I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish SJW's had never infested our hobby.
I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish SJW's had never infested our hobby
Why what do you pay that has you bothered?
I wish Sup Forums never infested Sup Forums.
Fuck off frodo, SJWs haven't done shit. Microtransaction, pre-orders and shit DLC have done much more damage.
I was actually excited for Dragon Age Inquisition and Andromeda.
You know the rest.
Why didn't the eagles just fly the SJWs to mordor?
DA:I is nowhere near as bad as hamburger helpers age 2 - the cringefest.
What did SJWs do to ruin DA:I?
Those game didn't even go to shit because of SJWs, Mass Effect started it's downward spiral since 2, and it's not like the first one was a stelar game, same with origins, and DA2 was beyond garbage.
That's your own shit taste, it has nothing to do with SJWs. Play actual good games and you'll find nothing to whine about.
Because it would make the plot boring duh
Transsexual Qunari, Gay brown man, and removal of all references to rape which happened frequently in prior games sure didn't help.
Probably one of the thousands of things that trigger teenage boys into saying "cuck" over and over
This. There are fuck worse fucking cancers in the modern vidya industry and all you focus on is B-BUT LANDWHALES B-BUT NIGGERS.
Fuck off, you 2014 trash.
There's, like, gay characters and stuff.
Maybe you should stop playing shit games instead, both those franchises were shit from the start, the only saving grace ME had was the lore and story, DA didn't even have that.
And the story and lore of ME being ruined had nothing to do with SJWs and all to do with MAC THE HACK
Dragon Age Inquisition especially if you get the GOTY edition is imo the best made RPG ever made. Gorgeous graphics, good story, fun combat and breathtaking enviroments.
Well for Mass Effect all the " sjw meme" characters were always side characters with little to no interest or relevance to the story.
I dunno, watching some Hobbits fly an eagle into a volcano would be pretty rad.
I'm so sorry you need a safe space! Don't worry, though, you've got plenty here in the Sup Forums hugbox to coddle you and tell you what a brave boy you are to vent about those nasty SJW's.
>now Sup Forums being okay with shit like this becoming the norm
What the fuck happened?
Worry not, user. Bethesda Game Studios remains dedicated to releasing conservative-leaning video games free of political agendas. Have you played Fallout 4? It's a video game written by Emil Pagliurilo that celebrates traditional familt values, hard work and love of America. Might I also reccomend our new game DOOM, which celebrates traditional masculinity and the necessity of viruous violent means of establishing dominance and problem solving.
Doesn't DA:O also have this?
>Dragon Age Inquisition especially if you get the GOTY edition is imo the best made RPG ever made.
It had so much pointless side mission grinding that I got bored before I even got to the ending mission or whatever.
I usually try and 100% RPGs, but DA:I was so full of repetitive tedium that it killed my interest in the game. Oh, I did beat all of the dragons though, which was pretty fun.
I also had a lot of fun using cheat engine to remove the cooldown timers on the blink/dash ability so I could just zoom around maps while hunting down those stupid side mission objectives.
>best rpg ever made
>the story is literally an ancient evil awakens
>I usually try and 100% RPGs, but DA:I was so full of repetitive tedium that it killed my interest in the game. Oh, I did beat all of the dragons though, which was pretty fun.
Not to the mention the hours and hours spent grinding for craft recipes.
How can you have such shit taste. Why is Sup Forums filled with so many babies that eat up mainstream garbage?
Why aren't you playing Japanese vidya exclusively (aside from the few good western developers) right now, Sup Forums?
>good story, fun combat and breathtaking enviroments.
Official DAI review:
>An abundance of fetch quests, kill X quests, and other MMO tier garbage made to force you to grind
>Locking the main missions behind Power because otherwise the main story is 10 hours max
>Having the character creator take place under the fucking Fade lighting
>Awful Mage armor, all armours are basically one or two sets with different colors
>Magic has been dumbed down to Lightning, Ice, and Fire just like Skyrim compared to the Four Schools of Magic we had previously
>Cory gets zero development, we never delve deep into his mindset or progress beyond he's the bad guy go kill him
>Nothing interesting was done with our ability to enter the Fade
>Skyhold never gets fully repaired, remains a dump with broken walls and rooms
>They got rid of the dialogue camera and replaced it with that shitty static camera
>Collecting the shards is pointless and boring
>You have to do everything yourself the Inquisition is fucking useless and does nothing, why can't I have my minions gather shit?
>Music is sporadic and sometimes never plays
>Companion dialogue is bugged and was never fixed
6/10 had potential wasted it.
