Does it deserve a remake? What would you change?

Does it deserve a remake? What would you change?

No. Nothing; it's fine as it is.

This game already has 100 remakes. They all just have different names.

I've been playing this for the first time ever on my 3ds. More often than not I wish that Ness would walk faster. He moves at such a painfully slow rate.

Buy Skip Sandwitches, dweeb.

Which Studio would you put in charge to remake it?

Either who you posted or HAL

No it's a bad game with it's only notoriety coming form hipsters.

They could add battle animations and backgrounds.
That's it

make the overworls wnemy sprites match the enemy.

thats pretty much it.

The trippy backgrounds are great. No need to change them.

Turn based combat has no place in 2017, and without turn based combat this game would lose all its soul.

We kinda already have plenty in the genre, and that game sorta just came out... so... no.

Not bad bait desu

Well, the bad games are the ones that deserve remakes.
Regardless I don't think any rpg shoud be remade.

Make it Undertale like combat

The "vania" really ties it together.

What does that accomplish though

Because it'll make people want to say "Metroidvania only exists because it's a combination of Metroid and Castlevania" but it'll ALSO make people think it's a reference to Megalovania.

Are you expecting a fpbp, /thread?
Well no, its not fine as it is. It never was fine. But that doesn't mean it needs a remake. Just keep it where it is

My lord. Even the games that say they're inspired by Earthbound are usually nothing like it. Its just an excuse for being bad since Earthbound was too


Fuck no. It already has its VC release, which is all it needs. We just need Mother 3 and we'll be golden


rename it to Mother 2


is a shit taste faggot

fbpb, /thread, etc.
Earthbound is my favorite game of all time and I sincerely doubt a remake would do it justice. Remakes are cancer, anyways.

what the fuck.