Diablo 3 is actually really fun now. I would even say that it is a legitimately good game...

Diablo 3 is actually really fun now. I would even say that it is a legitimately good game, and that it is worth the money I paid for it, once upon a time.

Hear me out, because I did not like it as well for the longest time. Shit loot, shit combat, shit mechanics, no seasons, no 'endgame', no fun. Etc.

Well I gave it another shake starting last week with a fresh level 1 seasonal monk, and I have had nothing but a good time. The combat feels really good now, and is super fast and reactive if you play a dynamic build. The loot variety is hugely increased, and there many interesting builds for each class.

You get a ton of good loot quickly, which means it does not take forever to gear a character with basic build equipment. There are ways to craft set items, ways to upgrade even ancient items. There are so many builds on so many different classes that I want to try, that I'm not feeling any burnout even after playing 5 hours a day for a week.

Yes, you will hit a 'wall' on your character that is greater rift progression. However, if you do not care about autism grinding to a meaningless higher number, you don't have to do it. You can go build another character, or use the one you made already to farm materials.

Diablo 3 finally captures the essence of D2, which for me was 'become a hyper-powerful teleporting room clearing asshole, with the purpose of finding sick loot to gear up your shitty alts, so they can become hyper-powerful teleporting assholes too, repeat forever'.

If you haven't tried D3 since ROS came out, it is worth a reinstall and a few hours of your time.

Other urls found in this thread:


Been playing the past couple of weeks since there was that half-price off sale. It's pretty fun, and I like the fantasy/gothic theme that they're pulling off.

However, my main gripe is that Act 3/4 were poorly done, although Act V was a nice change of pace.

It was decent for a little after RoS came out but then the set meta and other stupid shit like not buffing useless runes and abilities while adding new op sets ruined what gains it was making.

shit pasta
shit thread
i'd ban you for being a faggot op

didn't read you're wrong d3 is garbage

Once you're set and have every item required for your build there's literally nothing else to do except min/maxing. Endless grind of the same Rifts and Greater Rifts for hours on end in the hopes of getting the same items you have now but with Ancient roll and better stats suited your build. If that's your cup of tea then D3 is the perfect game. But don't expect anything else but braindead repeticious pve grinding.

>Diablo 3 finally captures the essence of D2

saturday cartoon villains wont interest me

Fuck off with your shitty game. Diablo 3 is Blizzard's forgotten abortion. You faggots need to be reminded that they spent 6 billion dollars buying out the candy crush franchise but they can't be bothered supporting this game properly.

yeah, but the thing is, why'd I play a shittier D2? if I need my biannual fix I'll just play D2 or the first one.

even if they fixed the gameplay the story remains the same. and the graphics. and the fucking online requirement.

I might give it another go, but only after they remove the online DRM, if ever.

The game is barely passable now, IF you buy an expansion. It's not worth the money invested, you get better games with better writing with less money.

Diablo 3 summarized
>pure RNG grindfest with regards to loot. getting good rolls can be downright impossible
>greater rifts are entirely RNG:
>wrong tileset -> leave and reopen
>wrong affix -> skip mob
>wrong rift guardian -> leave and try agani
>90% of rifts will have absolutely dogshit density, 0 fun at all
>the other 10% will lag out the servers so badly that you're watching a 0.1 fps slideshow of the action
>leaderboards are pure time investment

That said, I'm currently playing it like a motherfucker (paragon 1200 s9) and still enjoying it. Yes, it's a pure RNG grindfest where everything is set up to randomly screw you over, but still absolutely love theorycrafting it. The high number of weird interactions, bugs, different scaling curves, mechanics and other effects in the game make simulating and optimizing your build nontrivial to say the least.

I don't get this pasta. You don't return to a game and think "oh I'll just immediately buy the expansion upon returning to it".

this, and the fact that everything dropped like candy.

the essence of diablo 2 was purely in trading. it's the mean reason why the game had such a long lifespan. I refuse to touch D3 untill they add trading back, and they probably never will, so fuck this game.

>tfw missed out on the release RMAH cash train

Never underestimate the blizzdrones. They'll throw money at Blizzard's feet just to lick them.


It was fun after RoS was released. Now it's back to being garbage. This game has insane power creep problems.

The only thing trading does in Diablo 3 is shorten the amount of time you would need to play the game until you have what you want. Trading circumvents the entire purpose to play the game.

