Post >yfw the nintendo switch bombs

post >yfw the nintendo switch bombs

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The only thing that will surprise me about the switch is if it does well.

Nintendo is too much in the habit of doing gimmicky garbage nobody wants. They fail to realize the 3DS does so well because it has a wide selection of good games and doesn't do anything fucking insane.

Its not because it has 3D features, or those Miis. So of course, Nintendo is going to have dumb gimmicks apart of their new console. Its cool that the little stick thing controller can simulate having items within it and a fluid with its rumble, but whats going to really use that? Whos going to use that? All the games they showed off save for Mario and Zelda, or going to be quickly forgotten.

This console failing is expected, the console doing well will be a miracle



why do you guys want it to bomb?

Because I have no intention of buying one and it'd be funny

because its going to. Nintendo showed it has yet to learn from its mistakes.

>no games
>actual controller sold separately
>shit battery life

I'm not going to post anything because the switch is not going to bomb

i'll post yfw for you then


lel what

Otherwise, I agree with everything.

>720p 30fps undocked
>900p 30fps docked
>plus subpar graphics

For what it is, $299 is highway robbery

Because console wars, Sonyggers, Microsuckers, Nintendrones and the PC mustard race exist.

How much do tablets cost in the US?

This is supposed to be a console though. Tablets don't have $60 games and $70 dollar controllers either

As a PC/Sony guy, I want Switch to either succeed or inspire the design for other mobile platforms. If it bombs entirely, mobile is going to be stuck with touchscreen controls, and the game market there will remain a narrow pool of genres.

>yfw Nintendo literally goes bankrupt

Why is there samefagging lmao

Then 299 dollaroos is acceptable for what is essentially a glorified tablet.


>Falling for nintendo's shit all over again with the wii u 2.0

Remember when everybody thought N64 will bomb because it used cartiges when everybody else moved on to CDs?
Remember when everybody thought GameCube will bomb because it used mini DVDs instead of regular ones so it couldn't double as a normal DVD player?
Remember when everybody thought Wii will bomb because of wagglan controls and 480p resolution?
Remember when everybody thought WiiU will bomb because of retarded tablet/joypad combo controls and outdated hardware?

Nintedno will never bomb because of an army of fanboys who will buy literally everything this company shits out. Same goes for Apple.

Remember when the WiiU most certainly bombed and set a precedent for Nintendo's failure?

every single one of those consoles bombed except for the wii, and the people who bought it have already moved to mobile gaming


a broken clock is right twice, nintoddler.

your time is up.

Resentment over exclusives that are actually good, and overall meaningless faggotry.


Its 1080p 60fps docked
And 720p 60fps undocked

The numbers you listed are specifically for BotW, all other games so far run at this quality



It's not that I want it to bomb, it's just kind of inevitable, so might as well enjoy it.

You're a mongrel. Everyone who understands even a tiny bit of the industry knows it's not overpriced at all.

I dont think its gonna bomb cuz they only shipping out a small number of units just so they can say its sold out.

No ethernet port, you gotta use a phone to chat smdh....

The WiiU didn't have en ethernet port either and didn't need it.

Its only 1080 60 fps for like 2 games and its not even locked so cut it out. Muliplayer mario cart is 1080 30 while single player is 1080 60 fps with dips.

I love poorfags, always a laugh.

Name a better hybrid console available for 299

>39 posts
>19 IDs


Wrong, multiplayer is 1080 60 as well if docked

Wiiu was the worst nintendo console and one of the worst in gaming history.

nintendo has gone full retard lately, they deserve to get kicked out of the console market, that might at the very least mean they'll finally understand that they have to produce good games again.


Not really. Thanks for confirming you are underage though.

Lol ok buddy, even df made videos about it.


Disappointed, yet expected because they keep fucking up.

Lol not underage but its clear you're a Nintendrone so no point in continuing.


1 positive post for once:
I think the nintendo switch has everything that I need and I will buy it

>All that's left is Sony and Microsoft
Yeah, that'll definitely improve the overall situation in the vidya market. We need a stronger monopoly so that the everyday consumer gets less options and can get even more so fucked over.
Do you faggots even try to into basic logic?

I have a hate boner against them right now.

Why would you actively root for competition in a marketplace to shrink? Go neck yourself edgelord


N64 was most certainly not a bomb, the fuck is this revisionist history?

Why are sonyggers so desperate for Nintendo games on theit system?

I rarely ever see Nintendrones asking for Sony shit or for them to go 3rd party.

Nintendo needs a wake up call. We need to send a message that anti-consumer choices like paid online will not be tolerated.

It's almost as if Nintendo makes good games whereas Sony doesn't

How dare they protect their IP!?! What's that? You can still get it everywhere anyway!?! Holy fuck those bastards!

Shrink? No most of us are Nintendo fans that want Nintendo to finally fucking LEARN and STOP trying to play special snowflake and make a REAL PLATFORM.

