Why west afraid of women skin so much?

Why west afraid of women skin so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=manya minea

I prefer the USA version.

Why can't Japan make a female character that doesn't look like a whore?

Unironic cuckoldry.

Like this

Basic rule of the West:

1. Slip a nip, and the content gets the snip.
2. Cut the head, and it's okay for the fed.


The sad fact is people will fall for this

How far we have fallen

>Japan can't make character that doesn't look like a whore
>Both of those are made by Japanese artists.

Literal autism going on in here.

tell me what you think that word means

Shitposting about games you havn't played is the cancer that has almost always infected this place, it just getting worse when Sup Forums's traffic goes up

There's no turning back now
the entire planet is as miserable now as this board was a year ago


Why does it matter? Unless they're removing or changing quests, dialogue, or gameplay then I don't care

We're not. There's an incorrect perception that moral busybodies who are in a never-ending state of outrage over sex and ideas that run contrary to their ideology are more numerous and popular in the west than they actually are, and that perception has given them influence that they really shouldn't have.

Hopefully, with the religious right down and the "progressive" left in collapse, we're seeing the beginning of the end of that era.

The USA was literally founded by puritans

I don't even know you are joking or not

Society is slowly becoming more sex-positive by the year, to the chagrin of religious republican nuts and SJW leftist freaks. It'll only continue.

The irony, of course, is that these same people complain that SJWs don't play games.

I just assumed it was a joke. Y'know, like when people see that picture of a brick wall and claim they see a floating head there.


Does anyone actually fall for this image?

Where do you think you are.jpg

Because americans are gay and affect us in mexico with their censorship bullshit.

Nobody knows DQ outside Japan.

Society isn't really changing all that much at all in this regard compared to where it's been for a few decades.

I'll tell you what IS changing: For the longest time, there's been this imaginary America that the establishment always pandered to, constructed from the screeching of our loudest, dumbest, most hypocritical, most authoritarian, most obnoxious members. That facade is finally being wiped away, leaving nothing but the true face of America behind. The average American is considerably more rational than the strawman.

>tfw ideologues and defeatists alike called you delusional
>tfw people eagerly jumped at the first opportunity to get off of this ride

I wouldn't be surprised. These are two similar looking characters of a series that isn't even remotely popular in the west. Without context or familiarity with these characters it would be easy to fall for.

isnt that just maya and her sister

>constructed from the screeching of our loudest, dumbest, most hypocritical, most authoritarian, most obnoxious members

good thing this isn't the case anymore

What the fuck? Did that actually happen? That is fucking shit. Video games are dead.

Why wouldn't they if it follows a common pattern?

Not saying they should have changed it but the right outfit is actually much better

Even having played DQ4 I'd still be tempted to fall for it between the current state of the industry and the two characters being largely conflated in my head. I sure as hell don't remember which is which and was confused about this up until the final boss.

In other words it's actually some pretty good quality bait by normal standards.

Too many, fat, ugly, insecure women.
It's not about respect, it's not about realism, it's not about rights.
It's pure and utter weakness on women's.
This image is irrelevant, there are plenty of other examples of the exact same things happening, it happens.

>get you a girl that can do both


>This image is irrelevant, there are plenty of other examples of the exact same things happening, it happens.

aren't they two different chaacters?
the porn always shows the two of them as a matched set.

I want to see them mashing their clits together.

This is fucking pathetic, why do people keep supporting Nintendo?


>tfw the government is no longer going to be used to further your agenda to control what people get to create and consume


they look exactly the fucking same

Right : An individual
Left : A body

some google got me this
gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=manya minea
that's the best i can do for you

Sup Forums continues to impress with its collective stupidity, failing to even read a few posts in before posting

Nobody here plays games anymore.

Calm down Ahmed.

>liberal is now a Sup Forums exclusive word
when did Sup Forums become such a cucky board

because theyre ugly fat trannies

yeah, Obama the pro wall street drone-striking centrist was really big on banning sexist video games

Which is funny, cause in Jap-Land, they dont even allow that shit anymore!, making it pointless to even have a rating system!.

why do American hate to show skin?
are they muslim?
I thought Trump ban mudlim in America.

Right: An individual
Left: An individual that's pandering to male sexuality, which is something that feminists cannot allow, as men who are sexually free might might make demands of women and/or select women who are more attractive than the feminist; to prevent this end, it's okay to treat men like sociopaths who see women as less than human

Take your misandrist shit back to your tumblr blog.

Left is a dancer, right is a fortune teller. They're twin. I can't believe people fell for this. Neo-Sup Forums is real

Came here to say this. Bravo OP.

Ffs, they're twin sisters

Because we are all muslims

Youre a bit too obvious in your attempt to push an agenda. Don't think I can't see right through you and how weak you are.

poor leafs

Because games are usually catered to guys. The overwhelming majority like titillation. Next question?

good lord am I glad none of you could possibly of legal voting age

Is the leaf president retarded? Why would he say that. Not even the Mudslimes would want to hear that.

retarded president for retarded people

Dropped. I'm only buying Nintendo from now on

This is a Nintendo board, get off it.

Dropped, I'm only buying Sony from now on

Get off my Sony-only board

But i'm not a terrorist, wtf canada?

Western governments are definitely trying to ease society towards a point where "making black people, Muslims, or women uncomfortable" is conflated with "bigotry and human rights violations".

They might not have reached that point during Obama's term, but I would happily bet thousands of dollars that Hilary and her judge would have tried to kill the first amendment to secure the votes of the left, or rather, their straw version of the average person who votes Democrat. Not that we'll ever know, thank god.

Cry more. Your candidate lost.

I'm glad this board belongs to Sony now

I see some sisters.

Finally, now this is a board for PS4 people only


Holy fucking shit, he was calling them underage not trying to push anything.
Go back to Sup Forums before you hurt yourself.

Finally, this is a Nintendo board now

Both look fine to me, the game should include both.

The West is full of shrieking harpies and cucks that will bow to them, basically. America in particular is puritan about sex while still having media that promotes sex more than anywhere else in the world, it's confusing.

Yeah, accusing your political opponents of being underage is totally a neutral statement.

Finally, we can rejoice in that this is a Sony board now

why does she look like a midget on the left? i played that game to completion and she looked like the right just censored

The face remained ugly.

This is a Nintendo board

>making black people, Muslims, or women uncomfortable
>not bigotry

in 99,9% of cases, it is just that. No matter how many layers of irony you put it under and no matter how hard you pretend that there's inherent merit in being offensive for the sake of being offensive. There are of course valid criticisms of Islam, new wave feminism, overzealous liberalism and movements like BLM, but the majority of incel goobers on here just use these as a disguise for their bigotry.

She's cute. CUTE!