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Video Games #3658
Video Games
Nintendo and og Hudson devs directly involved
Find the game's shotgun
Games you wish existed
Why does Liara get the most attention from Bioware out of all the other romances?
Vidya women you'd happily empty your balls for
Sequel when?
What exactly was it that triggered such a huge personality shift in Notch...
53.400.000 PS4 sales
E3 this year will be a giant He Will Not Divide Us freak show
That one old vidya related video you can't find on Youtube anymore
Gravity Rush 2
Mount and Blade
What's his favorite game, Sup Forums
Gentlemen, the future of gaming is here
Tell me Sup Forums, have you ever had a crush on a videogame character?
No More Heroes has the best sword combat ever. No More Heroes general
What's your favorite faction in bloodborne? i love the powder kegs just for the neat shit they made
Find a flaw
Where do you stand on the augmentation debate?
Breath of the Wild is pay to win
Just fuck my shit up Sup Forums. I poured so many hours into this game and awakened all the crystals, but for what...
So why DID Nintendo choose this design to represent their new console? Seems like a strange choice
The Baker family intro scene is already iconic
2 > 7 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 6 > 3
Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary
Do you think we will see shit like this in E3?
Since Leaf Man is gonna ban Sup Forums soon, any recommendations for me before the site's blacklisted forever?
Open Wold Meh
Did you fall for the Sup Forums meme?
Post unsolved mysteries of Gaming
ITT: Oh yeah "that exists"
Fuck my AssSouls
Tri-Annually Public Service Reminder not to watch anymore Zelda trailers beyond this point
Not giving your healer a vote when their card is up
Post funnies here
You will never go to E3 with Seanbaby
Is it scary? I wanna walk around a space ship but I don't wanna be scared
Would you fuck an Ashley?
Just how good is it?
What are some games where i can have a romance
Ragnaros is attacking! Sup Forums can post 48 characters to fight him! Who would you send to best the Firelord and his...
X-COM Free on Humble Bundle
This thread is for you know what
What the hell is this? Is Origin actually a fucking virus now? Am I fucking done?
ITT: Non horror games taht have spooky shit in them
Reminder that the deadline for donations ends February 8th
Anyone else get really sad when looking at old dead forums? the internet sucks now man
Spell has a 50% chance of success
Metroidvania with 3rd person shooting mechanics
Megaten thread
BotW thread: Nonshitpost Edition
Games only you played
Why don't you join the 9% ? Play RE7 the way it was meant to be played
Tfw the game I want to play doesn't exist
Are there any games which really capture the feel of fuckin people up with a sword...
Why is braixen the best gen 6 pokemon ?
What's objectively the best Zelda game and why?
Final Fantasy XV News slated for Feb. 2
What are your thoughts on Shadow of Mordor?
Name one (1) complete PC game that fully takes advantage of the master races hardware and also offers fun and...
Tiger Woods will not be stopped
Why are there so few platforming games anymore...
Do you think he comes here?
Two words: Blue vagina
If you could erase one thing from vidya history, what would it be?
Why does everyone talk about the Ratchet and Clank movie like it's utter shit...
Disgaea 2 releases on PC
Good Game is cancelled
Will this be one of the few open world games to actually encourage and reward exploration?
Who was in the right here?
Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet? ALL firmware can be hacked for free. This time you literally have no excuses
Is Guild Wars 2 dead?
In such a politically charged time, when even marvel comics is going full political...
Name one single game with a soundtrack as flawless as this
Ign unironically gave it a score of 7.7
Banned from the forums
Post a female game character. Everyone guesses what kind of underpants she wears
Why do people pretend like the Switch is some hulk behemoth that requires a briefcase?
Club Penguin to end March 29
Single player is basically for fags that can't git gud right?
Why aren't you playing a video game?
Any game?
Can a JRPG be difficult?
Did Normies Kill The Souls Series?
Hollywood "Monster Hunter" Movie
ITT: post your favorite female character from a video game
Name one (1) videogame
How many bingos does the last male protagonist you've played as get?
I'm six hours in on the Tarzan part and this game fucking sucks
They'll bring back chain attacks right?
Official game forums
Games you played that no one else did/very few did
Rip Deus ex
Someone from Sup Forums adds you on Steam
What is this??
SE can't even go a whole week without their servers crashing
What is the "appeal" of JRPGS?
Why does Nintendo not add Trophies to their games? It adds more replay value to them
Why don't you have a gf (male) yet Sup Forums?
