Which one do you want to win

Which one do you want to win

Which one do you think its going to win

Have you donated?

Do you even care?

Pokken has the cutest fox so I donated to that

>Which one do you want to win
>Which one do you think its going to win
>Have you donated?
>Do you even care?

>Which one do you want to win
>Which one do you think its going to win
it's too early and too close to say for sure
>Have you donated?
$10 to pokken
>Do you even care?
i want scizor goddamit

>i want scizor goddamit
but user, scizor isnt in the NA game yet

why do you think i want it to win?

oh, pretty smart user

Pokken Tournament
Im still dedicated to it but fuck Bandai for being silent for the west

MVC3 is just more fun to watch.

Donated $5 to Pokken also
>Tfw main is bottom tier

I believe that Pokken needs a chance

another one

An EVO without Marvel just feels so wrong.

I just think it's really shitty UMVC3 wasn't apart of the main lineup this year.

I mean, MVC is going through bit of a reconnaissance, considering UMVC3 has gotten re-released for modern consoles and we're getting Infinite later this year. UMVC3 really deserves just one more year at EVO.


This, Pokken will get pushed through by autism bucks but Marvel deserves the slot far more

Tatsunoko >>> Marvel
always sad 3 killed it

>asking this question on NintendoGAF

Don't care either way because Mahvel fucking sucks and Pokken doesn't interest me.

I agree but u think Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about it.
Especially considering we aren't even getting DLC characters.
I bet we are going the game in the switch but it wont have cross play whit WIIU.


>Which one do you want to win
Anything but Marvel

>Which one do you think is going to win
Marvel because watching ChrisG spam Soul Fist for 3 days is somehow entertaining to brain dead fucktards

>Have you donated?
Fuck no. The FGC will not see a dime of my money. Elitist pricks who don't welcome newcomers don't deserve any of these donations no matter how noble the cause.

I just wanted to see ARMS at EVO :(

Don't really care about any but Mahvel is more fun to watch. Also most pokefurries only care because of their favorite pokemon and not the gameplay so fuck those degenerates.

Sauce pls?

>I just wanted to see ARMS at EVO :(

me too user :c

>Dat feel when BBCF on Sunday stage

Killer Instinct fags BTFO

people actually donated for this

Marvel has been at evo every year and Infinite means it's garunteed to get a slot next year.

It can afford a 1 year break so pokken can get the spot, which actually needs it since TPCI and Bamco are doing such a shit job of supporting i/t

>Been at every single EVO from the start, never skipped a year
>The year it might skip is the very year a new installment comes out

Fuck no.

Marvel has to get in.

>Marvel has to get in.
hell no
Marvel isnt even good to watch anymore

its repetitive and the same players everytime
its like watching another melee and man, we dont need another smash

KI voter who accepted death long ago here, what point is there in wanting Marvel in again exactly? Were 5 years of jugglan not enough?

>nintenbabys trying to force their way in the fgc

Inviting smash to evo was a mistake

One. Last. Fucking. Time.

You read my greentext, right?

MvC never skipped a single EVO since the first time it got featured and the one time it might skip EVO is the year a new installment is coming out?

That's fucking ironic and ridiculous. One last ride, it has to get in. EVO without Marvel is #NotMyEVO

>autism bucks losing to niggers stealing from gas stations

Fighting is Magic
I still want to see it because it pissed Sup Forums off hardcore back in 2013.

>having to donate to get a game at Evo
jesus christ, what jews

anyway, if marvel loses it will be a travesty

When do donations close?

MvC3 will probably win. Neither of them deserves to win. I'm not donating.

Nintendo shitters and the Mahvel community are both awful people who don't deserve to be at EVO, but we also have 2 Smash games, so who cares. At least MvC is less boring to watch.


Donation goes to cancer patients, man.

I get why pokken is so high up but really it should not come back it was the shittiest game last year and most of the people in top 32 did not even take it seriously they just casually played and used their fundamentals to get that far

next week I believe

Don't care.

why do people want pokken it is a fun game but its tournament scene is forced as fuck its like wanting battletoads to be a game at evo because you can fight each other

voting for nidhogg is just like voting for pokken both games competitive scenes are a joke its just one has pokemon so people pretend it is good

Stupid nintendo babbies and pokefags. It would be dead in the water if it didn't use Pokemon.

I haven't played or watched anything related to Pokken, why do people hate it again?

It's boring as fuck to watch, and really poorly balanced.


>not Pokken

exactly its retarded even the people who play it were calling it a joke at a competitive level.

