What are some good card games?

What are some good card games?
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unfortunately most of them have micro transactions

im sure there are some that doesnt really require any money

Shadowverse has the option of buying packs but you get TONS for free at the start and can easily get more for free, 1-2 a day with less than an hour of playing.

Shandalar is a magic the gathering RPG made by the same fine folks who made Xcom


Magic Duels is ok. It still doesn't have some of the more sophisticated (read:dificult to program) cards but it's a solid for an MtG game.

You have to grind a lot to get all the cards though, not to mention it's pretty hard to grind against people who already have them.

I like Infinity Wars but that has transactions

Was trying my hardest to figure out wtf you were getting at with these cards and how the fuck they'd fit in a decent white/blue
Then it hit me.


the rpg sucks, but the custom deck editor is really great. Especially since there's no rules whatsoever, you get to play with power nine, and you can make yourself fight against your own decks.
Plus it has that great "we don't know how to make games yet" feel of a licensed nineties game.

there are no good card games. there are no good board games. every game is about finding a winning condition in a scenario of varying complexity, and video games just hide this behind a layer of art and music and story. board games even expect you to provide your own music.

its not about whats good its about what scenario is the most pleasing to your brain and what art and music and story you enjoy the most. this is why some people say creatures: the tappening is not fun and some people say turn 0 combo magic is not fun and some people say limited magic is the only magic. all are different scenarios that appeal to different brains.

You could reduce anything like that. The difference between good and bad strategy games is what's a solved game or not.
Since almost all formats of Magic are ever-evolving, they're never really 100% solved, so it becomes a race to predict and outsmart your peers.

>Since almost all formats of Magic are ever-evolving, they're never really 100% solved


Shadowverse gives 40ish free packs to new players and you can literally reroll till you get enough good cards to make a tier1-2 deck.

I havent paid anything at all and have 3 tier 1 decks.

epic post fagbabby



He's right, though.

You can't really build a deck that counters everything 100%. You have to depend on the meta, which may change at any time.

>yare yare da- GODDAMNIT

A handful of spergs determine the best stuff then 99.99% of players just spend a couple hundred bucks buying a good deck.


I don't see your point.

I think so.

>weeb cant read

It removes what user was talking about, "so it becomes a race to predict and outsmart your peers."
The chance you will outsmart someone at your LCS or similar is slim since they'll have researched the best decks online etc.
It's just input $$$ and play until cards rotate out and you buy more.

I thought we were doing combos for a second.

standard just moved out of a solved scenario. there were exactly three playable decks with something like a 40% 40% 10% 10% split on the meta. the two 10% decks, ur control and vehicles, were just counter decks hoping to only see one of the 40% decks in their matchups because they instalose to the other 40%.

Yugioh Duel Links is actually pretty good. They cut all the modern bullshit. No Sychros. No Pendulums. Just classic yugi action.

It uses speed duel rules so that means 4000LP, 20 card deck and only 3 field spaces. Makes it more like the anime. The other anime addition is that you can choose a character and get their special abilities. Yugi can use the heart of the cards to bring trap cards to the top of his deck, Mai can use aromatherapy to see her top card, Bandit Keith can mulligan by palming cards etc.

>a couple hundred bucks buying a good deck
>he only spends hundreds of dollars and not thousands

>latest SCG result
>Sahelli cat decks dominated top 8
>The occasional G/B deck

It has like the first two or three sets minus a few exceptions. If it was in alpha then yes. The version going around online as abandonware is free anyways, pick it up either way. It's fucking fun to make a turn one win deck with black lotuses.


>ITT: microtransactions

MTG has microtransactions too.

>cards on the table
>you under it

Tiny Leaders is solved, but the rest aren't.

That's if you play at the LGS, which I don't recommend. Get some friends and start your own playgroup. Set clear boundaries and talk about what you expect from each other so there's no misunderstanding. Doing this you can play some ridiculously fun stuff like Planeswalker Commander, Five Star, Emperor, etc.

Magic is a good game because you can make it whatever you want.

yeah I forgot about Tiny Leaders. Fuck that POS money grab format.

What's bad about micro-transhit? I mean most of the games I play give me enough stuff every couple of days and dailies to get more money for stuff so I'm not in the need of buying anything.

To be honest going by magic rules wouldn't the generated sub game be considered a seperate game and therefore not affected by enchantments from the first game.

You could still just play the first two cards in the sub-game.

Solved? What are the best decks? From what I have seen, the new partners have opened up a lot of possibilites

How is it a money grab format, there's no merchandise to go with it?

pokemon tcg on gameboy

is this supposed to be a combo? Because it makes no goddamn sense to me

Honestly, this.

I don't see a problem with playing at LGS either though. You can still try to come up with stuff against the popular decks.

If you don't like it you can still go to drafts, or play with friends or stuff like Commander.

it was designed to sell cards that shops had a ton of inventory not moving for, like the 3cmc clan leaders from dtk, and a bunch of other good 'old standard' cards that were too slow for modern.

>It's just input $$$ and play until cards rotate out and you buy more.

