>13 years old
>Looks and plays better than most modern games
What was their fucking secret?
>13 years old
>Looks and plays better than most modern games
What was their fucking secret?
Other urls found in this thread:
They actually wanted to create games.
Now they want to create money.
nostalgia goggles
Nah it's still a great game
You must be 18+ to post here.
It was developed for PC in mind.
they counted to three.
not even him, but FEAR is boring as fuck
t. ADD ridden kid
>not even him
Sure, kid.
>you must have ADD if you dislike being bored
Doom is miles better
When Can I play it on my ps4 with 60 fps? I only played the 360 version last gen and as shit as that port was it still was a fucking blast
>boring enemies
>boring locations
>boring story
>boring scares
Literally no secret. They just put all the effort they could towards making a good top-of-the-line video game without any other sort of motivation.
Monolith. Made other great FPS's like Blood and No One Lives Forever. Plus the game the Condemned games.
>boring enemies
The combat is the draw, not a bunch of crazy aliens as the enemies.
>boring locations
Sometimes. Shit like the school was pretty great. Or was that 2?
>boring story
Could have been better, but it's a shooter, c'mon.
>boring scares
Nostalgia goggles + AI + awesome reflex time
the school was 2 you idiot
Wow, it's almost like I accounted for the possibility.
I marathoned 1 + 2 and all the expansions, I'm sorry if it blurs together.
>What was their fucking secret?
Making their game during the time when video game graphics were improving at a rapid pace, just before that improvement slowed to a crawl because developer talent rather than hardware power became the bottleneck. Improvements in hardware are now used as an excuse not to optimize.
>The combat is the draw
It's the most generic FPS gameplay ever + some neat slo-mo and PHYSICS
It's a like a test for a new physics engine that got stretched out into a full game
It's a fucking pain in the ass to get working again. I had to tweak the shit out of it in order to get antialiasing working.
Before that it would drop to 20 frames and frame break like crazy
it's ok
Which games do horror well?
pc was put in mind first
>boring enemies
One of the few games where I just wanted to fight the basic grunts the entire game because they're so fun to fight
>boring locations
>boring story
Lame story
>boring scares
Not the least bit scary, yeah
The gameplay is good though, so it's a 9/10
what does graphics have to do with FEAR's legacy? its the gameplay that is important obv.
You clearly are just attacking this game because you have nothing else to do on Sup Forums. Everybody knows FEAR is a grade-A FPS.
evil within
Horror is too subjective.
STALKER and Silent Hill series
He's right, see:
You're too subjective.
>Everybody knows FEAR is a grade-A FPS.
No I'm attacking the game because it sucks and Sup Forums seems to adore this game
>what does graphics have to do with FEAR's legacy?
OP mentioned graphics and I responded to that. Chill out famm.
Want to know how I know you're full of shit?
something about the shooting felt good in this game
>7 years old
>Looks better than 95% of all games ever made
>Plays better than 90% of all games ever made
>Had 128 player multiplayer
>Which had an economy system, vehicles and all of the singleplayer powers
>They still managed to balance all of this
What was their fucking secret?
Ya just might be wrong, my man.
I don't have any fear. Horror genre doesn't exist for me
No One Lives Forever 1 and 2 are way better aesthetically imo
um user
the year is 2017
crysis is 10 years old
Something'll scare you sometime. no worries
Nothing. People enjoy generic FPS games, and they got another one.
Why the game is so lauded I don't know. The slow-down mechanic is okay, but God dammit did it get old fighting the same dudes the entire game. That, and being in that office building environment for most of it just killed any interest I had.
Plastic soulless jungles.
Eternal Darkness
STALKER, the first Amnesia, Alien: Isolation, Resident Evil 1-3
Yes please tell me because I know the webm definitely isn't related
It was from a time when devs focused on games instead of marketing.
professional diagnosis: brain damage
your mind is so simple and easily entertained that OMG SLOMO and kicks that clip through walls is somehow amazing to you
>F.E.A.R's AI is really fucking basic
>Still better than modern day shit
your brain's not making the connections that it should.
>people shitting on Crysis 11 years ago
>now it's best FPS
not making the connection that a shit game is somehow good? Glad to hear it doctor!
>Something slightly clipped through something else, IMMERSION RUINED!
This will never stop happening within your lifetime.
FEAR was marketed pretty strongly. Reason it wasn't so remembered is that the game really wasn't that scary, even if the combat was tight as hell. Also, 2 was just "okay" and everything after was bad.
sitting behind cover waiting for the enemies to arrive isnt the correct way to play FEAR
>Sup Forums shitting on TLoU AI
>Sup Forums praising FEAR AI
>not turning off chat
I love how resident evil 7 is pretty much F E A R. AND NO ONE NOTICED.