If dubs, Sup Forums bans video games
So i get that the cage represents innocence, but what does the bird represent?
ITT: Games that take place where you live
Tfw when not Anthony burch
Why do people fall for these shit services?
This is a Senran Kagura thread with no image dumping
Who are some vidya girls that just look like they have cute buttholes?
Make fun of horizon
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
I want to rip the guts off a console and build a PC inside the shell
Sup Forums recommended this game for me
ITT: Games Sup Forums has been weirdly obsessed with lately
So is this spooky? Looks really fun, but horror games make me pussy out...
Resident Evil 7
Mosaic Thread
What went right?
How will america recover?
Why west afraid of women skin so much?
I just got this bad boy in the mail and it works like a fuckin' champ
What if there was a Kono subarashii game? Which character would you play?
I will not be stopped
Is it good?
What IS she anyway?
Are you getting a Nintendo Switch at launch or wait for the holidays?
ITT: Awesome OSTs
Memes aside, how mad will Sup Forums be if Horzion gets a higher metacritic than Zelda?
ITT: "Wait that really exists?"
What's the best processor for a gtx 1060 6gb?
Well, hello
Why was Ryder's nignogese so much denser than the rest of the Grove Street crew?
Insomniac games goes political
What did Joel do when she got her period?
Whats better, DOA5 with mods, or DOAX3?
Reminder that Resident Evil 7 can be beaten in less than 24 hours and that you shouldn't pay full price for it
PC Gamepad
Any chance of this having a more fleshed out single player? It was really fun in the original, but a bit short
I'll give you exactly ten seconds to excuse and explain yourself why you stopped playing these
Bastion Changes
What's the point of this game? It's literally nothing more than tedious repetitive grinding and rng
Build $2000 PC
Is this game worth playing?
Happy 20th birthday my old and best friend, i were 9 when i met you, best thing that happened in my life
Bored as fuck. let's have a hunger games thread
This is the best GTA game ever made
Would you want these games in HD for Switch?
This is the best Ubisoft game since Ass Creed 2
63 more days till Persona 5
Who is the most honest character in Smash 4?
Fappable video games, i don't care if they're modded or whatever just post em
Will we get a game spin off?
BF1 or TF2
Deepest Lore
So I'd like to download some emulators for my phone but fuck paying for that when that has been free for literally...
What games have the best sprite / pixel art?
This is Chihiro Fujisaki. Say something nice to her
Does replay value affect how much you would enjoy a game?
HYPE songs/vidya moments
Tfw I wish the switch is an amazing success
Is there a game that simulates getting dry fucked in the ass as realistically as dark souls?
It's a "Woolie pretends the Partizan isn't a terrible, terrible, terrible weapon when it very clearly is" episode
"""plant element"""
Poorfag reporting in i don't have enough money to spend on games so if any richanon would be so kind to send any code...
ITT: We post perfect videogame characters
One of the hottest titles coming soon to the PlayStation 4 is Platinum Games stylistic and fast-paced action title NieR...
53,000,000 Sony PS4 sold
Funhaus Thread
Final Fantasy XII > IV > XV > VII > X > V > IX > VI > VIII > III > I > II > XIII
Club Penguin is shutting down
Enter the Gungeon
Why the fuck does Sega not re-release this? Why is it stranded on the original Xbox? Come on
How do you go from this
Features devs leaves out of games for no reason
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing the best game
Will the servers ever go back online? Is the game dead already?
Say something nice about the platform / company you hate the most
This is Tomokazu Fukushima
When did you uninstall, Sup Forums? What made you do it?
The only thing Celeste did wrong was trust Hifumi
Why don't you play me anymore?
Find a better quadrilogy
Duel Links thread
Any yugioh faggots in here?
Im about to fight adamantoise to get my platinum trophy ask me anything
Sidequests are said to you, but have to find it out yourself and there is no markers on the map to guide you towards it
Should I marry Aqua, Sup Forums? None of the other girls are all that appealing to me. But then again...
Are memechanical keyboards actually useful or is it retards falling for hype?
Wtf, why do people still play singleplayer only games in 2017? What's the point?
What would a Microsoft handheld be like? What would it be called?
People say paladin's is poor mans overwatch
Is there a good video or article explaining the plot of this series...
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 11
Fallout New Vegas 2
Do you ERP in games?
