>New cooperative story campaign, roughly 3-4 hours in length, will feature some, but not all Overwatch characters
>Ana and Pharah are playable, important to the plot
>Brand new arcade mode with gameplay features from campaign
>New skins and cosmetics for all characters, owners of Origins Edition receive exclusive content



>3-4 hours

Why even bother?

>a campaign

Wow, maybe now buying the game at full price wouldn't be such a massive rip off since you have to pay for online too.

Nice fanfic, cringe attention whore. Does your dad also have the latest Star Wars script or Marvel movie you can tell us about?

3-4 hours? If you're gonna do it at least put some effort in, that's less than fucking titanfall..

>pay for online

console pleb please leave

>pay for online

ask me how I know you're fat

my ass

I just want the Pharah Arab Spring Rape Simulator already

>pay for online

>at full price

I don't pay for online and I didn't buy Overwatch. Just saying the 60 dollar price tag was retarded given it required paid online anyway.

If they ever do some form of a "story mode" it should just be one for each character doing what they do best.

>Reinhardt shielding retreating soldiers from Bastion fire
>Sniper Elite style mission with Widowmaker with multiple targets
>Winston fighting Reaper at the museum

All with 4 player co-op and leaderboard support of course

This guy's legit, my uncle works at Blizzard.


or more pharah costumes and voicelines.

OR any of the delicious brown grills in Overwatch

I'm Jeff Kaplan's wife's son and I can also confirm this. Also, it's going F2P, and they're putting Nathan Drake in the game.


choke on my lijiang tower my man

>Winston fighting Reaper at the museum
what? Winston has less than 0% chance to kill Reaper

I honestly expect a campaign mode to be the same maps and objectives with limited hero selection based on who would be doing those missions and playing against bots of varying difficulties; basically establishing who would or did canonically perform the missions that are in-game already and why.

They already did coop mission on Halloween. I'm certain campaign would be silimar to WoW dungeons, where a group of 4 people would move through set of arenas and challenges with bosses and powerups to pickup.

if it will cost 40$ and be a huge ripoff, it is inevitable that Blizzard will put it out

It's a free update

There should never be a campaign for this type of game that's a fucking awful idea

>full price

console tard spotted

They have said in literally every single interview on this subject that the game's story will be told through cinematics, comics and the Overwatch website, and the actual game should be considered noncanon.

A game where characters like Widowmaker and Tracer can work together on a team is like people treating Marvel vs. Capcom as canon to each character's story. Fucking stupid.


console fag

the hype must flow

The only campaign the game should have is event ones like the halloween one

>A game where characters like Widowmaker and Tracer can work together on a team is like people treating Marvel vs. Capcom as canon to each character's story. Fucking stupid.
I don't see a problem of Tracer and Widowmaker teaming up for a while. I'm sure every marvel character teamed up with everyone on some occasion. That said you can set what characters are allowed like they did on Halloween.

Why would Zenyatta deliver a bomb to destroy omnics?
Why would Zarya attack Volskaya Industries?

>required paid online
But it doesn't

>Why would Zenyatta deliver a bomb to destroy omnics?

Death is whimsical today

You know how you are supposed to wave whacky Fantasy probelms off with "a Wizard did it"?

Well in this case blame Tracer, she fucked up the time stream again somehow. It's all her fault.

>The game itself should be considered noncanon

Holy shit. That's pathetic. According to them, Tracer being a lesbian is more important than actually playing the fucking game.

I'm going back to Splatoon.

>pay for online
You have to go back.

Yea but no matter how little effort they put into this shit they'll make money so

You mean the game where it's entire fanbase pretends all of it's female characters are lesbians?

>entire fanbase

>Entire fanbase

Nice try. But unlike Overwatch, which from the beginning was being driven by Blizzard's marketing team, Splatoon fans have a wide range of ideas about the series.

I'm ok with this

>game hasn't had new content for the base gamemode in months
>known for having lackluster lore and shitty, empty characters in an attempt to recreate TF2
>going back on their word about only expanding the lore outside the game
>they want to put out a campaign mode for this shit

>pay for online

Overwatch is definitely dying and they're trying to figure out how to pick up momentum.

They won't be able to cry about Battleborn forever. Blizzard wants this game to be played for a really long time.

