>SE can't even go a whole week without their servers crashing
kek dead game
FFXIV Thread
>SE can't even go a whole week without their servers crashing
kek dead game
FFXIV Thread
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Why do people dislike the idea of SAM as a tank? SAM in XI was originally designed to be a tanking class, but was used as a DD.
because being a tank means they need to pay attention
>tank players actually believe this
More like Sailor Moon thread. Also Ami is best and Rei is Shit Tier because her canon personality is, she's the token Man-Hater.
>he plays on aether
still gotta pull man. thats too hard
Man, what game are you playing? Because i mostly play DPS and if a tank is holding agro all those death circles are usually around the tank.
>this is the fantasy world DPScucks live in
>Don't stand in the fire. For fuck's sake, get out of the fire.
>Practice your rotation on a target dummy until you build your muscle memory, so you can concentrate on raid mechanics better
>Stop DPS when the raid leader says so to prepare for a new phase
Stop acting as if DPS is harder.
So according to the last thread, studying your rotation is the key to becoming a good player. That seemed to be relative to the entire game's community though. Focusing more on the raid community. I'd like to be good enough that people would actually want to take me along with their group.
Pay attention to what? Dots? Aoe? Rotation?
Oh, only a cast bar for tank busters, such responsibility.
1. Learn the fight
2. Learn your rotation
3. Get good gear
The only hard part about this game is hoping your teammate don't fuck up.
hey. the opener for warrior threat makes me push buttons in a specific order
You may not like futa, but if you ERP like me it's just so much easier to get people's interest.
Sure, I'd play a guy if everybody didn't hate them.
reading your tooltip makes you better than most of the players already
>1. Learn the fight
This does involve fucking up I'm assuming? I often get the impression that the tolerance for mistakes in this game's community can be on the low side.
What's the opener for warrior threat?
People don't give a shit. There are enough horny hamplanets/bisexuals in ERP that will gladly accept a male character. Just go to the Quicksand or something.
Intuition and Fell Cleave, then MT swaps into tank stance and provokes hellathreat.
I was expecting a stealth SM thread
Mercury and Jupiter the best
Nier crossover event when?
We got one for fucking Youkai Watch and XIII; how about a good game this time?
sentinel is rolled to pld in 1.0 anyway
Learn by watching guides is fine and all but you're not going to completely learn anything until you actually do it and gain experience. And so what? Join group, fuck up so many time you get kicked. Now you have 1/3rd of the fight down. Keep joining groups until you have the whole thing down. Or just find a static. The content is designed so even the shittiest static in the world will clear if they just keep throwing themselves at the content.
Are you an expert level tank Sup Forums?
You want to go in knowing your rotation, but you should also learn the limits of your rotation based on the fight you are learning. Like bosses going invincible or knowing the timing of adds can affect your own buffs.
Are you a high level summoner?
Ninja's Ninjutsu =/= Assassin's "Dark Arts"
user, I've been ERPing for the last 12 years. I know for a fact that male characters have to try harder to get their dick wet. People for sure give a shit because it's the difference between strolling up to people and failing 3-4 times before meeting someone who isn't gay, and just standing around for 20 seconds before someone already wants to worship your cock.
Thanks for the advice.
>Keep joining groups until you have the whole thing down.
My main concern here is all the blacklist shit people talk about. I don't think myself too retarded that I can't learn and adjust, but I do wonder if I were to cause issues for a few groups if I would suddenly get labeled as a player people want to avoid.
As a smn main this makes me angry. So very angry
Ami is the best. I would give her ALL the hambagas she wants
>designed to be a tanking class
>1 (one) defensive ability that works on exactly one attack
>parrying is worthless unless you spend 10 years skilling it up
>no ways of natively generating enmity besides damage
>being 2h before 2h buff means they actually won't do any damage or hit anything anyway
>wearing tank oriented gear means you won't be doing any damage or hitting anything anyway
>on literally zero of the "high-tier" tank oriented gear when RotZ launched
Also because it'll likely be a clone of WAR like DRK was of PLD and thereby instantly make DRK and PLD worthless considering SE's track record.
I'd personally prefer SAM to be a DPS but as long as they don't emotionally blackmail me into leveling it by involving Iroha in the questline I don't really care, unless it's a tetsubo blunt damage tank or something.
Jupiter 12/10 amazon waifu forever.
>keeping aggro is exclusive to PLD
No! No! No!
People would only blacklist for doing something like taking a bird drop and leaving right after or some fucked up shit. If you wipe they can always just join another party. And don't join farm parties if you have a bonus.
>tfw everyone hates chibi-usa
Rei is the purest, though.
>And don't join farm parties if you have a bonus.
Definitely not.
Doing learning parties only.
