Hey, at least it can't be worse than ME2

Hey, at least it can't be worse than ME2...

Is that power rangers ?

the woman looks like a caricature

Not worse than ME2 that means it will be the best of ME series.


When your last game was a realistic porn game and you enter the industry and get hired by ea.

God, Speed and good fuck!

where's the ugly turian with tits

No space gypsies, no buy.

at least the weapons look cooler

But ME2 was the best one.

>Jacob 2.0
>Generic tough-guy woman
>Generic white male protag
>Krogan again
>Ugly Asari whose ugliness contradicts the lore surrounding Asari
How do you fuck up this badly?

That krogan is just a fucking mess of low saturation.

>Clunky and slow. Awkward to go back and play.
Seriously go back and just watch a trailer I love the game for its ambition but damn it aged horribly.
>Streamlined casual shit that showed none of your decisions mattered

>Got rid of the clunkiness and created real differences in classes
>Rich interesting cast, introduced the best characters and made old favorites even better
>Keeps itself self contained so it can do whatever it wants without being bogged down by the rest of the series
>Is literally Armageddon: the Movie: the Game: Starring Aliens

I basically pretend 1 and 3 don't exist. ME2 is perfection.

It's funny. In ME1 even the most tedious parts didn't make me want to quit.

Come ME2 and I'm constantly trying to find purpose to keep playing.

It's so lifeless.

>generic halo shit tier guns
>can't even bothered to give unique weapons to 4 fucking characters
bioware just doesn't give a fuck anymore

When was the last time you played it? Part of it may be that I burned myself the fuck out 100%ing Mass Effect but Noveria is the only place I remember fondly anymore. Every planet kinda sucked.

2 on the other hand every character was so compelling that I loved ever level. ME2 was fucking great for the lore and had real variety in the levels. Prison breaks, quarantine, murder investigation, tuchangas clan drama and grunt being a test tube baby, Phoenix Wright, you and your bro take on the mafia families. There's just so much going on in ME2 but to each his own.

The cast in ME 2 is full of cringe, holy fuck.

I respect your objectively wrong opinion


They don't care about anything except pushing their agendas.

You are right, but ME1 had amazing atmosphere while ME2 felt dead and flat.

>ME2 is perfection

ME2 was overall the best game - but it's safe, bland and uninspired.
The whole series is pretty overrated.

>pretending that 1 doesn't exist.


I agree that ME2 was the tightest GAME in the trilogy, but they axed so many RPG elements in favor of streamlining it into a by-the-numbers TPS it almost supplants all the good changes. ME2 also suffered from that "in-between filler game" problem.

my guess is that it´s going to get good reviews (which doesn´t mean anything nowadays) and sell well but will be mostly forgotten in less then a month.

the second game will also get good reviews but not sell as well and have an even small impact on the gaming community

the third game will have only half the marketing budged of the last two games and sell the worst of them all. after that mass effect will end up like all old properties that belong to EA

>2 human squadmates
>only Asari and Krogan squadmate

how can you fuck up this bad?

Also if you are playing as female Ryder you are forced to fuck nigger or space nigger. Nice propaganda Bioware.

This is why ME1 is the best.

agreed but im one of those people that like me 1 and 3 over it,
me1 cause at the time it was awesome and the amount of abilites and how much shit you could float push pull and fuck up was awesome, krogan charges was threatening and just the flavor of the world,
number 3 cause i liked the characters more in three even thoguht mordin wrex bits were my favourites, jacob and maranda can die for all i cared, jack maturing a bit was interesting being a school mistress. and the hours i sinked into multiplayer

People always say this but what RPG elements were really strongly present in ME1 in the first place? The loss of more customizable weapons was a bummer because of the crazy combos you could pull off but outside of that and removing useless skills they didn't take anything away from ME2 in the transition.

And I'd argue the in between filler game is what made it best because it told its own story and was able to really focus on the characters over the overarching plot. It felt like a TV show like I was playing Firefly whereas ME1 was more of the movie.

Each characters gets two episodes the recruiting episode and then they bond and you have the Solo character episode. Collector attack is the mid season climax. Then you have the kidnapping of the Normandy crew kicking off your big season finale suicide mission

People who use the word ''tight'' to describe something other than narrow should be shot in the head.
ME2 is a game composed 90% of side quests, and the entire game feels like a glorified side quest.

>look at me Im such a retard look
>lol I was merely pretending
Am I right?
Nobody with quarter a brain would ever honestly have that "opinion"

I only played 1 and 2, and the whole ME2 felt like an unnecessary side quest compared to the first game.

what is cassie cage doing in ME? also I unironically like ME2 aside from the baby terminator thing at least it's nowhere near as bad as the shit show that was ME3