "post lewds" so I guess I'm helping you in the end regardless.

Whats the point of a porn game when the focus is not on the porn.

Your game isn't very fun though
Jumping is too stiff

>Brown girls in skimpy outfits
Definitely this

Ancient temples full of death traps, treasures and lore are nice too

To have the porn as a bonus and reward for beating the game part


Also post more fuckin shota anubis

>can't get fucked by Anubis
2/10 game.

>wanting to get fucked by a guy's fursona


Please drop this game and start a new one that isn't gay. You draw bretty gud vaginas 2bh.

But it's not for sale yet on steam. I will buy it and fap to it

Furry in general is terrible.

your game is so boring and the cutscenes rewards can be seen in e621 so what exactly does this game has worth playing now for?

why? the reason to play your game is to get the sex scenes which can be seen elsewhere without playing it

What's the matter, user? Too casual to beat a furry shota platformer?

I only want the lewd version. Sell it already

Why does a SFW version exist then?

>hating cute animals

Sign of a sociopath.

If he doesn't like them he doesn't like them.
No need to push it on him. Besides, Anubis isn't even fun

>all these pussy casuals that don't realize what makes the sex scenes extra good is the effort of besting the dungeon to get the sex

YouTube babies need to go die asap.

There's difference between not like and actively calling it terrible.

You can't control what I want to be fucked by, user.

more like game too boring to even bother playing it

to sell it but we all know their main marketing was the sex scenes

I have the biggest thing for Gnar. He's perfect more

nah, why bother playing when I can get to it easy watching it ;)

The porn

As soon as you finish watching your minecraft let's play of course ;)

Even now thats still the best page of that series.

Are there any games featuring skimpy clothed brown girls with Anubis ears?

Damn straight it is.

More Gnar


I can't post my remaining Gnar.

sure, that still wont convince me to play it

You guys know Gnar is like, 4 years old right?

Yes you can, use a spoiler tag.


Nice try.

I dont fear getting banned any, I just dont really feel like it.

Oh I believe you. pussy

>gay furry thread on Sup Forums
i dont think this is videogames

OP you're just becoming unlikable at this point

Actually Gnar is like 4000 years old.


People mostly like it for the furshit.

I have yet to post a single character that isn't from a video game.

Meanwhile and are not vidya.

You sick fuck


They're tighter when they're two.

This artist is pretty aight.

Source boys, source?

Gnar's pants are falling.



Sup Forums - Video Games

I just wish he'd draw actual panels instead of just cluttering the canvas

He has nothing to hide.

Needs more gnar t b h

>mfw I accidently quoted someone

So what is your favorite pokémon, Sup Forums?

Yeah thats the only problem really


I got many.
Chespin's one of my faves

this phantasmal asshole right here

Good taste in pokebois

Cheers friend

Thats a creepy looking Asriel

Tell me about Gengar. Why does he wear the plank?

In general? Gengar.
For lewd, Zangoose or Charizard.
For marriage, Typhlosion.

neat, used right

More bulges



I would love a video game just like Kemet where you are an Egyptian God in commanding a huge brawl. I guess I'll have to live with Age of Mythology.

Like this?

Well, LoL has heroes based off egyptian gods.

Yup. More! They're the best. Especially the nice and healthy ones.

>Gnar is my favourite in the game
>this thread
It's an abstract kind of confusion.


Gengar can only be male.


Its ok. I dont wanna fuck Gnar all that badly.

Gengar is fe.male o.nly

Toppest tier taste, lad