Can we get a non-cancer steam friend thread?

can we get a non-cancer steam friend thread?

i don't have many friends and it's honestly hard to make good ones because i'm (((female))). i just want to have someone to talk to and maybe play vidya with. i like kf2, and civ5 and rust when i have the time

Other urls found in this thread:

this is not how friends are made

you are the cancer

>private profile
if you are that scared you shouldnt have posted it in the first place

and you would know?

i didn't realize it was. it's public now

>can we get a non-cancer steam friend thread
>i'm female btw

YES i'm a girl and YES i play video games

Silly boys, I'm a girl gamer. Don't flirt unless you have the money to back it up~

Im a guy and I play video games (have a dick and play games at the same time)

My brother, I play games with my dick in 1 hand and the controller in the other.

>tfw no dick to hold in one hand and controller in the other
>not a console gamer

I don't say this often but I actually think you belong in reddit

i think you actually do say that often

Friend please, I am no console peasant.

can we get a non-cancer steam friend thread?

i don't have many friends and it's honestly hard to make good ones because i'm (((male))). i just want to have someone to talk to and maybe play vidya with. i like kf2, and civ5 and rust when i have the time

>not holding your dicks only when your other hand is holding a mouse
you aren't the master race

dick or gtfo

Who is this Imirn person and why is he bullying you about having no friends did he put you up to this or something?

Need to rest those wrists every now and then.

wait what do you mean maybe, im not trying to listen to you talk about shit all day

>sees thread
>finally a steam thread where you can add people without wanting to suck their dick
>its just a roastie attention whoring

i would think that not having a dick makes it easier to not suck the dick

He's not wrong.

The thread have already derailed but i'll contribute anyway, i play TF2 most of the time but i purchased Guns of Icarus recently and i'm really enjoying it, hope someone actually sends an invite

I don't normally play games with people, but I'm a total loser who likes to chat.

>635 games

>The thread have already derailed
proceeds to be a BR that plays tf2

I used to play other games but nostalgia hit me hard, i mean, it's not the same as vanilla TF2 but i still have strong feelings about this game

Don't post in these kind of threads but wahtevere
Autistic slav who mainly plays Risky Rain and Metal Gear V

you only have 600 hours on a 5 year old account mate

I had another account, but i already know you won't believe it

post it

Don't have the ID anymore, the guy who stole it probably changed, idk

>tfw no cute pale femboi,buddy

what about unique id

No results, maybe VAC banned

I am a depressed NEET looking for people to play games with. I find it difficult to pay attention to other people and focus on conversations, so I'm not going to pretend that we'll become best friends or anything, but if you're interested in having somebody else to play with, please consider adding me. If you've had bad experiences with me in the past, please consider giving me a second chance as a teammate instead. I struggle to get motivated to care for others. I'm not proud of it, but that's unfortunately how I am right now.

People aged 18+ only, please. Males aged 21+ preferred. I'm not too interested in conversation right now, I'm afraid. I don't watch any anime, but like cute pictures. Please only add me if you get an acceptable ping to the UK.

I'm very much looking forward to playing:
* Arma 3
* Overwatch

I'd quite like to play:
* Killing Floor
* Killing Floor 2
* Rocket League
* Sven Co-op

I'm not too enthusiastic about, but would be willing to try playing:
* Counter-Strike 1.6
* Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
* Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
* Redout

I may consider trying, should I find nice people to play with:
* World of Warcraft

I have lots of other games as well I may be willing to try. If you add me, I will keep you added for at least 24 hours (unless we argue or you're mean or we're clearly incompatible). I will try my best to make sure we play at least one game together, to see if we're compatible. I will try my best to avoid complaining about my miserable life to you. I will say goodbye if I decide to remove you.

This post is a little pathetic and embarrassing, but I want to be upfront with you.

im a fucking cuck and I don't do multiplayer

>This profile is private.
you had me worked up for nothing


Sorry! It's always public but I was messing around with the settings earlier and made it friends-only. Please check again.

post 9/11 geopolitics

Oh and I should add that I tried Risk of Rain and really enjoyed it so if you like that and want to play with somebody who is garbage at it please add me maybe.

r8 my profiles boiz

last time i added a girl on Sup Forums who wanted friends, she unfriended me when I wouldn't buy her Dark Souls. didn't even bother having conversations with me except for "hey, can you buy me this?"