The only thing I'd say was pretty awkward for me as far as SJW influence goes in Inquisition is the way that they had the Qun being socially progressive about a transsexual character who was introduced for the sake of having a transsexual character.
When in all other instances of the story, the Qun were presented as a totalitarian group that enforces what people think and do, and believes that our roles are chosen for us by higher-ups at birth to the point of balking at the idea of women wanting to become warriors.
>I wish none of this had ever happened
>An abundance of fetch quests, kill X quests, and other MMO tier garbage made to force you to grind
fucking this
Like LOTR or 90% of other fantasy stories and games out there.
Yeah I never crafted anything until around level 16 where 3/4 of my inventory was just materials and I could make masterwork stuff that was better than level 20 gear. And old for myself. I didn't even use elf root to make extra potions since I had 12 potions perk and well i could hold my own in any fight as a mage and a good team.
>Yeah I never crafted anything until around level 16 where 3/4 of my inventory was just materials and I could make masterwork stuff that was better than level 20 gear. And old for myself. I didn't even use elf root to make extra potions since I had 12 potions perk and well i could hold my own in any fight as a mage and a good team.
I spent the majority of that game trying to min/max my gear to the limit. At the end, I was trivially fighting dragons solo, bosses solo; whatever - I could facetank everything in the game and press one button to just explode the screen.
It got sort of ridiculous, but that to me just means the max difficulty setting wasn't high enough. Oh well, can't expect video game developers to actually play their games.
>few good Western developers
Name three.
Game looked pretty though, especially on wide gamut
I my game I never equipped anything unless it was purple and would do handmedowns from character to character. My mage weapon and armor made me tougher than full purple gear vanguard cassandra.
I wish SJWs had never infested this board.
If there is a sliver lining, it's how easily trolled they all are.
>If there is a sliver lining, it's how easily trolled they all are.
trumpfags in a nutshell
also don't forget DAII Hamburger Helper
DA:I is a singleplayer MMO, it literally was gonna be an MMO but it was so bad they made it SP.
Its awful.
>best RPG ever
It doesnt even come within 1000 miles of Deus Ex
>DA:I is a singleplayer MMO, it literally was gonna be an MMO but it was so bad they made it SP.
Oh wow, that's pretty sad
thank you, based Todd
>stelar game
Lol. user, you card!
I miss frodo threads.
Hold me neo-Sup Forums
Sorry but I'm never that bitter or jaded with fantasy rpg games.
I genuinely enjoy running around doing stuff, solving problems, doing puzzles and quests.. I use fast travel but never the horse since it feels lower somehow. Like If i'm playing skyrim, I go everywhere on foot and never fast travel at all.
>Playing games designed and marketed to weak, pathetic men.
>Gorgeous graphics, good story, fun combat
These are not true, though.
If Japan could get over its otaku pandering it could absolutely DOMINATE in all but a few genres.
What in the hell are you talking about it was always a single player game with SOME multiplayer stuff added at the end.
I was just talking to a friend about bioware
He really liked dao and ME1 and he was excited for ME:A. He told me he didn't like DA2/I and ME2/3 but he wasn't sure why.
>praising modern bioware games
what a faggot
Arkane, Obsidian, CDPR
Wooow, that was real hard, user.
to be fair at least that character was the villain I thought?
The second they do they're at the bottom of the garbage bin making pachinko machines, claw games and money sucking arcades.
Unfortunately, you can see the waves of kissless virgin masturbator stink wafting from these games. Japs just can't do sexy.
I don't even care if you're trolling.
I'm not one of these faggots crying about SJW boogeymen ruining everything in gaming, but DA:I isn't even good, gay and ugly characters aside. And it sure as fuck isn't better than TW3.
Why don't you just not buy the games you think you won't like
That was before SJWs decided they like Muslims. So now the not-Muslims are really Just Misunderstood.
Yeah, DA:I isn't bad because of the SJW shit, which is fairly minimal. It's bad because the story, characters, combat and "exploration" are trash.
Nice environmental graphics, though.
Confirmed for never played the game.
Tell me what games have been "infested" exactly.
I'm talking about video games, dumbass.
If the Japanese devs move back to focusing on console games without the anime influence they could be incredible. The western devs would end up in the same position they were in back during the 6th gen where they only really succeeded in genres that Japan doesn't make or doesn't care about.
Witcher games? What does that have to do with anything. That's like comparing witcher games to a supercar racing game. Why do you people use the witcher as a benchmark for everything fantasy, is this the digital LOTR now?
But I'm a weak, pathetic man
Stop playing western games.
They will never bother you again.
Naziism always been apart of Sup Forums
Been here since 06
Biodrones wanted desperately for their shitty game to be better than TW3 because they are " similar "