Early 3D games are, stylically, the best graphics.
Newer games clutter the screen with too much detail.
Early 3D games are, stylically, the best graphics.
Newer games clutter the screen with too much detail.
/r/ing the picture with the insanely cluttered HUD
64 looks shit
Looks like utter crap compared to both decent 2D and decent 3D
Is this a romhack? I don't remember this level but it looks cool.
Star Road, yes.
> Clutter the screen with too much detail
> what the fuck is even happening in this pic it's a fucking mess
So much better
Now get a picture of an early 3d game that instead of going for a cartoon style, actually tried to look realistic back then.
Tell me that look "best".
I'm not sure about that exactly but I do gotta say I love how SM64 looks, it kind of looks cute and no other 3D Mario game outside the N64 era has really captured that cuteness to me for some reason.
>early 3d games are the best graphics
Why are gamers so fucking retarded?
>that anime face
Very realistic. Also, is the background just a picture?
i choose NAM, the vietnam war game on the duke nukem 3d engine!
and its okay with its own interesting artstyle. new games lose again
Of course, that's how a lot of games did it. Limited polygon budgets and all that
Not sure if bait or autism.
PS2 era was best, decent graphics but not to much detail. Games became too bloated later on.
Can you count a literal picture as graphic?
>videogames are just graphics
hes not wrong, maybe you are retarded and shouldn't of come here?
ds version is better
sort of agree, i think early-mid 00's hit the sweet spot by emphasizing art direction and texture quality since they couldn't rely on fancy shader bullshit
>stylically, the best graphics.
Nah m8
5th gen dropped the ball on art direction almost universally.
Obvious b8, m8.
Aged like milk and is an assault on the eyes.
I'm just doing what you asked mate, posting a picture of an early 3D game with a realistic art style
That's just how Mario games look, user
That's kind of the point, stylized graphics are superior to realism, even today.
But can you count a literal picture as video game graphic?
>depth of field
This looks a few times better than 64 to be honest but it's not 3d like 64 is, is it?
I agree.
Lower details and stylized graphic mean that important objects are more easily identified and the reliance on pointers and special visions can be decreased. Also bonus time for level design and other aspect of development.
However M64 and the first 3D generation was too under powered to sustain the quantity of polygons needed to detail correctly most games.
6th gen tier graphic is the best for 3D, and they look great on emulators now. You can even have realistic graphic that look alright without bloating the scene
For reference I think sm64 looks like shit and I grew up playing it.
Gamer "culture" was a mistake.
It's 3D. That's SM3DW.
I see, but is it like 3d land where you would still go to that 2d line thing in between phases?
Also, how doable is it with an i3 4170?
Yes and no.
>tfw it works
Here you go
Not sure how that's really relevant right now.
>nintencuckolds slowly building up a "we never cared about graphics anyways" meme
>tfw you are actually a console wars autist
Where did your life go so wrong?
I grew up with this games too. It looks like shit now.
For some reason, the copy paste hell of the walls looks better on PSX. For example pic related, my top game of N64.
I recently replayed it and it looks awful but back then was awesome.
Example of PSX game, pic related.
I liked how a lot of nintendo games had plain black skyboxes. It added a certain touch.
i3 3220 here
Takes solid 3 minutes to boot, but then just werks (60 fps)
But why would this guy lie on the internet?
I am at a hundred stars in 64 playing for the first time, only Tiny Huge Island, Tick-tock clock, a couple stars in Rainbow Ride, and the second wing Mario level remains.
I don't enjoy these levels.
i think it just depends on the game
try boot up rayman 2 on ps1 or n64 it looks fucking stellar even today
Did you have to change anything special on config and settings? Especially video and audio. Also, what games have you tried to emulate with that shit cpu, and which of them worked?
N64 "metallic"/"shiny" texture as goat. I loved looking at Zelda items.
Ubisoft games?
people count literal movies as videogames, so yeah.
That doesn't actually relate to what was being discussed, but alright. I guess.
You'd think the technical limitations would make it less sexy somehow. But I suppose this is just a perfect example of how it's all about style in the end. Not the technical level of the graphical processing.