Nier Automata: Censored Edition

>game is expected to suffer heavy localization/censorship on west.
>PC version on Steam will be censored.
>SE will likely delay PC release as much as possible.

Daily reminder to think twice before pre-order your PC copy.

Other urls found in this thread:

No source. Kys.

mods will fix it. thanks for beta testing though OP.

>[Citation Needed]

>PC version

PC users won't have to worry about the censorship.
Because the PC version is cancelled

There's only one version of the game worldwide, Japanese and Asian releases both have English options.


My ass told me that Taro made a secret sex mod for Automata that he's gonna release for PC Only.

Also the PC Limited Edition figurine is made by a joint venture of Alter and Kotobukiya.

I've given up hope on PC version. The game's probably going to be average anyway, if DoD3's writing and narrative is anything to go by.

>ever censoring one of their games

No, DQ8 on 3DS doesn't count because the game's director chose to make the costume changes.

If the past games in the series are anything to go by, it's not going to be "censored", but since 8-4 is localizing it, be prepared for it to be a total hack job in terms of writing. Drakengard 3 is especially heinous. JP 0 and US 0 are two totally different characters.

I don't know if that's better or worse than stupid shit like covering up panties.

This is a more reasonable fear.

>if DoD3's writing and narrative is anything to go by.

Funnily enough, if you played the US version, it actually isn't.

Unfunnily enough, the same localizers are handling Automata.

Didn't 8-4 say they are being supervised by Taro himself? Or is that just PR speak?

Will they censor the dull gameplay with something fresh? I'd buy it in that case.

There's no censorship you autistic fuck. Literally get out. The PC version will be within 1-2 months of PS4. Even if there WAS a censored version you could buy it on NIP PSN and play it in english anyways.

Get the fuck off my board you piece of reddit false flagging shit. Kill your fucking self promptly. You don't deserve Nier. faggot.

source? or are you just basing this on demo

I certainly fucking hope so, but I haven't heard anything about it either way.

But remember these are the same people that replaced an entire dialogue scene with ellipses as an incredibly lazy and shit attempt at a "joke" in FE so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

They must be, considering the demo already showed off what the game would play and look like in English.

dear anonymous,
please delete this post.
please delete this post immediately.
warm regards,

[citation needed]

>PS4 game
>Faggots worry about censorship
Get the JP release then dumbass? Not speaking nip isn't even a valid excuse here, the nip version has full english subtitles AND audio. What are you retards even on about?

Also just learn your fucking moon runes already it takes less than 6 months a few hours a day to get decently fluent. Play nip vidya for a year afterward and you'll be golden. Fuck you are pathetic.

There is only one sound that comes to mind when I think about 2b

>PC version on Steam
It will only be on SE's own launcher, never on Steam.

[Citation Needed]

Not even giving you the (You).

The sound of her ass slapping against your body as you pound her from behind?

>never on Steam.
>replying to a post where Yoko Taro, creator of the game, announces it being on Steam

LMAO poor A2 nobody gives two fucks about her.

He has no say in that, the publisher does.
As Denuvo got cracked, the PC release is delayed indefinitely.

denuvo has been cracked for over a year now you fuckin tool, only difference cracking it got faster

>No, DQ8 on 3DS doesn't count because the game's director chose to make the costume changes.
It's uncensored now :^)

>No source

>As Denuvo got cracked, the PC release is delayed indefinitely.
[citation needed]

The writiing is on the wall.
Release is less than one month away
No release date (not even tenative) for either demo or full game
radio silence when asked about anything regarding PC

I will enjoy mining the salt though when both the JP and international release dates come and go with no PC release or date or when they finally announce it's delayed into fall or something.

Who cares? Zelda will entertain me for months, so no problem.


Gotta be honest, that looks like shit.

It's most likely going to be only in Japan anyways.

nice try sony drony but youre not gonna get a cent from me

are you retarded? im asking for proof that the japanese version has english subtitles

Jeez talk about ego...Eggman would applaud him.

I'm pretty sure, The fall of Denuvo is the reason why there is suddenly silence on the PC release.
I hate Denuvo and I'm glad it didn't stand, but SE loves it.
The prospect of NieR:A being cracked within a week should be reason enough to delay it, until the (imagined) piracy "problem" is solved again.

>Denuvo JUST got cracked

Uhh, you guys do know that MGSV and DAI were both denuvo games and got cracked on the same day as release right? The difficulty of cracking them depends on the game.

I honestly want an explanation why they never gave any release info about the PC version after this announcement. SE doesnt even mention in any of their live streams.

>le fake news man here fresh from plebbit with some hot posts! :^)

So you're going to ignore them turning a Native American class in Bravely Second into a Cowboy?

>implying I care about eye-candy censorship, the only things that matter are gameplay, content and maybe story
>implying I'm bent on playing it as early as possible and do not have a backlog to work through

You'll be lucky to get a full week out of that game. There's no builds, no branching story paths, no other playable character - nothing to encourage a second play through

The latest Nier automata poster doesnt include windows or steam logo anywhere, only PS4

Pick one:

1: they're intentionally withholding the PC version to try the old double dip trick again on impatient people
2: it's been delayed, probably into the summer/fall (for no reason) and they're waiting until after console release to announce this
3: it's been cancelled entirely in which case prepare for Sup Forums to become an unusable PC shitposting ground zero for months

All signs point to either 1 or 2

3 is unlikely but there's still a chance it may be the case and they're hoping to delay having to be the messenger the PCucks will brutalize

>Play nip vidya for a year afterward and you'll be golden

>Try to play JRPGs in Japanese for Nip practice
>Play like, 30 of them over the course of two and a half years before I finally completely burn out on Nip gaming and start playing games in English and something other than JRPGs again.

That was a crazy couple of years.