I admit evo 2016 was kinda of repetitive, but its balanced

>It would be dead in the water if it didn't use Pokemon.

wouldnt be the same for SF V and Marvel?

>Poorly balanced
Never played it huh? its actually the most balanced fighter

Pokken is an actual fighting game,unlike smash

The reason it was shit last year was because at the time the meta was zoner heavy, that's no longer the case.

Also, there were organizational issues.

>poorly balanced

Lel, it's extremely balanced. People just didn't into the other characters at the time

With SF at least, it has always been a fighting game. It's not crossing genres. All the characters in SF are original characters from that series.

I don't like Mahvel either but at least it's a pretty decent game.

Hopefully they get around to making Pokken 2 and include some sort of ground tech this time.


well, someone just donated 3k to MVC

rip pokken

what do you think about it?

and the fact that its not a good competitive game and is being forced to be one, thankfully it will lose and it won't be seen again, even if a switch version comes out because mr wizard would see no reason in including it when their is no evidence it will be worth it

>and the fact that its not a good competitive game

It is though. Why do you think it isn't?

It just puts pokken 2000$ behind again, same where it was for the past few days, it's not a big deal.

The japanese pokken community raised like 5k that they'll be putting in at some point.

because just like Jojo and gundam vs sure they are fighting games but they are not a game that deserve spots at evo.

>you just do not like it
I own it and play it I do not see it being a good game for evos line up

>because just like Jojo and gundam vs

No it's not.


No, user, it's 4,000 gap now.

>and the fact that its not a good competitive game
Are we talking about Marvel now?

Whoops, that's true. Wonder how that happened since before the donation Pokken was only 1k behind, I thought.

gundam vs had really forced tournaments because of the ip in japan and anime tournaments used to host it as well. So yes its the same thing

>no my game is more competitive and the scene is real
what ever you want to tell yourself

Holy gen4 pandering.

Except Pokken is far more of a traditional fighter then Gundam vs and is more of a competitive game


Then explain how it's not.

I like both but I suck absolute ass at Pokken, the only game I have a winrate below 50

whats the next game they will pretend has a tournament scene?
Girl Fight?



>implying pokken doesn't
>When it has plenty of weeklies and 1-2 majors every 2-3 weeks

>2 furry pokemons


Pokemon is furshit furfag.

>sexualising pokemon

All pokemon are furryshit

>at 16k

rather watch nigs rather than high school flipfuccbois

>croagunk is bottom tier
What the fuck, he's like one of the only fighting types

I just want to see Braixen wreck shit.

>Elitist pricks who don't welcome newcomers don't deserve any of these donations no matter how noble the cause.

>2 Smash games were brought in
>Blaz Blue is back
>KOF is off and on again
>Pokken, Killer Instrinct and MKX were in last year
>P4A the year before that

You dumb fucks really think your votes matter? It's just a gimmick to grab some free cash. Marvel is gonna win, because it was already going to be shown. Good job throwing them money though!

>Which one do you want to win
Super Turbo
>Which one do you think its going to win
Probably Marvel
>Have you donated?
Not going to Evo this year, nor do I play any of those games besides ST, so donating is pointless
>Do you even care?
A bit, mostly just want to see the reaction if Marvel loses.

>cries elitist
>is an elitist


Injustice was a mistake
Injustice is only at evo this year becauses WB paid them a large sum of money and there is nothing you can do

>Which one do you want to win
>Which one do you think its going to win
>Have you donated?
No, I have to be careful with money rn
>Do you even care?
Only a little.

user, the proceeds of this are going to charity. Make A Wish iirc

The NRS community is larger than the BB community.

Why do weeks claim Injustice was bought in, but are completely positive about Blazblue?

Lol. Why would you donate to panhandlers?

Marvel is going to win easily.

>The NRS community is larger than the BB community.
>yet BB somehow has more showing at every event, and more people are interested in it
Really gets my noggin joggin'.


Pokken cause I just don't want to see Marvel 3 anymore


Marvel because FGC is autistic




not really.

Marvel. Pokken is fuckin boring to watch and the community is deader than Marvel.

Marvel. Don't underestimate the power of Yipes and other diehards.

Nah. Poorfag

I wonder who could be behind that.

Croagunk is the resident joke character.

>No Killer Instinct

Someone who plays MKX, and doesn't even own BB.
It's just the way it is, user.

I've never played either but there really did end up being a lot more Braixen porn like that guy who won requested.

>Pokken is fuckin boring to watch

Have you watched it beyond when it was at evo last year and everybody in the top 8 was playing a zoner?

Because the meta isn't zoner heavy anymore

You forgot, we're the Fighting Games by Capcom