And no one even knows. Sad!
Double Dragon 4 comes out next week
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>implying it can even top Advance
Also, the controls are fucking garbage.
Looks like shit
That's not fair user. Advance is the best game in the series.
I know, but come on. At least Neon came close, though it did take a different approach to doing so. Hell, Neon felt more like a Kunio game at times.
the game looks like complete garbage even from a 8bit perspective
I played DD Neon this week, I really liked it even if it's a bit grindy
anyway, here's best song
Pretty sure 2 is the best. How are you not hyped as fuck for this??
Are the arcade ports on PS4 worth getting?
Neon was the only good one
Because we aren't that easy to pander to.
why is it based on the nes artstyle? shouldn't they use the arcade art, are there any good ports of double dragon 1-3
>They use II sprites
Not really a fan of DDII, too easy and dull level designs.
Still prefer III, at least it has better sprites and hard as shit gameplay
Double Dragon Advance is a good remake, now I can't think of any good ports for this generation
>Those graphics
whats wrong with the ps4 ports?
Neon was trash. Advance was the peek of the series.
It was a deliberate choice on the devs end. I don't mind it. Although I wish they used least Super Double Dragon artstyle.
What's wrong with them?
Aren't M2 in charge of all the Arcade Archive stuff on PS4 or just the Konami stuff? They tend to be pretty good.
>double dragon iv based on the nes games
>the nes versions are not on ps4
why not port them as well
They're emulations of the arcade versions, which many people tend to regard as lesser games than the NES version. Personally I prefer the arcade version of DD2 over the NES one. Of course, if you got MAME on your PC, you can just download them for free.
Better yet, why is the PS4 version the only console port of Double Dragon IV. It's a retro-style pixel game, it shouldn't be that hard to make multiplatform versions. I know nips are allergic to Xbox, but at least release it on Vita or Switch.
I guess Arc is just playing safe
They could do better with the money they get with BB sales
The Double Dragon games on NES were completely different from their arcade counterparts.
DD1 and 2 are both available on PS4 Arcade Archives, but I have no experience with those ports. Double Dragon Trilogy on Steam and smartphones is a pretty shitty compilation and not all that accurate (doesn't even include the JP version of DD3AC that removes the item shops) and you're better off just playing them on MAME.
doesnt this come out tonight at midnight ?
>tfw Abobo's Big Adventure is not canon
I thought new games weren't uploaded on PSN until noon?
You can play as him though.
why would a fangame, in which the entire NES game library worlds are part of the same earth, be canon?