This is dialogue from Horizon Zero Dawn
I got all the episodes gifted to me
What are your hopes
Dragon Quest continue
A monster? No, I am a DEVIL
CDPR : We downgraded TW3 because of consoles
Berserk game for ps4
Loving Every Laughter
Where did WoW go wrong?
Best graphics of any AAA open world game to date
Name one (1) IP in this thread, and wipe it from the annals of history
Was it good
ITT: Sup Forums approved YouTubers
What is the video game equivalent of the Beatles?
One game made over a number of years by a huge company with tons of hype and rabid fanboys backing its release
Opinions on the Wii U?
Post the game(s) that would make you but a Switch
Who else agrees that the Wii library was better than the Wii U's?
Disgaea 2 Launches on Steam Redeux
What are some games that have giant musical instruments for a level motif?
*sigh* Why can't Nintendo do this for Metroid? They don't even have to show anything...
Post an album you like, and others suggest video games based on the band, the album itself...
What's the point of these and or the point of destroying them...
Soriddo SunÄku
Game lets you date non-humans
There. It's perfect now
Anyone else watching the early access on Twitch? It actually looks decent for a survival multiplayer
Sony wins yet again
What are some things that really ruin your immersion in a game?
Your daily shitposting thread. Like there was anything else on Sup Forums anyway
5/5 of the top newest releases on Metacritic are Sony exclusives (Also available on PC)
This is fact
ITT: resident evil 7 turned out to be p good
Post your unpopular vidya opinions
Who's the hottest vidya boy (male)?
Is this the greatest game of all time?
When will people admit this is the best Monster Hunter game? Do we have to wait till the XX release...
Cops just confiscated my emulator
Kill these people
What's the best free MMORPG at the moment? RS3/OSRS fags need not respond
Why hello there, Sup Forums!
Holy shit gameplay looks fun and fast paced
Western game
Sup Forums Why aren't you playing Bayonetta 2 on you're PC in glorious 4k 60fps using cemu Wii U Emulator...
When will people admit this is the best Soulsborne game? Do we have to wait till The Ringed City?
Mfw there are people who unironically believe that Acerola is not best girl
How people think that the Easy king is the hardest boss in the game when this unfair motherfucker exists just baffles me
My names Goku and I'm from earth
What went right dammit? This game has no right to be this damn good
He'll never be as popular as Lightning
Would you rather have a modern GTA of this size but with every square foot including building interiors and npcs being...
Nintendo Hype Machine
Jack is a better villain then Wesker
Installing mods for Skyrim, because why not it's been a while
People liked this?
So Laura K Dale was right?
Pay 100000 (one hundred thousand) for 5 (five) days of protection
Who are they Sup Forums?
Fuck off weebs
What did they get right?
Advance Wars thread
The worst design decisions you've experienced in a game
I nominate the PC nigger race as the worst fanbase ever bar none
Give me one legitimately good reason why you don't play/run competitive PokƩmon...
Games that needs to be revived
All cutscenes have voice acting
Like PC gaming
Continuation from
Why is he so perfect?
Can we have a comfy Zelda thread?
The entire magazine holds three shots
Are ya winning, son?
Mr.R is finished
Tales of Berseria
ITT: What the fuck where they thinking?
RE8 wishlist
Resident evil the final chapter
What are some games where you can get cancer and die?
ITT: post vidya related webms/gifs
Should I buy this game? Or maybe The Witness instead? I want a fun puzzle game, please steer me in the right direction
Do you think they removed this from the Wii U version of Zelda BOTW so it doesn't have an advantage over the Switch...
What's the best mini game in Yakuza and why is it Pocket Racer?
Art-Style > Music > Story > Gameplay > Graphics
What are the best horror games on PC?
Are these ok to own?
Sup Forums plays: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Randomized
Risk Of Rain Thread
Ten years for being released
ITT: Games that are being slept on
Playing the first DMC1, is there more combos to do at the beginning of the game?
I hear Dead Space 2 is the best ?
ITT: Fanart that is better than the original design
Totally worth it
Sup Forums is full of hipsters who don't know shit about real gaming
Jump right before speed boost expires
1/5 means it does not exist; 0/5 means its so terrible that it is detrimental to the experience
What chat service do you shitters use nowadays? Is discord the big thing now?
They gonna fix the animations
I just turned on my vita for the first time in almost 2 years
Are there any video games in which killing your enemies result in them winning?
You DO remember to clean your controllers, right user?
