what exactly is the evidence that the "redfield" person at the end of re7 isn't chris,
What exactly is the evidence that the "redfield" person at the end of re7 isn't chris
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what's the evidence that he is?
That he calls himself Redfield, he looks like Chris and that he's listed as Chris Redfield.
>he looks like Chris
Who the fuck talks like that?
>I'm [second name]
Wesker does
does not looke like chris in the slightest
It's a soft gritty reboot so yeah he looks a little more realistic
Where did all his gains go?
Evidence suggesting it's Chris:
>"I'm Redfield."
Evidence suggesting it's not Chris:
>he looks like Chris
Facial blindness is a sign of autism.
Seek help.
This. Idk why its up for debate.
He looks related to Chris he is either his and Claire's brother or cousin or an impostor.
Still calls himself Redfield and listed as "Chris Redfield" in the credits. It's all we have to go on until the free DLC.
You're telling me that candyass non-muscular beta looking faggot is Chris Redfield? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
No, this is Chris Redfield.
Lots of folks refer to themselves with their surname.
If two or more kids with the same first name grow up together, they'll get used to calling one another by the last name.
that bitch couldn't even punch a boulder.
Its HUNK using "Redfield" as a code name.
What is the evidence that this person isn't Claire?
Looks nothing like chris.
Here's chris months before re7
CV Chris is best Chris
He looks like pre-Revelations Chris to me, which considering the soft reboot nature of RE7 makes complete sense.
Anyone know the name of the model that he's based on now?
The next official appearance we know of Chris where there is no question he is Chris is Vendetta and he looks like this.
Revelations took place before 5?
It's clearly a redesign of chris redfield you fucking autists. He looks like Chris, just not the last incarnation of him.
>TFW I'll never look this alpha/attractive
>The guy who isn't Chris calls himself Redfield
mystery solved.
I don't know much about resident evil but the events of re7 takes place 8-11 years after raccoon city
>gives up before trying
Well, not with that fucking attitude.
As an actual insider watching all of this unfold, I'm laughing my ass off. The funniest thing is that it wasn't even supposed to be ambiguous. It was written as a straightforward Chris reveal. The ending was supposed to connect the game to previous RE titles. But instead everyone is throwing a fit saying it's not him. If you don't like how he looks, you're all going to be double pissed when the DLC comes out and you see new Jill.
the last two look the same tho
RE7 takes place 2017
I'm wondering why people think they would introduce a "ruse" at the end of the game? Much less one that relies on you recognizing a video game character without a reference to what he looks like in the new series.
>He looks like pre-Revelations Chris to me
Because he's a clone.
Why do people overthink this game so much?
>It's clearly not Chris, it's probably H.U.N.K
>Ethan works for Umbrella because of that quip he made at the end about "what took you so long"
>The Deputy was actually the Sheriff
I'm half convinced everyone's just having a laugh about it not being him. Like how Pliskin and Solid Snake are separate characters.
I suppose you're right, but women never really liked me nor looked at me anyway.
I fucking hope so. The new Chris looks a lot better than the fucking meathead in re5/6
It's laughable. Most of the people buying this game don't even know who Hunk is. They're not going to ruse people with a literal who character for normies.
>It was written as a straightforward Chris reveal.
It was written fucking horribly.
IF that's just Chris, the writers did everything in their power to make it hard to tell or believe
>Umbrella Chopper
>Albert Gun
>Change of hair color/body mass but not in a believable way like aging.
Like, seriously fucking badly done. They can't just put Chris in the back of an "UMBRELLA" chopper and expect us to just nod and follow along.
>Doesn't like muscular looking alpha guys
Wow user, that's some serious faggotry shit taste you got going there.
It's not Chris.
He is Chris Redfield Jr.
You're not supposed to "nod and follow along." You're supposed to go "why did he come out of an Umbrella chopper?"
And your explanation is that he's a clone? Or it's not him at all?
They don't. They expect you to be surprised that Chris was in the game and to look forward to the DLC that will explain what he's been doing since Vendetta and why he's working for Umbrella.
>Change of hair color/body mass but not in a believable way like aging.
You mean like Umbrella Chronicles to revelations? Or fuck, any of the younger Chris' to post-RE4 Chris'?
>Character who has gone through design changes
>RE7 is essentially a new turn for the series
>People think they wont introduce a new model
Stop fucking reaching retards
We will just have to find out in REVIII
>Evidence suggesting it's not Chris:
He works for Umbrella?
>And your explanation is that he's a clone? Or it's not him at all?
Yes. You don't age backwards, even when being redesigned.
>You're supposed to go "why did he come out of an Umbrella chopper?
How about "Why does he look NOTHING like any other iteration of the character and behave in a contradictory way when compared to previous games. See above.
You can't drop a twist like that on the player while also completely redesigning the character to look NOTHING like we would know or expect.
Not a hero comes out in the spring.
No, we will just have to find out NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z.
Chris in RE6 looks like a modern, slightly older version of REmake Chris. Roid rage Chris is the deviation from the norm, not this one.
>calls himself Redfield
>works against bioterrorism
>is male and not Jill
>credits list him as "Chris Redfield"
>"Oh, that could be anyone."