When I played this game, nothing made a person quit faster than me giving stuff away to them.

how much is blizz paying you to shill?

kill yourself child

What were they thinking? Did someone who never played Diablo 2 look at it's trade and think "boy there is money to be made here"?
Hope he at least got fired.

dont care fo9r paste

but fucks sake, monk combat was so fun early into D3
and then you have witchdoctor which is a pure piece of shit even know, despite his gargantuan being good now

They were thinking about that sweet sweet 15% commission

Did you even play D2? I spent literally thousands of hours in it, there was nothing more satisfying than getting an insanelly good item and then trading it for a bunch of items to perfect your character or your alt. If anything, trading increased the time you spent in game.
Sure, if you give free items to a noob that just started the game, chances are, they will not make them play the game, or even get to items required level.

>this, and the fact that everything dropped like candy.
Don't worry, they fixed that by reducing the drop rate to 10%

Diablo 1 has great atmosphere and a decent plot, not to retarded or comic booky, gameplay is pretty bad, game is overall pretty basic and lacking.

Diablo 2 has awful repetitive and boring gameplay, everything looks the same, the classes are all dull and boring itemization is garbage items are bland stat increases 9 times out of 10, classes are unbalanced and some builds are completly usless, the atmosphere from the first game is gone and the game looks and feels like a saturday morning cartoon, the plot is deviant art levels of awful and it rapes the lore hard and the game offer's absolutely no challenge

Diablo 3 (RoS) has great gameplay with plenty of replayability and loads of extra modes, plot and atmosphere is better than 2 but not as good as 1, music is amazing and fits really well, classes are very well done and play differently from each other, spells are all useful and satisfying, the game has great items with loads of depth and customization and no one build or class completely dominating.

The only people who think D2 is good are the casuals with nostalgia goggles on, D2 was casual garbage back in the day and it still is now.

>music is amazing and fits really well
To be honest I never once remember actually hearing music in diablo, which is a shame because the soundtrack is truly amazing


i made like $400

was pretty dank


>hey faggot, we can destroy both demons and angels
>no zoltun, youre evil
>you killed me, but i am still here because zoltun cool
>check out my cube of wacky shit

>the game looks and feels like a saturday morning cartoon
and D3 doesn't? it's the most cartoony out of all 3 you idiot.

I tend to agree. It was recently bought for me by a friend, the last time I had played it was quite a while ago on the console version. Since she bought it for me it's been a blast and I've been having fun completing the seasonal challenges.

Rifts, Grifts, Kanai's cube, etc. make for a lot of interesting additions to the game.

I still kind of dislike that the weapon is the most important piece of equipment you have, but they've since added legendary gems for jewelry, and sets kind of mold how you'll build.

Diablo 3 is literally unplayable without TurboHUD

Is this pasta?
>plot and atmosphere is better than 2
You literally have Azmodan skype call you every 5 mins. At least Diablo 2 has the decency to shut the fuck up.
Even their moba makes fun of this retardation.

>To be honest I never once remember actually hearing music in diablo

The soundtrack in Diablo I and II is great. How could you miss it?

game falls off after you complete the season journey. no lasting power at all.

I never played diablo 1 and 2

No, the game falls off after you place in the top 100 on the leaderboards

PoE is a better diablo than diablo 3 and it's free (kind of)

Playing diablo 3 is the most boring shit I've played in a while, I can grind like 9 characters to 90 in one PoE league but I can't be fucked playing diablo past like level 30 in adventure mode.

There's just no fucking thought to any of it, you just level up and get a gear set which means your build variety and options is so limited it fucking sucks and then you have to just grind the same shit OVER and OVER and OVER doing the boring ass rifts with no real goal in mind, you just keep fucking going with no cool big bosses to work towards or anything you just do another one.

Not to mention 99% of the playerbase plays like 2/3 builds, the entire top rankings on the ladder is wizard for a huge majority of it, all playing the same build.

I want to enjoy it but it's just shit

>cant bro up with that dead wizard dude in act 2(?)

shit game

that's fine but not everyone wants to do that, and reaching that point requires a team of dedicated friends. no one on the solo boards breaks top 100 alone.

i reinstalled it recently and yeah, that's pretty much it
the game just wants you to farm and farm with trickling rewards by RNG, the grind can be kind of fun
but it gets stale faster than milk going bad

Build variety is an illusion in any game, user. There will always be one best build, and that build will dominate the competitive leaderboards

If you're not trying to go for #1 scores, Diablo has lots of variety. People shoehorn themselves into playing FotM setups because they think it's somehow required. Heck, most of the time the FotM setup ends up wrecked by left-field oddball compositions like BL DH or SCgen near the end of the season anyway

Hell, I'm rank 200 on the solo monk leaderboards without using a single class set bonus. If you want to experiment with new builds, Diablo certainly isn't stopping you.