No dinosaur game with realistic graphics and gore
What's your (shitty) excuse Game Freak?
Best RPG of all time
Is RTS the most intelligent genre?
They cancelled every Wii U game and didn't announce any real game for the system since 2014
Decrease unscoped healing/damage
You're all full of shit, nothing you say is ever true
Almost February
That drop you never got
Use your bedroom for sleep and sex only
Why does PC gaming exist since only a proper video card costs as much as a console?
He pays for video games
Nintendo won, it's over. It's finally over
Horizon Zero Dawn
Phil Spencer CEO of Xbox One
Time to confess your videogame sins, Sup Forums
So I just got this for $12 (ps4) on Amazon. What am I in for? Any tips? General Wasteland 2 thread I guess
download Cemu
We just put our 17 year old cat down
Cod Nostalgia Thread
Gaming webcomic
Last of Us...
Yakuza thread?
Grab your dualshock 4 and try not to be mad at this
Why does Sup Forums want the Switch to fail so bad? This is becoming tortanic levels of autism
Do you still play PS2 Sup Forums?
Video game "developers"
Do girls really like video games?
Anyone else find this game boring
Happy 20th anniversary FFVII
What the fuck is happening to steam?
Sup Forums how do I beat this piece of shit. He keeps killing me right when im close to killing him
Game tries to be funny
No more Deus Ex, Eidos working on Guardians of the Galaxy game
Who's the hottest vidya girl (female)?
Why is no one talking about this amazing game? It's got some incredibly thought out cinematics, great action...
Let's just have and actual discussion of this game without MUH UBISOFT or people shitting on it for no reason
Favourite game at age eight
Two of the most critical acclaimed games of all time
How long till conan dies?
Resident Evil 7 is in fact back to the roots
Asus won
Top sales on PS4
First game was on console
So is this game good or not?
Is there some fucking way to play Rogue spear on modern systems...
He plays games to distract himself from constant existential thoughts and nihilism
Horizon Zero Dawn 4k gameplay
This is a real cutscene from Horizon: Zero Dawn
Why does Sup Forums do this?
How do we solve the Futo problem?
GOTY 2017
This guy made everyone mistakenly believe that Dark Souls 2 sucks!
New Vegas 2 ?
What's the first vidya that comes to mind when you see this image?
Games only you played
Horizon Zero Dawn Impressions
What happened to Bioshock Infinite? When it was released critics were giving it 9s and 10s across the board...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What does Sup Forums think of my new tattoo?
Tries to save his business by getting into real estate
Should I buy this or should I wait for the switch port?
This is a postman Link. Say something lewd about him
Screenshot Thread
Did they fug?
Non-twitter link, might get taken down:
Bootleg Thread
Phone game
Year of Mega Man X
The average Sup Forums poster is only 14 years old
Do you seriously find remaking FFVII into an action game acceptable...
Japanese men between 20-30 are virgin manbabies
Why can't I find this fucking game anywhere? I'm a physical fag, but why can't I find this anywhere for less than $100?
Non-crt nu-gamers will never know good this feels
Hello, I am the comfiest GTA, possibly the comfiest game ever
Halo 3 PC
He's /ourguy/ now right?
Hi Sup Forums I'm that game you'll start liking in 7 weeks
Is there a decent f2p MMO out there...
Magic Users = Spergs and Neckbeards
FFVII 30th Anniversary Event
Why is everyone in RE:7 still using VHS? that shit is outdated since over a decade
Did anyone else catch a glimpse of the latest Horizon gameplay before being taken down? It looked pretty rough...
Why don't you play World of tanks or War Thunder right now, Sup Forums
Does a good singleplayer campaign FPS game exist?
Circle around
Is she.. I dare say... our girl?
Tfw can afford games and not a poorfag piratebaby
Japan: 12 million people plan on buying a Switch
ITT : Games With IRL Cryptozoology/Urban Legends
Fallout 4 58GB Texture Pack Update
So how much do you wanna bet that the Zelda fanbase is gonna hate Breath of the Wild and start retroactively praising...
Recent Purchases
Sitch Skyrim image leaked
Why the fuck did it take me 18 years to play this masterpiece? GOAT soundtrack and characters. Comfy gameplay...
I am starting a new job soon and i'm gonna have to travel a lot...
What games let you bully teachers
Looks honestly amazing. What are you laughing at?