You mean the Umbrella which cleans up old Umbrellas mess and has a blue logo, not Umbrellas typical red logo?
Why do all questions have to be answered right away? Maybe its better for their to be elements left open in a fictional universe to add mystery to it and build interest
Fair enough
I never played re6 so you'll have to excuse me
I just assumed that they kept the muscle Chris design
>You mean like Umbrella Chronicles to revelations?
>Or fuck, any of the younger Chris' to post-RE4 Chris'?
You don't fucking age backwards user. His design is fucking garbage.
We're just assuming that Capcom would be smart enough to design him sensibly rather than thrust the biggest change in appearance in the character's history and some fucking Benjamin Button bullshit on us at the same time.
>works against bioterrorism
That fucking chopper was surveying the Baker House situation for a long time user.
>"Oh, that could be anyone."
It's a clone or Hunk. Chris looks fucking nothing like that. End of story.
If he's actually Chris, I hope Capcom is ashamed of this clumsy bullshit and realizes what they did wrong.
>Chris has gone through multiple design changes
>RE7 described as a fresh look at the resident evil series
>Character introduces himself as Redfield
>Credits describe him by his full name and not just "redfield"
You people are retarded
Umbrella also """cleaned up""" messes before and it turned out to be a ruse. No indication this is any different. Last we saw Chris, he's a mercenary.
Except they kept his old design for a tie in movie. Also I think everyone is fucking glossing over the whole umbrella thing. Chris would never get involved with it, his character is a boyscout, and hes already in the bsaa. This game isn't a reboot universe wise and you are stupid
Will we ever get another character like Wesker again? I really liked him, don't even care if he was an edgelord and shit.
>the blue umbrella is actually the logo of a XOF-like group that is anti-Umbrella
That would be so retarded but I could see Capcom doing it and it would make me chuckle.
Lucas is the new Wesker.
He is his fucking clone Umbrella is using to fuck shit up and frame him.
It's not a soft reboot you tool
I'm gonna parade screenshots of your posts on a fucking cross when it's revealed to be Chris.
>If he's actually Chris, I hope Capcom is ashamed of this clumsy bullshit and realizes what they did wrong.
This is the safer bet, user.
It's never too late user!
Just start by doing 10 pushups every morning and I swear you'll see differences.
The only chance is that they tie shit with the game and make it that Chris stole an Umbrella chopper, that's literally it.
it is though. so was re4. they were both big reinventions to the franchise that were meant to be a new start and a way to get new players while keeping the canon going for long time fans.
I'm just saying, he's fucking Sandy Blonde and looks younger than he did in RE5 or REv
It's either clumsy garbage or a ruse of some sort.
>he looks like Chris
Underrated post.
You people are so goddamn retarded I swear.
>Sandy Blonde
Do you have problems with color user? Because its chestnut fucking brown
This is not the tie in movie, genius. And you'd know that's the mercenary corp that is unrelated to actual Umbrella if you actually paid attention to the series.
Nearly every second person, at the very LEAST, thinks it looks like a redesigned Chris. You seem to be one of the few peoplehaving a problem with it or saying it looks "nothing like we would know or expect"
>simply referred to as "resident evil: biohazard" in most marketing
>has very little to do with previous games in the series other than a couple references
It's a soft reboot.
Yes it is. It's a shitty one too, but that's another matter.
LOOK AT HIS FACIAL HAIR. Compare these two images. It's a fucking world of difference. Even if take into account how Japanese all the Caucasians look in Vendetta, it's still the wrong fucking hair color.
>Redfield is actually now a group
>I'm Redfield actually means "I'm in the Redfield group"
>Let me join in with insightful commentary as well
No, it's referred to as Resident EVII: Biohazard.
It's post-OP Claire who now goes by Chris. Which'll make thanksgiving a hell of a lot more awkward at the Redfield household.
>Let's compare a design from Vendetta with something entirely unrelated to Vendetta, made on a specific game engine with specific character models
I hope this is a Pliskin tier joke, because it's getting sad.
>Gets redesigned
>Redesigns, contrary to what some autist above said, occasionally de age or change in some drastic ways
>Sperg out because he's not H.U.N.K with plastic surgery posing as Chris for some reason or a clone or some shit
>guy is a ginger
>called himself Redfield
Nice one, Capacom.
I see some retarded ass motherfucker slapping his dick on the sidewalk and spewing shit out of his ass I ain't gonna walk over there and explain to him why he's being retarded and offer an alternative, i'm just gonna laugh.
His entire appearance was a fucking mistake. It would have been the first time since RE2 that we would have had an ENTIRELY new cast of characters in a RE game, but they just had to fuck it all up by shoehorning in a random character at the end and calling him "Redfield".
Military personnel.
he looks like he could be RE1 Chris aged a few years, but he looks nothing like the Chris we've seen for the past decade.
it's probably him and they just redesigned him so he's not so gar anymore.
>always gets his entire squad killed and comes out as the only survivor
>frequently the lone survivor on missions; nicknamed "Mr. Death"
He's not voiced by Ezio.
when is chris gonna fuck jill
how are you posting if you're blind user?