No fucking double platform with a TV plug n play idea thats already been done

No fucking controller gimmicks

No weak hardware reliant on selling on that controller gimmick

and most of all, no oversimplifying their fucking games anymore for their modern casual audience, which is what they've been doing since fucking Wii. Unlike the modern fanbase who had gamecube or even Wii as their first console and are young adults, I have standards to compare Nintendo to and they're FAR BELOW what they're capable of.

I'm critical of them because I want them to have quality, not gimmicks. Damage controlling their mistakes like a fucking retarded braindead reality ignoring DRONE wont help them.

More like Sony doesn't make any games. They produce virtually nothing in-house anymore, it's all second party studios.

GameCube was also middling not a bomb. But fuck it Sup Forums is the only forum that actively hates the purpose to which it was dedicated.

You are a fucking idiot and should kill yourself.

Industry people understand that Nintendo does their consoles differently because theres no way to compete directly with a market leader like PS4.

One day maybe you dick holes will understand that.


Go away, Nintoddler. That does make them bastards because you don't see Sega doing that horseshit.

Allowing fan projects like that does not and has never jeopardized a copyright.

They can still produce pretty quality stuff from time to time, but yeah it'd be nice if they would focus less on hardware gimmicks. At least only having one platform to focus development on going forward might mean fewer huge droughts in games.

Hey guy, I never touched the Wii U so don't pass that shit off on me and never had a mobile handheld since the PSP and before that gameboy. nintendo is NEVER going back to non gimmicky shit. They can't compete with Sony or Microsoft in pure power, a straight console would be useless for all the dumbass mom and dads that don't even grasp the difference between the 360 and the One or PS3/4.

Stop being edgy, hope they succeed and have increased r&d.

It's overpriced, you cannot even begin to deny this.

the price is jacked because
-You can get a PS4/Xbone for the same price or cheaper and get a more powerful platform from it
-They include gimmick shit no one asked for
-They even went so far as to shove gyros and accellerometers into their pro controller which is why its $70.

For gods sake it has trouble running a WiiU port (BOTW), and you expect me to think its not underpowered? Like the other guy said, go fucking kill yourself. Only drones and marketers are this braindead.

If it had been ONLY a portable platform, and was marketed as such no one woulda batted an eye as it coulda been sold at a lower price, it wouldn't be compared to the current console competition, and would have had only been a portable unit. But the comparisons are there as its CLEARLY replacing the WiiU, 3DS games are still being made. They fucked up.

because nothing is okay when nintendo does it

>you don't see Sega doing that horseshit.

That's because Sega is actively trying to keep themselves from bleeding to death. Do you have any idea how IP law works or are you just a moron? Look at Paramount and Axanar. Plenty of other companies do this.

You can build a better pc with the whole of steam library at your disposal for less than that piece of shit 720p24fps garbage oh and we all know that fucking tab is useless and only faggots would take it out. People who want to game outside have a 3ds or "game" on their phones.

Of course I can. And so can countless developers and studio heads worldwide who have attested to the Switch actually being cheap for what it does.

You wouldn't understand though because you're a retarded Sup Forums shitposter.

I will never hope gimmicks succeed because it reduces the quality of games they make. Instead of gameplay innovation, they push gimmick innovation now. Their games have become stale and bland and shitty, with or without power.

Gimmicks HAVE TO GO AWAY because Nintendo has become reliant on them. You have to take away the crutch so to speak so they can start gaining the strength to fucking walk on their own legs again. They need to stop being pussies, because whether YOU want to think so or not, or whether THEY want to think so they ARE directly competing with Sony and Microsoft. They're not special snowflakes, they cant escape the comparisons because the consumer will make them no matter what.

According to who? You don't enforce copyright though selective enforcement. Jesus Christ I don't know why I'd expect Sup Forums to use their brains.

>Of course I can

So it's reality denial and damage control, gotcha. No point in arguing with people who are paid/deny reality for free.

He means shutting down fan game projects. Being jews on youtube is a separate problem.

>this amount of shitposting

goddamn you must be frothing at your mouth
go back to neogaf

Fucking retard

You really think it just about fucking Youtube?

you might witness it if you've got a life expectancy of 200 years

Lol and then someone went full retard.

Explain what it is about then.

>I have nothing to back my argument so call him a neofag
Sure lil buddy now get back into dad's shed.


>almost 90 posts
>30 IDs

Again, they won't go away. They've had gimmicks the past 10? Years and it's mostly worked for them. They've also had some incredibly strong games in the same time frame. It's a secondary console. Get over it. Stop rooting for failure it makes you look like a mouth breather.

>you're not allowed to make more than one post because I said so

Stop making these posts in every thread user it just makes you look like a moron.

Sega went full, scrub everything clean online mode, hitting youtube the hardest, just to release a new game in the series for the PSP, including fan games and artwork.

Sega isn't fucking innocent in the slightest.

How much do they pay you?

What is the difference between an XBone and a PS4, anyway?
From what I can see, it's just an arbitrary split of exclusives and the position of the left analog stick.

i seriously want this to happen.
It will be the final straw for the current board of directors and investors will punish them accordingly and instill better management.

it's an objective fact that allowing fan projects like that to exist through ignoring them has never jeopardized anyone's copyright

>yfw the nintendo switch contains small bombs


why does his head look like a cone