
This is a thread to discuss the original xbox.
>watcha playin on it
>what are your favorite apps for it
>whats your favorite exclusive.

>inb4 xbox is irrelevant
it outputs 1080i is piss easy to load thirdparty stuff on and it cheap. for the price of an rpi you get something similar with a few nice exclusives and a nice controller(or more).

Currently playing through silent hill 2 on it, never beat it before. Controls seem to be holding up better than the shitty old resident evil games.

Other urls found in this thread:


These are all the Xbox games I own

Any other good exclusives on this thing? I heard Otogi and Voodoo vince were pretty good as well.

my xbox doesn't read discs anymore

Jesus man nice collection, the obvious answers would be metal wolf chaos and the otogi games.

put games on the hard rive

This game was good.

D O N ' T



M E M E S .

Hoping for Philly Spence to come thru and make Scorpio fully backwards compatible with 360 and Xbox HUEG.

As for games, I have a few on my backlog that I want to eventually get to, including:
>Max Payne 1&2
>Star Wars Battlefront II
Eventually I'll get more exclusives like KOTOR, JSRF, and Ninja Gaiden.

How about you man the fuck up, get some real taste, and buy these?

Its not a masterpiece but it is a decent game. I like to think poorfags just started calling it shit because they couldnt play it on their ps2.

Saw this in an earlier thread and it made me want to buy a cheap xbox just to mod it since it seems so easy.

y woz it so hyuge??

he will say it will be then cancel it


If it can emulate the 360 I don't see why they can't emulate the original.

It feels like Microsoft doesn't acknowledge it exists though. It really is the best system they've made.

Some redditor gutted and wiped the drive of a very rare original xbox dev kit to make a gayming PC
What a goddamn retard
This thing could've helped a lot with xbox emulation


I think it was satire.

The red light is referencing the RRoD shit.

>Rgb cable arrives in the mail a week ago
>hook everything up
>fire it up. It still works!!
>grab NBA STREET VOL2 case
>Disc missing



It's an actual dev kit

Is there anyway to force games to run in 1080i?


You have to go into the orignal dash board and enabled it. Also you need the composite cable(original ones are very rare but you can buy a chink one for less than $3).

it was attempted satire but he absolutely destroyed and rewrote over that alpha kit with over 20 gigs of raw data (possibly an early Halo build) just for his selfish ass attempt at a joke

But it still has them run at their assigned resolution (usually 480p). There's only like 4 games that run in 1080i and 2 are those crappy arcade collections from the early 80's/late 70s

Ok maybe I will

I would quit video games if he does

The problem is getting the OK from publishers to put them on the marketplace. I don't doubt there's a shit ton of 360 games ready to play on Xbone but they still need to get them approved.

Toppest contestant!

I started playing Halo. Haven't played it since I were a wee little tyke

HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS REPETITIVE. Every goddamn hallway is repeated a billion times. Follow Guilty Spark down a hallway, wait for him to open a door, identical hallway, then elevator. repeat. repeat.

how about the bes tmecha game?

Just bought a totally restored original Xbox.
Got the component cables for it.

Playing Fable first.

And 1080i looks horrible. It's better in 480p or 720p.

awwww yeah

I hope you all removed those faulty capacitors.

The original Max Payne games are fucking classics. I had them on ps2, but I could imagine they were better on xbox though.

I don't think we'll ever have an OG xbox thread without this shit again.
And rightfully so
FORCE? No, nor would you want to.
You have the component conversion kit but it's all down to whether the developer allowed it, and that's like 2 games.

The only games I have are splinter cell and shenmue II

Anyone tried any of the JP exclusives like Thousand Land, Drihoo, Magtama or ExaSkeleton?

>tfw translation soon

Of course.

We are never getting an emulator are we.

I have been playing Shenmue 2 for the first time.

Man the music is so much more upbeat. It's as if they took the worker theme layout from 1 and did it for most of the quarters day music.

I am starting to collect for the OG Xbox. Loved this console.

>mfw I see the prices for Xbox games compared to Gamecube game collector

Have any games to suggest I get?

Kingdom under fire

Mechassault with friends on xlinkkai
It's a modded xbox with a snes emulator and shit

This game was a year too early.
If it had released with online multiplayer it'd be a major franchise.

If I were to get one of these anywhere from $50 to $75 would it be worth it and what would I be able to do with it? Can I hack it for games installed on the Hard Drive? How about Emulators for it?

I was a PlayStation kid, and still am to this day, so I never played any Xbox games other than Halo, Burnout Revenge, Battlefront and what not... This console is the only Xbox console I find worthy of owning and this particular edition is the only one I like, aside from the expensive green and orange ones.

I still have to remove my splodey cap.
>watcha playin on it
Halo CE I've played the Library over 1000 times. Beat Soulcalibur II into the ground and I'm still shit at fighting people but I unlocked everything in the singleplayer so I'm done.
>what are your favorite apps for it
Halo CE I guess. I beat all the other games we have for it (including Aquaman) except for the racing and sports stuff I don't like.
>whats your favorite exclusive
Dunno. Probably the same as above.