That's hilarious. I hope something like that happens to me one day. It'd be fun.

at least everyone you add doesn't want to see your tits
who am i kidding, i don't mind that. tfw no huge, impressive tits to show off

I dont normally post in these but I'll try it out, I have civ5 and 6, rust, Fractured space, but im open to play a lot of things

: )

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Found your problem.

money for what? you gon whore out for some steamgames?

You forgot to add in Steam on your list.

Please add me, my friends don't play with me anymore.

Well that is the point of the thread

Thats cause it wasn't a girl idiot

> steam friend thread
>no one looking for Don't Starve Together or Borderlands Pre Seque friends

Life is suffering

I'm the guy with the wall of text above. I'd consider playing it with you so long as you let me read and listen to every piece of dialogue and play the game slowly.


Anybody wanna play DayZ

are there any actual servers up right now?

Drop your profile retard. I have dst.

Be my fryend?

Yes, most a pretty empty tho.

I'll be friends with anyone who can guess my steam name

You don't sound like a guy I wanna be friends with

sorry thats not it guess again!

Tried adding people twice in these kind of threads.
Tired of having to take the initiative for a conversation every time.

have a bump though., Maybe other anons get lucky.

Shit. I bet its "total loser mc stupid pants"

i'll give you a hint: its not that

Are there any gay anons here? I mean legitimate, hand holding in public, girls are icky, I love dick and muscles and cute masculine faces kind of gay? If so leave your id please thanks!

Pls mods delet thread.


We could talk if you want, don't play much multiplayer though. I'm content just adding new people.

None of you seem addable at all.

thank you for your worthless opinion, pokeautist

>too autist to initiate conversation
>added countless times with the promise they'll talk to me all the time
>they stop after 2 or 3 times

Sometimes I don't know why I even bother.

Threadly reminder not to add any degenerate Sup Forumsirgins posting ITT
>pic related

thanks I'm gonna go join that group

>3 friends in this group

Really makes you think, huh?

Maybe they are just as shy as you user. Send them a :3 face, see if that breaks the ice.

>3 friends in this group

>adding people who browse Sup Forums

You're not playing enough Rocket League for me to add you.

>browsing Sup Forums

wow what kind of autist does this? definitely not me, I'm above everyone else who posts here *smug anime face*

>this thread

i dont get it

>want a friend who enjoys shitposting, actually playing videogames and posting smug anime girls
>they're always gay fags who want to RP all the time

Nothing good ever comes from these threads.

>Adding people from "Steam Friends thread"

If you want to play with people from Sup Forums just browse the threads about a particular online game; you should be able to find people actually wanting to play with others.
Playing videogames is the very last thing people in this kind of thread want.

this is a very common misconception. if you're ever a hiring manager, you know the game

it's called retention rate, or labor turnover. same principle applies in all fields, including personal life. there will always be a percentage of people that don't come back. this is usually remarkably high, like 60-90%. where you aren't offering any actual value (ie, a good or service), you'll have even less retention. hobby clubs, guilds and interpersonal relationships will have something like 1-5% retention. even less sometimes.

in business, this is seen as the number of customers or employees you have to go through before you get someone who consistently returns. the metric for establishing that is whether or not they've stayed for 5 months, at which point they're generally there for years. the exact same principle applies in interpersonal relationships.

it's not that there's anything wrong with you, the board, or society. the problem is that you're exposing yourself to less opportunities. most friends are made when you're younger not because of youth itself, but because schools force you to interact with a large number of people daily. that's the principle for making friends, even picking up chicks. it's all a numbers game.

People are never what you expect?

Everyone acts like everyone else has autism and they don't?

Everyone is a creeper of some sort.


Give id.
I need more people on my friendlist that are part of the group.

I only check these threads to see if I find one of my friends so I can call them faggots later.

people turn out to be furries

If you mean yourself, drop your ID. ;^)

get a fucking life

it's in this thread

The only steam profile I've seen in a while thats not centered around anime and memes. Also those groups.

You're alright

> edgy "eat shit" as profile text
> featured group is "gamur gurls"

If you're going to pretend like you're normally judgmental, don't be blind.