Resident Evil 7 Sales
Sony fans get Madskino and the Godfather of Video Games: Part II
Tfw no Black Switch at launch
There are people on this board who don't play vidya for fun
Why did competitive Starcraft die?
Opinions and predictions? I'm hoping for some ffxv dlc news and more ffxii info
NPC trainers call you to give you objects and have battles
What did you do Sup Forums
There were a ton of threads a couple weeks back about ffxi...
In what games can I become the single greatest man who has ever lived and punish my enemies?
Video game can be completed 108%
How do you lads smoke when you're gaming?
Mirror's Edge
Is there any tangible reason to care about your Skill Rating?
What went SO right?
ITT: video game characters who, if the opportunity was presented, you would engage in passionate love-making with
Third Strike is the best Street Fighter
So on your resume, under "experience", you wrote "lead 40 man raids in world of warcraft". Care to elaborate on this?
Its a quick rundown mission
Are there any videogames where you play as the hostage?
Horizon: Zero Dawn map size
What's the appeal of League of Legends and MOBAs in general...
Buyfag thread
Post your favorite fighting game characters
Disgaea 2 launches on Steam today!
Why does she stand like that?
It's a third person Far Cry confirmed! Holy fucking shit! Sonyneggers BTFO! And just like that BOTW looks so much...
That's what happens when you're an asshole who sees what should be a part time hobby as a business
Switch Dog
What VoIP program do you use these days?
Are you going to buy Zelda's new game?
Is American McGee's Alice a good game?
Name me someone more based in the video game industry
Mass Effect Andromeda
Do you like Alicia?
Analysts expect Nintendo to report a net profit of 34.2 billion yen ($297.1 million) for the October-December period...
Have you even been in love with a vidya character?
Is Overwatch still active?
Hello. I'm here for the job interview
Taking all optional content and DLC into consideration...
The Old Hunters DLC Region locked
Is Microsoft going to leave the console market...
Did Sup Forums seriously lose its shit over such trivial changes?
Hourly NiOh thread?
Enter your initials
What a fucking bitch
"Who do you want in your Marvel vs Capcom: Infiniteā¢, famdongus?"
How do we save Denuvo?
What's his name again? I forgot
If a multiplayer game has "must picks" it's a bad game
Back at Eidos Montreal, a small team is currently aiding Crystal Dynamics' Avengers project and, Eurogamer has heard...
Someone give me a quick rundown please
Battle station thread
What went wrong devs?
This is Yu Narukami, extremely socially capable japanese embodiment of empathy
Do they play video games?
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that the first Max payne is still the best?
Sell me this game, Sup Forums
Pirate game
I love my PS4
Rune Factory thread
What's the actual Sup Forumserdict?
How does Fallout 4 compare to previous Fallouts, Sup Forums?
Remove character's armor
Are actual gamer girls a thing
First Resident Evil 7 DLC pack is out for PS4 tomorrow. Titled Banned Footage Vol.1
What went wrong?
More No Man's Sky devs leaving Hello Games
What went wrong?
Is he right? Is it all the same after a certain point
For Honor requires an always online connection, and runs exclusively on P2P servers. Stay far away
Character talks to him/herself
Get to Lisa's ending
Epic Games to Bring Paragon for Nintendo Switch
For Honor emblems
Game Dev
Some free steam keys
ITT: Things Nintendo needs to buy and give a good home
What is the verdict, Sup Forums?
What are some huge red flags for indie games?
Neverwinter Nights or Knights of the Old Republic
What are the chances of Bayonetta 3 happening?
Everyone look closely
What are your expectations?
Is there any device that sucks you off while playing video games...
Give me ONE [1] reason why you haven't bought a PS4 early this year
Youtube reviewer power rankings
Currently installed thread? Currently Installed Thread. Help autistic Sup Forumsirgins decide what to play, r8...
Deus Ex Series is Dead
All memes aside, why is there a stigma against girls playing online video games? Is there a legitimate reason behind it?
Why did he become such a nazi?
Ace Combat
Well, look at the time
Can someone please tell me why this absolutely retarded boss has been defined the hardest boss in Dark Souls 3?
What are some games that take place on a boat?
What is the best Final Fantasy series? I've finished FF8 nearly finished and current on disk 2 in FF7...
$300 at launch
ITT: Levels that can go FUCK themselves
Will paid online kill Splatoon 2?
Handheld appreciation thread
What are some good card games?
Say good game
Why on earth didn't they make more of that?