I was playing Halo but then the game froze and I lost all my progress

Otogi games are garbage, you pleb.

The original bawx has some of the best exclusives ever.

Playing JSRF and I forgot it's one of my favorite games. I think the music in JSR narrowly edges it out, but Future's level design is way better.

Any other good dreamcast sequels end up on the xbox? I remember thinking of it as a dreamcast successor of sorts

look up xbox softmodding on youtube or google, you can boot games from a HDD

Compared to the previous games DC3 was absolute shit.

He's just memeing. No one actually thinks it's good.

should have gotten the dreamcast version

Is there a softmod to make saves copyable? Fucking dickhead devs didn't support the memory unit for half the games.

Xbox version is better, unless you're a weeb and need the Jap dub.

enjoy the inferior experience, i guess.

Enjoy the worse framerate and graphics, I guess.

keep spreading lies, i guess.

Keep being a weeb in denial, I guess.

Hard as shit to find your way around


not an argument, i guess.

I hate how we'll probably never have an emulator

I own three hundred-ish original Xbox games, including all the exclusives minus that mech game with the fucked up controller. I'm just not feeling the system right now, maybe when I'm a bit older and the nostalgia is a bit stronger I'll be able to go back and appreciate it properly.

You're a dumb fuck, I guess.

Anybody tried chink knockoff controllers? I have my original xbox but lost the controllers. It's tough to find second hand ones where I live.

joy is actually a villain and backstabs you at the end of the game, i guess.

They're passable, like most sub $20 chink electronics their quality varies depending on who worked on it at production.

Postin my refurbishin'

You can only use certain soaps and certain water temperatures or you can warp or fuck up the case. So don't just throw this shit in your dishwasher at home.


alright thanks. I guess i'll buy a few and hope to get a decent one


If you have an earlier Xbox version and haven't replaced the clock capacitor - your system is a ticking time bomb. When the cap goes bad, and it will go bad, it'll leak and ruin your mobo.

>on console

lel, fucking pleb

Morrowind on Xbox was the definitive version.

morrowind is shit on xbox lol

r u 2 years old? haha probs are

Some of the heatsinks can be bitches. The thermal paste on some of them can get so stuck on you have to use razorblades and all kinds of tools to really get it off.

Fun fact, I found a dead cockroach stuck to thermal paste. In between the processor and heatsink.

I play everything on console unless it's PC only. So basically I use my PC for strategy games.

Xbox was a PC.

How long does Arctic Silver last?

>this is what dumbshit console kids actually believe

Arctic Silver will last for a fucklong time if the system is used moderately. If heavy use, like, 5-8 hours a day, 10 years most likely.

And yet it was also quite literally a console. Checkmate atheists.

Yeah, any PC can be turned into a console with software.

M-mate? W-with me?

>not on carpet

The secret to properly restoring original Xbox's is to put them on carpet last, so that the static builds up and supercharges their capacitors after everything's in it's proper position.

Is it possible to fix borked CD drives? I remember reading something about fucking about with the variable resistor with a multimeter to slightly up the laser strength the get them reading again, but can't find it again and would love to get the paperweight I stupidly bought at a garage sale without testing up and running, seeing as the damn things cost as much as the system itself.


I never do anything to a DVD-Drive that would end up costing more than the Xbox is worth. A fully refurbished original Xbox is probably worth 50-60 dollars. That's system only. So you're incredibly limited with what you can do to the DVD-Drive to get it working again.

The ones I get are fucked up Thomson drives mainly, and all I can do is clean the laser and adjust the laser and hope it works. If I have to replace the laser assembly, I just lost 8 dollars. If I have to replace the whole drive, to find another Thomson that works or a Samsung, that can cost 30-80 dollars. The Xbox is then garbage.

What do you do with the Xbox's that you can't fix for a reasonable price?

so damn good

I break them down for parts. I keep everything. 90% of my stock is "broken/dead" xbox's from different websites that cost me 15 dollars, and I just have to replace their thermal paste.

Same issue with the fat PS3's, right?

Give 2 da electronically ept homeless

The CECHA01?

The big fat PS3's need new thermal paste AND reballing, or else they get the yellow light or whatever. Reballing is actually resodering connection points, it takes like 5 minutes. People charge like 90 dollars for it on Ebay somehow when it's an easy process.


Tell me about Phantom Dust Sup Forums.

Get the Legacy of Kain series before Square Enix dumbs it down.
>t. fairweather gamer

It's shit, unless you can get 4 player games going.

>pick up Xbox second hand
>get a great deal
>find out its chipped
>fuck yes
>realize the games on there are garbage
>I have no way to access the HDD and put better games on
>fuck no
At least it has Burn Out 3 and the Xbox is probably the only 6th gen system worth having hooked up to an HDTV so I can keep it in the rotation


How much does this cost?
I've been wanting an original Xbox but I've been too afraid to buy just any preowned one.