Go ahead, take your oddball comp, and try and see how high you can push it. That's what I'm currently doing with a friend of mine; taking non-FotM/unusual builds and trying to push them as high as possible. It's more fun than spamming the FotM meta and trying to compete with botters in a game of time investment

What happened to Diablo 3?
All the videos they showed of the game looked amazing. How did they ruin it? Why did they ruin it?

>the game just wants you to farm and farm with trickling rewards by RNG
I'm not sure if it's the game that wants you to do that, or if it's the player that wants to do that to the game.

The game can be played in whatever way you want. You're the one who wants to keep grinding out better gear, no?

Or you can play the much better, constantly getting new content, not made by garbage salesmen blizzard, completely free path of exile. What a choice.

>it's another "people with rose-tinted glasses who played D2 as kids thinking it's a good game arguing with people with rose-tinted glasses who played D3 as kids thinking it's good" episode

>the entire top rankings on the ladder is wizard for a huge majority of it
Current FotM is actually zmonk + zbarb + arachyr wd + r6 gen monk. So far every meta I've played in has had completely different FotM setups.

The most fun one for me was SWK EP, because I loved the chain reactions. The most creative one was probably S2 solo monk though (the #1 build was kept “secret” by the people who found it because it was so wacky and unusual; back then you couldn't check the gear of people in the leaderboards)

Path of Exile would be a good alternative if I didn't have to get lucky with drops to get the abilities I want to make a build of.

the game is a gear based rpg, you grind either gear or levels, and you pretty much grind gear while also grinding levels, what else can you do?
if you wanna get to high rifts you gotta grind gears and levels, if you wanna do anything except playing the most casual way, you gotta grind something.

D3 not being perfect doesn't mean it isn't fun.

>what else can you do?
Experiment with new build possibilities? Break the meta?

>if you wanna get to high rifts you gotta grind gears and levels
if. Who says you have to be #1 on the leaderboards? Games are about fun, not winning. If you don't enjoy grinding for gear, don't grind for gear

Also, again, I'm currently rank 200 solo monk in s9 with a non-FotM build using no class set, despite having very sub-optimal gear, although I haven't tried pushing really hard yet. Top100 would easily be in reach, maybe even top50 with improvements.

You don't have to play what 99% of the rest of the ladder is playing to compete. Most of them are just playing what everybody else is playing because everybody else is playing it.

Again, in every season I played, the FotM setup was completely broken by some weird gimmicky setup that was found via experimentation later on. Why not find that gimmick for this season yourself and get a headstart on the rest?

it's not that it's not fun, it's just that i can't play it long term without becoming a neet who farms 24/7 the same goddamn shit, i'd also stop having fun after a while
i can have fun while doing that with another game, and i'm not going back to that playstyle
also not going back to rotmg
that sounds fun the way you put it but in the end you're just farming for different gear to make different builds and you're left behind in the meta scheme of things, farming on a sub-optimal level.
if i'd have fun playing with my builds and finding out shit by myself i'd understand it.
but i don't since that requires stocking up shit i wouldn't need for the FotM build and experimenting, which isn't really that fun to me since i just kinda like seeing numbers go up rather than finding good playstiles (although i liked the way the old epiphany tempest rush build worked, mobile shit like that is fun), so i'm just kind of missing your point.

>that sounds fun the way you put it but in the end you're just farming for different gear to make different builds and you're left behind in the meta scheme of things, farming on a sub-optimal level.
It really depends on how much you care about comparing yourself against others vs how much you care about playing the game, at the end of the day

Personally, I've been playing monk for 9 seasons straight and I still have yet to run out of ways to have fun. Once I get bored I could start one of the other 5 classes, I guess.

>so i'm just kind of missing your point.
Well, if you just like numbers go up then I'm not really sure what kind of game you would enjou better. Would it be more to your liking if you got handed a perfectly rolled item set of whatever build you wanted to play when you first log in?

