Current state of the Resident Evil franchise

Current state of the Resident Evil franchise

Self explanatory.
Heavy duty tape that can't be removed by hand.
>Inb4 how did they even get this space tape
The shop. the game tells you they do. How else did they have the piece of paper saying they bought 20 pet collars and how the son can make a ton of mechanical bullshit?


>leg gets chopped off
>glues it back on

>not removable by hand
I refuse to believe it.

Maybe it's really good tape?

Maybe it's the duckest of tapes?

>Heavy duty tape that can't be removed by hand.
Does that even exist?

I could maybe suspend my belief enough to say that maybe it was glued on with exhorberent amounts of Super Glue or Crazy Glue

However Tape that can't be removed by hand seems like such a weird thing, like did people die testing this amazing tape confirming they couldn't be removed from what surface they accidentally taped themselves to

Have you tried removing it by hand?

i mean, it could probably be removed by hand, but it would probably be like this:
you stand there for 10 minutes, trying to get your fingernail under the tape, slowly stretching it and maybe ripping small pieces of it off, never really progressing very far in removing the tape.
i don't think it's that strange to just say "ah fuck it, there's probably a knife around here"

I've tried removing varying types of tape by hand, Duct Tape, double sided tape, Scotch Tape, electrical tape and more

I mean what kind of tape is this that it can't be removed by hand?

How about something along the lines that the tape needs a sharp surface to scrape it off, like a knife or scissors

I deal in tapes used on aircraft, some are metal, some are even made of glass,

let me tell you one thing - not one of them can't be removed by hand

seeing as he doesn't have the time to be fucking around anyway you are hard pressed to just sit there and pick at a piece of tape while the family is fucking about.

That industrial grade brah, made in United States (USA)

>you stand there for 10 minutes, trying to get your fingernail under the tape
Or just pull the thing and watch the tape snap?

Trump Tape

Probably gorilla tape, and it could be old, meaning it'd be way harder to remove.

I love how this is somehow what broke some people's suspension of disbelief.

>retards who've never dealt with industrial grade tape

Well tell me this,

If you were in a spooky mansion and needed to access an area covered with tough tape, would you get right to peeling it off or would you take some time to find something sharp?

>limp-wrist phaggot that has trouble with FUCKING TAPE

i wouldn't go in the spooky manison in the fist place.

>you are now aware that power lines are patched with super strong industrial grade tape.

im still miffed about this though, they could have used anything more believable.

I'd gnaw that shit immediately with my teeth if I had to

>Thinks he can remove tape that patches up fucking airlines by hand

>Would you get right to peeling it off or would you take some time to find something sharp

Trick question, I always have my toe knife. The sharp little sucker'd cut right through the tape

>he doesn't have nails

i doubt it
hardcore tape doesn't snap that easily. it would probably be easier to tear it off than to basically apply pressure to one side of it until it snapped

Ethan has no reason to enter the garage untill the cop tells him to.

What's wrong with this?

Tape like this exists, I've seen it used in construction.

What? How can you not remove tape and be able to survive molded blows?

Also wasting time trying to pull the tape off would be a death sentence.

>all the people ITT having their "immersion" in the RE7 world broken by tape

Some tape it crazily hard to remove once its been set. Like you'll be much more likely to rip your nail off trying to get it off by hand than every getting it to come off. Industrial/Military/aircraft grade tape is some wacky space engineering shit.

All that said, there is nothing stopping you from using ANYTHING else even remotely sharp to slice through it. Tape may be strong when pulled, but tearing? I mean even a key might have done the job.

Kitchen was full of sharp shit. But we aren't allowed to do that. Same with a rickety old door that good easily kicked, or blast the shit out of with a shotgun, no you need to find the key for it

That's true, the kitchen table alone has to have like 4 knives. In the end it's just gameplay reasons.

I have no idea why this thing is so hard to understand. You can clearly see the tape wrapped all the way around which means it was done before the thing was mounted to the wall.

The two ends of the tape are clealry inacessible, and if any of you fuckers had done any manual work in your lives, you'd know that plastified tape is a common thing and can't be snapped by hand.