There are usually 3 stages of groups you'll find for content. Learning parties, which aren't expecting to clear and just want practice. Join these starting off. Sometimes they'll only be learning the second or last part of a fight so look out for those and only join when ready. Then, there are clear parties. These are actually aiming to clear the content and expect you to know most of the fight. Not every one will succeed, use these to hone what you already know and eventually get your clear with the right group. Farm is for people who know the content and aren't very lenient about mistakes, but you'll be ready by then.
nice taste my man
>tfw havent gotten this response when suggesting an advice
feels good
>the reason I quit playin ff14.jpg
Minako is BEST girl
This is what happens when you spend an entire expansion and not fix classes to have equal appeal.
Monk = Kick
Paladin = Kick
>Like pink hair
>Like lolis
>Like pigtails
>Fap to her constantly
>Actually see her in the show
>Annoying little bitch
twinkuru -ell!
chibiusa is the best
>join a learning party
>we clear it after and hour and a half with the same group
what a fucking fag holy shit
>those hands
They do have it harder, no doubt. But unless you're ERPing constantly it's not even a big hassle. Read their notes, a lot will say whether they're looking for futa only or male only or both. Since you've been ERPing for so long you're probably good enough that you'll make contacts that will want to come back for more.
>tfw it's fucking 2017 and I still can't decide who is best girl
I'm going to marry Makoto-chan!
Did the same thing here, took us an hour and a half, stonewalled mostly at Broken Seal, but once we got positions down for tethers, we cleared it with only one death.
Mine, right at the end too, I focused too much during Yesod Ice.
There's always a price for perfect things
>join learning party for zurvex
>after 2 hours nobody could get past adds
>40 of those minutes were on soar alone
>mfw trying to heal them
Like a Bo staff? Fucking give it to me
why cant people do soar correctly
its the easiest part of the fight ffs
>Also because it'll likely be a clone of WAR like DRK was of PLD and thereby instantly make DRK and PLD worthless considering SE's track record.
This. WAR is already mandatory; and PLD virtually obsolete.
If they provide another hybrid-style offtank to compete with Warrior all they're actually doing is killing Paladin entirely, and probably DRK too. SAM needs to be a DPS or the entire meta is rooted; and as we've seen with WHM and MNK, anything that's not meta can get fucked. They'd be better off not adding anything at all.
Please do not sexualize Chibi-Usa. She's pure! PURE!!
Venus>Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
That's the thing I'm not really keen on making long term ERP contacts either. Maybe once or twice again, but logging on and then immediately getting tells is the exact opposite of what I want.
Honestly, futa plays well into what I want. Short term smut encounters where I can go semi-afk and just tab in when I hear a PM.
Sailor Moon was shit.
Watching this shit is hilarious from a tank's PoV.
Also SM x XIV crossover event when? We need those SM poses as emotes!
I mean if you're happy with it, godspeed. Just don't let the memes stop you from playing what you truly want to.
>mfw I just found these awesome Warring Triad sprites
HOLY SHIT, who's /ourguy/?
what is soar? reinstalling the game and i havent played for a while and i see it talked about often in these threads
So long as you beat it, who cares? I just spam Ruin 2 99% of the time and we beat the Dungeon.
Zurvan's version of divebombs only this time more telegraphed.
>people moved with the tank during tether
I'm so down for that
Maybe next summer event they'll do a mahou shoujo theme since it was tokusatsu last time
The ultimate shitter mechanic.
You remember Ravana EX's shit where everyone had to get into quadrants and avoid overlapping while also dodging his charge? It's like that but more strict and comes in 2 patterns. The salt is palatable.
>Was lazy and didn't gear up for 3 months
>Shitty ilvl 247 mnk only doing 2200dps
>Most people are 260+ doing 2600 dps
well we just got this recently
I want to met these people, I can't reliably find anyone in savage training parties that do more than 2k
>someone gets tethered to me
>follows me right for Southern Cross and then does a lap around the boss
Why do they do this?
Which shield beside Southern Sun good for templar glamour?
>tfw can't join because I just got back last week in t the game and I am only 250 despite already clearing it with friends since these groups want 260
I just want to be able to farm without having to ask my friends
>Go to The Mists housing wards
>Sit on one of chairs on the beach
>Lewd dressed Miqote NPC steps aside and starts fanning you with a large leaf
What else TECHNOLOGY does this game have?
48-man raid when?
>tfw 248 smn and I can only maintain a solid 1900
Maybe if I wasn't using a 230 weapon I could do better but I have to wait three more weeks for my gears
24 mans are already shit due to the player base. 48 mans would be literally impossible
Servers back up now
>Levelled alt
>Geared up for doing savage, will still take weeks to get above 260 though
>'Weekly kill no bonus no fail i265'
>Everything below barely able to kill A10
I don't want to be in 2 statics man but this is beyond annoying
Just how much does the stat weight matter?
Like I have a character with pentamelded 250 accessories. Would it just be an all out upgrade to go to 270 accessories for the vit/main stat upgrade?