Final Fantasy games are medicore at best
Buyfag thread
Game let's you achieve your scariest fantasy
I've been absolutely loving this game
This is probably the best Party in JRPG history
How is this shit even remotely possible to do solo
Is a "villain"
Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat
ITT: Mediocore games that Sup Forums praises for some reason
Oceans are sleep
Digimon PSA
Tekken 7
53 million PS4 sold
PC "master race" WILL defend this
Do you think he actually plays games or is he just pandering
What type of character do you like the most in videogames?
Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire
Any games about fighting absolutely everyone on the planet again and again and again and again and coming out on top?
You must choose one
Is Sleeping Dogs a good game?
Why is this the best Zelda game, Sup Forums? I can't quite wrap my head around it
ITT: Things we forgot about
The great debate
I'm on the fence of ordering a Playstation 4 over a Nintendo Switch
Japanese developers comment on the Switch
RE7 runs at 250+ FPS on highest settings
This is too difficult
Who /casualandproud/ here?
Best game
What does Sup Forums think of Dijkstra?
Wasn't Overwatch supposed to kill CSGO?
So Sup Forums talked me into getting Pokemon Black and White next of the games I haven't played
How were you supposed to know you could burn the windmill?
Why doesn't Sup Forums have any cool new memes?
Here's your controller bro, just be careful with it
Fire Emblem Heroes: Day 12/13
Steam Refunds
NieR thread
Lets have fun talking about Dragon Quest. Been playing any of the recent games (Dragon Quest Heroes, Builder, 7, or 8)...
So glad I waited for the first season to come out in full. I'm full on addicted at the moment...
Do you think Snake did anything with Olga while she was unconscious?
Hey user. Lotta cool games coming out for the Switch right?
Defend Sean Murray and No Man's Sky using food analogies only
Can you customize your clothes in this game every video the guy is wearing the same thing
Monster Boy and Oceanhorn dev who are currently porting their games to the Switch seem to think it's between the power...
PoE vs DOS
I unironically spent 5k building a pc and don't feel like playing games
Besides Earthbound, what are some other games which allow you to automatically defeat weaker enemies?
"Hard mode"
Are there any horror games that aren't one of the following?
Is Death pretty much always a waste of space and money?
1 person is better than the whole company of nintendo
Tales of Berseria
Hey Sup Forums my name is literally Jerome
Ahahahahah holy fuck
Final Fantasy X
It's a handheld/console hybrid & it's smaller than it looks in pics...
2064 Read Only Memories thread
Sitting in a hut in a game and it's raining outside in-game
Amazon is doing what google couldn't
Besides GTA, are there any other games that let me murder bottom feeding scum fucking pig cops en masse?
BLACKED & game over
Just got EU4. Know the basics and I'm about to start my first game. Suggestions?
Why are Americans upset EU countries got the best cover?
Why is strike at karkand the utterly uncontested best FPS map of all time?
Weather affects fire ( Bombs can't explode, torches can't be lit under rain)
Anybody here ever Peggle?
Will I like 2064: Read Only Memories if I enjoyed VA-11 HALL-A?
Why are people in multiplayer games so mean?
Tfw 400 steam games
Every girl is a sex crazed nymph or undateable
Fuck it, let's talk about Resident Evil 7
Anyone down for a game of SWAT 4?
What does Sup Forums think of Final Fantasy IX?
Where were you when vidya was saved?
What's the worst game you ever played, and why?
Why is this considered the best Souls again?
What games have the most fun healer classes?
Brb smoke
Shit that makes you believe in video games again
Dead or Alive - DoA
How about a comfy JRPG thread?
Did they REALLY do a SoTN reference on Family Guy? When I first saw this scene, I was all so giddy with excitement
So, in a Mortal Kombat fight, the losing player gets killed. That's it? They don't take trophies? For example...
Why does she dress like a man?
What is the most expensive game you own?
Is it going to suck?
They cancelled every Wii U game and didn't release any real game for the system since 2014
What is the smartest game you have played?
You ultrawide bro?
Why did they make the Select button so big?
Nier Automata: Censored Edition
They're making a Gex film
Final Fantasy XIV
Grand Strategy General
Wtf! i hate 4k now
Why would you ever save a bitch who you never even meet before this moment over your fucking wife?
ITT: We post the best characters from their respective games
Hello again Sup Forums
Is this, dare I say it. The Citizen Kane of video games?
If this game doesn't make you wanna go out and buy a PS4 then nothing will
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games