Didn't you notice no source was given?

>le Overwatch is dying meme
Fuck off randy

Did they fix that glitch with Mei yet? I can't stand how they made her bulimic like every other girl in the cast. Is it too much to ask for at least one healthy woman?

Overwatch Publicity Stunt Rumors

>Dva has a black boyfriend
>Mercy has a husband slightly older than her
>Zarya is a tranny
>Pharah's dad is black

>Mercy has a husband slightly older than her
But Genji is younger then her

>Overwatch is definitely dying
Randy, give it up, you lost

>korean girl with a black
Too badd that japs and koreans consider black people shit more than euros and it would cause massive outrage. China jumps no you pretty fast if you come with black bf
No, being fat is and shoudl be considered disease. Being overweight is not normal human state
>inb4 racist bodyshaming
Just no fuckers, im tird of paying taxes for health care because some cunts can't stop eating while being proud of it. Excluding people unable to losss weight due to genetic problems

Genji isn't married to her though

in that case

>Mercy has a black husband

>Roadhog is a chill dude who listens to Wu-Tang and has a pet marmoset

Well, she work at middle-east as far as i remember

>Expansion for a mp game
>3 hours sp campaign, new arcade mode, skins, end

nice one blizz

>game just hit 25million players
Just give up Randy

>imagine pharrah desperately shitting in her flight suit while playing
>imagine Mercy desperately shitting in her valkyrie suit while playing
>imagine d.va desperately shitting in her meka/flight suit while playing
>have to pause every few matches to fap

Pharah's dad is most likely native american

pharrah's dad is clearly reinhardt. Look at Ana's common skins, Rein's common skins and Pharrahs common skins

Roadhog and Junkrat honestly seem like they'd be cool to chill with

devs said along time ago the player games are non cannon.


Says who? Once I bullied a reaper who kept trying to flank my team and killed him twice and he killed me once out of those times.

You just gotta be smart and not throw your face in front of him and realize hes gotta aim and you just gotta zap him and hop around


Once I killed a bastion as winston, but I don't switch to winston when a bastion is set up

What's the point of the story if it doesn't have any bearing on the game?

>tfw i watch her asmr videos

fucking overwatch dude. People list the most extreme experiences as evidence that something is possible on a normal basis.

however I think I'd rather have to 1v1 reaper as winston than soldier 76

I've never played Overwatch but I want to fug the girls in it.

>implying Overwatch even has a story anymore after Metzen left

Chu is unfit to be a writer as all he is a shipperfag who couldn't write his way out of a paper-bag.

sure buddy and next they'll release warcraft IV and world of starcraft

There is no story, what the fuck are you talking about?

Overwatch has no actual story, it just has a background setting for the gameplay. Overwatch was an organization that helped people, got shut down, a bad organization popped up, overwatch members are now a rogue team trying to fight back. That's it, that's the setting and the background for the game to take place in.

Seriously dude, next time put a little more effort into your bait, you barely got any replies


post this shit in the Overwatch /vg/ faggot. Nobody cares about your fantasies on how much more money blizzard can squeeze out of your ass.

I want Mercy to crush my balls so badly.

For those of us who suck with a keyboard, it does.

Honestly, I have a terrible K/D ratio with a gamepad, I doubt I'd do any better with a keyboard and mouse.

Underrated posr

But Pharah is lighter than Ana so her dad being white would be more likely


But that "background setting" is the story you fucking retard. The animation shorts although not packed with information, give more insight into the world, and the characters.

Now, the focus of the game itself isn't on the story. It's a multiplayer game. Whether you want to seek out more information about the world, be it through comics, or shorts is up to the player.

Just because a game doesn't sit you down, and guide you through a narritive, doesn't mean it doesn't have a story.

Well that was my point, i think people are for some reason mistaking world building and character insight for some kind of narrative. Cause like you said, it's just a multiplayer game, there's no straight narrative being played out.

i'm pretty sure that's a captain of the organization she's serves in that she promised dinner for in her comic that they made

sorry, the overwatch girls only fug paying customers

It's confirmed to not be a date
Also why would they go all the way to Canada for that?

On top of that bullshit not all characters will be featured? My nigga....

>source: my ass