Diablo basically revolves around logarithmic scales; the upshot of this is that you'll continue climbing GR ranks at a somewhat decreasing rate as you invest time into the game. It's balanced around always giving you an achievable “next step” in terms of progression, and providing you with mechanisms to ensure you get there with enough dedication; while simultaneously making it so there's no exponential power explosion.

You can basically stop playing wherever you want. There's no fixed “goal” or anything, it depends on what goal you want to set for yourself, y'know? For example, my friend and I have set GR 90 using our specific non-meta composition as our current goal. Once we achieve it, we'll be done. Until then, we're still in the process of trying out different alternatives and getting gear upgrades. (His gear is stupidly non-perfect, so there's lots of upwards room)

Many others set GR 100 as their goal. You don't have to keep grinding forever, because it never stops. It just becomes a matter of what goal you want to achieve and what time you want to invest into achieving this goal.

>lthough i liked the way the old epiphany tempest rush build worked, mobile shit like that is fun)
You want mobility, you say?


they fixed EVERYTHING


Here's another amusing one


end yourself

And this one


It's fun for a couple of hours at most.

My problem is that there is no challenge in Diablo until you hit level cap and start grinding endgame stuff. I leveled a wizard and flat out couldn't be killed unless I stood in fire.

The only accurate chart

Reaper of Souls is literally the best Diablo experience you can have

Fuck your nostalgia

I like D2 way more but yeah I agree that after RoS it is enjoyable. Too bad it was total shit at launch.

No. Here's a tip for your future shilling attempts, dear blizzard employee. Make a shorter post. Make it more controversial too. Include a greentext.

nice try blizz

I got after 4 years of waiting, It's OK. About 50 hours invested so far, I figure I'll put in 20 hours more before getting bored. Worth 20$

Damn, you would have loved season 1

They nerfed the damage of mobs to like 0.01% after that because every single damage source in the game killed you in a single hit otherwise

S1 was more touhou than ARPG

Path of exile sucks ass.

>wanting legendaries to drop like candy
>enjoying number inflation
>all the dropped balls when it came to possibilities like charm bag and improvements on gem/socket system
>going to charge a stupid amount of money for a shit-tier necromancer

I don't even know why I continue to bother wanting D3 to get good

Daily reminder that D3 was decent when RoS came out, but the subsequent patches turned it into trash again

>instead of fixing lackluster skills or runes that were underused for a reason (THEY WERE UNINTUITIVE OR OUTRIGHT SHIT), they just made sets/legendaries with insane damage multipliers for said skills
>the skills/runes are still absolutely shit, instead you're dependant on sets/legendaries to make them usable
>said sets/legendaries led to insane powercreep, gradually took away all challenge from the game and force you to use specific builds that they were designed for
>instead of rescaling and adjusting the difficulties for the powercreep, they just kept adding higher torment levels

Eh, even in Path of GGGCan'tBalance, there are always at least a minimum of 3 really good builds.

In PoE, wealth is a huge factor in whether you can do "the best build" or not and if you're not rich, you have to find budget variants. That alone makes it less monotonic.

>Eh, even in Path of GGGCan'tBalance, there are always at least a minimum of 3 really good builds.
And monk currently has like 6 or 7 builds capable of achieving GR80+ (which places you very solidly on the leaderboard)

There is lots of build variety, people just don't want to see it because they play whatever the other person currently in #1 place is also playing.

just trade

the entire game is built around trading currency and trading items

all you need to do is use the wiki and poe trade and you'll have everything you want for a couple chaos or something

>>the skills/runes are still absolutely shit, instead you're dependant on sets/legendaries to make them usable
>>said sets/legendaries led to insane powercreep, gradually took away all challenge from the game
Power creep does not remove the challenge from a game with infinite difficulty scaling

I challenge you to go and beat a GR100 with whatever spec of whatever class you like and then get back to me about how power creep “removes challenge”

>Diablo 3 is actually really fun now.
You shills post this thread with every single patch they release, and every single time it's a lie.

Here is how the game will be fun with me.

I won't look at the wiki unless i'm stuck about something
I won't look up builds
I will literally play the game as if none of those things existed and just have fun experimenting.

Wiki didn't exist in the D2 days, but there was talks about builds and such, especially after LOD came out you could find in chat rooms, forums, etc. Thats when shit started going nuts with the builds and DPS. Meanwhile I was having fun actually playing the game and not trying to play against the game.

You guys should have honestly figured out by now how spoiled wikis and walkthroughs have made us and how much of the fun they suck out of the games.