I want to become more openminded. Which games have the best black characters?
I want to become more openminded. Which games have the best black characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 thread full of BLACKED and other shit memes that need to be purged from this board
My dog
why would you bother to play a special race if you want to be open minded
>tfw there's no black people in my country so I can only see them in films and video games
they're on the same place of existence as aliens for me
You should play a videogame that features more islam then
Def Jam. No point making games staring black characters because black people are too poor to buy them.
the ones written by white people
George Zimmermans Big Game Hunter
But that's what OP baited for.
Resident Evil 5
This is a joke right?
1/10 bait. Not even worth a bait.jpg
play crusader kings 2 as muslim
Try this
*Spreads goatee*
Gears of War
Ask the author, Nayzak
Xenoverse 2, but things will be even better on DLC.
Strange Journey.
I want to be closed minded. What games can I play where I, a black man, can become redpilled?
The best black characters are the ones that die early
If you're serious volunteer at your local boys and girls club or a similar organization and children will make you realize they're really just a product of their shitty culture.
Damn that's a cute boy! Better ask for-
(You) bastard
Still gonna fap anyways
Yeah the black dude was based af in this as was the Mexican before he went full retard near the end
The ones written by Japanese people
Joke's on you I know the source anyway!
Binary Domain have best negro companion. You can even talk with him by using your mic.
This desu
Valiant Hearts
Same, until i went to umi i saw like 3 or 4 of them
MGR:R(My nigga tyrone), Binary Domain(Big nigga bo), NBA 2k17(My nigga justice young)
Whatever you do don't play gta san, it's a good game but cj and the blacks are the most typical niggers you'll ever see.
Prototype 2
Curse you user
watch HBO's Rome, play Rome 2 Total War and become imperial as fuck.
If by "redpilled" you mean muh white supremacy then I can't help you, I don't think there's any games about that.
Thanks for the source user.
>be serious on the chan for once
>no one responds to your cry