Don't play standard

>Don't play standard
>TFW the regulars in my LGS only play Standard and the occasional draft
>The staff there says no one wants to play other formats

Cockatrice and XMage

How much are the current standard deck prices anways?
Last time I checked there were Modern-tier, mostly thanks to Origins Jayce

Most card game multiplayer vidya have microtransations.
Unless you play single player stuff like Tag Force or Forbidden Memories.
If you really want to play multiplayer card games without grinding or micro shit then just play in actual simulators instead.

You missed a hilarious shitstorm

The format was so degenerate WotC made the ban announcements a week early and banned three cards from Standard, the first Standard bannings since JtMS and the first off-schedule ban since Memory Jar

The prices have gone down significantly since retards open way too many packs hoping for a Masterpiece but the format is in shambles and slowly recovering

There still modern tier, Golgari delirium decks went for like 600$ at one point.

>leave magic for awhile
>they've already added two new rarities above rare

Commons and uncommons are completely unplayable in eternal formats. Jews of the Coast's greed knows no bounds.

I'm fine with Masterpieces, they make idiots spend more money on boosters so the singletons I buy are cheaper

Mythics on the other hand are disgusting and have actually ruined multiple standard formats


The protour is this weekend.

>Amonkhet or not-Aztec set
>Super Mythic rare instants and sorceries
>Eventually super mythic rare Planeswalker cards

Mythic rares have been around for about a decade now, senpai.

I stopped at lorwyn, I guess that's a little longer than awhile.

Time spiral was the last good block anyways

>Super Mythic rare instants and sorceries

Has this been confirmed?

This card is getting hyped up to be playable in eternal formats

You'd think they won't consider it?


yes my dude

>Magic the Gathering thread
>always full of people crying about card prices and what is or isn't viable in tournament formats

Damn. Really makes me appreciate having friends who just enjoy playing the game and don't pay more than 10$ for a deck.

Looks great

Is there really no card named anything with "little"?


He used a "little" it's in between "your" and "clever"

I appreciate the use of different cards for each "Fucking"

Missed opportunity right there.

Should have used a custom MtG version of the pasta too.

Nah, my favorite block was the best block, fuck you.

Stop playing competitive. I don't get you people. /tg/ are a bunch of autists, so I expect that people wasting 3,000$ on cardboard to play on their local store and not even win any tourneys.

Just go to your lgs and play with the teenagers, or the one table of bored adults, or any other kind of people that just wanna play for fun then you'll have a good time. You know that good part of not playing games online? You can tell who's an asshole by looks and maneirisms before spending an hour at an online lobby.

>two little girls are as strong as a band of goblin raiders
>three of them will completely overwhelm the raiders.

Given this is goblins we're working with, I shouldn't be surprised.


>Time spiral
alara block was sick famalam, so was scars of mirrodin

>not more than 10$

Well, if you're a poor nigger you could just say so mate. You remind me of that one kid in my playgroup that complains about "wasting" 20$ on a playset and getting stomped literally every single time, despite not one of us having decks over 100$.

Casual is one thing, being poor is another.

I laughed, but I don't get it.

>no love for based fucking zendikar

shame they ruined it with eldrazi

and then returned to it just to focus on those fuckers some more

and then forced them into innistrad as well

I am extremely bitter.

Pokemon TCG is surprisingly feature heavy and you can't actually spend money on it. Plus it has a Theme Deck format which makes it really easy to get into.

I don't think that's a good sign user

I don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on cardboard because neither do the people I play with.

I don't know why you remind me of someone whiny, because I'm not. I have fun playing Magic.

>it's fun when you don't play all competitive

aka it's fun when you don't play much at all

Good pauper decks are a thing and can go as low as 20 bucks


Time spiral isn't my favorite, I'd have to go with Ravnica

The reason I think its gotten worse is the introduction of the jacestice league capeshit that plagues the story of every new set

eldrazi shouldve been its own three set block

>kamigawa comes out
>buy rats nest starter
>check out the rare cards
>buy up all the rats nest starters and and gobto other shops to do the same

Now this would be some mythic rae, double strike, haste, lifelink, flash, hexproof bullshit and my friend would have a playset.

I never cared for Elzraldi either, but I liked the art and flavor of Eldritch Moon quite a bit. Eldritch horror mashed up with gothic horror is the kind of edginess that I enjoy.

born in the wrong generation XDDD

>implying power creep isn't real


i love how WOG and damnation is right next to each other.

Is this from a real set or another fun set like unhinged?

It's from Commander 2013, and is only legal in legacy/vintage and Commander.


>Implying wizards can make fun sets like unhinged and unglued

>another fun set
Good joke m8
I fucking wish

>making un-sets again
>making good sets in general ever again

>and is only legal in legacy/vintage and Commander.
>I fucking wish
Is it dumb or something?

>you can't actually spend money on it.
Yes you can. If you buy booster packs they come with a code that gives you a full ten card tradable digital pack.

Because it was never intended to be played in any standard format. So yes, in a way it's from a "fun set" like unhinged, as Commander is a very casual format.

I do not think unhinged was as good as it could have been. There are a great number of cards in it that are anti-fun; Gotcha! is an awful mechanic for a joke set; I've made some unhinged decks with friends, and the result often is everyone playing quitely because you aren't allowed to say anything.

I'm also under the impression that it did not sell well. The owner of my LGS a few years back gave me an entire shipment of unhinged cards because he says absolutely no one interested in magic wanted to waste money of them and the box was just collecting dust in the back.