I don't hate TLoU, but when you can brick almost every enemy in the game you really do have to question the A.I.
that doesn't have anything to do with the AI though.
I remember being so impressed by those hanging lights when FEAR first came out.
RE7 is much slower and has way less enemies on screen than FEAR. Only real comparison I see if the little girl thing and the shotgun being based.
>RE7 shitposting continues to describe a game that does not actually exist
>boring as fuck
Name a more exciting shooter then, contrarian.
Nice memes, m8ey
>Brick 5 guys on a floor
>Nobody gives a shit until they step on his face.
>Silently dropkick a replica dude
>Radio chat starts buzzing 30 seconds later "hey where's dave?"
>boring enemies
Excuse me?
That's not AI, those aren't conditional decisions made by the AI they're just scripted to do that if they don't check in.
I can't believe someone in this thread thinks crysis plays well. It looks pretty good but fuck me is it boring.
Also I fucking love f.e.a.r.
the thing with FEAR and Crysis is that you can play them like boring straight-forward shooters and be fine, but you can also be a bad ass. Most games don't even let you do anything cool and only by default make you play in a boring straight-forward way.
It's videogames. Of course it isn't "actual" AI; stop arguing semantics.
Sure, I just don't think these two complaints fit the point you're trying to make is all.
Those mechs were boring though, you should have posted the frog-like invisible crawlers.
>old game had state of the art physics/graphics/gameplay for its time
>whenever its discussed on Sup Forums nowadays half the posts are just
>"its just a benchmark bro xd"
>"lolol they were just showing off the engine its not an actual game"
Are these kinda posts the most autistic posts on the board nowadays?
Quite literally more annoying than "now that the dust has settled" or "fun is a buzzword" retardation.
The point is that the NPCs in TLoU are very, very simplistic since they have very rigid pathing until they get alerted and can be stealthed very easily and don't really check on their allies.
In FEAR they have a lot of different paths to take, check in with each other, more robust attack/defend/flank/retreat behavior and actively communicate over the radio as soon as they see you/your last known location. Much "smarter" than TLoU. And yes I am aware that most of that has to do with smaller environments.
I really should play this now that my computer can probably handle it.
As someone who pretty much jizzed his pants on playing just the demo, let alone the full fucking game, I'd like to know what would you people that are shitting on F.E.A.R. want in a shooter in general? Or how would you make the game in question better? I'm not even bitching, I'm just curious.
i liked fear's 'dull' locations because they make the game feel really grounded
like outside psychic soldiers, the whole game feels rather believable
special forces team gets caught up in a corporate conspiracy, and fights mundane armored soldiers through mundane realistic locations using mundane realistic weapons
didnt appeal to the adhd crowd, so everything in 2 had to start glowing and shit, though the locations were still pretty good.
fear 1 didn't really have a huge budget which is why there's major repetition/lack of variety in assets. i certainly wouldn't have minded if they modeled more than 1 telephone or 2 gas tanks or 1 car, etc. this wouldve made it feel more natural
>The first one is one of my favorite games
>I can't get myself to complete the second one
I'm the only one? I just feel like there's something wrong with it.
FEAR is probably the last game someone will remember with nostalgia.
If you don't play this on extreme difficulty no-slow-mo you're casual
it actually becomes kind of difficult
to say nothing of extraction point, which is brutally hard like this, like you'll die more in the first 30 minutes than the entire base game
Thats not what 90% of the actual gameplay is like though
>Crisis was favorite game of 12 year olds
>Crisis was labeled as game for 12 year olds
>those 12 year olds are grow up now
>they shill Crisis as best FPS
Make sense
Now I KNOW you're a shitposting faggot.
Wait what, where's the clipping? You do realise he opened the fucking door before walking into the room?
Remove the horror elements.
FEAR would've been a way better game without all the supernatural shit and just you running about shooting grunts in the face. Because that was the most fun thing about FEAR.
Personally I actually always found FEAR 2 to be better than FEAR. I know that's an unpopular opinion. But it was pretty fun for me, I dunno.
No 12 year old had a PC powerful enough to run Crysis.
that expansion was fun. loved the minigun
the gameplay in crysis is pretty much what you make of it
if you spend the entire run skulking through bushes with camouflage mode on, yeah it wont be like that
if you want to spend the entire time jumping around like that, there's ample supply of koreans in the first half to do this to your hearts content with
Sometimes it's just good.