When did Nintendo begin to hate colors?
When did Nintendo begin to hate colors?
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I'll have...
Wow breath of the wild got a real downgrade.
They don't
actually, the colors are still there. the word you were looking for is 'saturation', not 'colors', based third worlder.
This is too fucking accurate.
They do though
>inb4 angle
wtf I hate rpgs thematically utilizing desaturated colour palettes now
You believe that the camera used is showing how the colors look on the tv
and you are either underage or retarded.
oooh giddy, the switch version at least has colour.
How is zelda an rpg?
>Auto Tone
>Auto Contrast
>Auto Color
This is what it looks like. Recording with a camera gameplay footage will look different.
Two number nines...
I don't care if there's little detail in the distance, stop blurring/fogging up your games you assholes
Does this look better?
Do you think that looks better you fucking idiot?
You literally just leapt to the opposite.
no because the entire landscape is still completely empty and not worthy of exploring unlike OoT
Contrasting colors are very taxing on the GPU
Does nobody here knows that you can fix the colors by increasing the saturation of your TV, on options?
>Huryle Field
>Worth exploring
Kekkest of tops, man
They like gold
This. I swear there are so many people who learn every detail in technical hardware specs of every system but dont even know the wonders that adjusting their TV settings can do.
What's up with nintendo fans and colors ?
Why do you need rainbow colors to be entertained?
This looks better desu (pic related)
OoT was actually one of the emptier games in the series. Even its hidden grottos were complete shit.
lmao why do you need realism when you have house windows
I'll bite then. There's literally nothing in that overworld. There's just Malone Ranch in the middle and 1-2 holes you can blow up next to a tree.
900p docked
Way too bright, I'd get a headache after the first hour.
The game's colors are fine. Just adjust the brightness and contrast settings on your televisions if you don't like it, faggots.
What about the layer of fog over everything, where do I adjust that?
>Sup Forums now hates OOT
What the fuck happen?
The console’s price would have to go way way up though
All I did was:
>add a bit of contrast
>industry standard color grading
>add hd filter
>retopulate 3d meshes
>and last but not least add a softening photo filter
And w'allah, it looks just like the god ol' zelda games from my child hood.
It looks so fucking washed out God damn.
it looks like shit though...
Contrarians, but they speak the truth about Hyrule Field for the most part. You're delusional if you think there was more going on there than BotW's.
Just think of the game being set in Beijing, user.
Bottom one is actually better.
More fog = more profit
my fucking eyes hurt
starting with WWHD apparently.
Can't believe they removed cel shading
This is the one Zelda game that absolutely did not need a remake.