Is there a good video or article explaining the plot of this series? Also what is the best way to play all of them on pc ?
Is there a good video or article explaining the plot of this series...
You play them in release order.
Why would you want someone to explain the plot to you if you haven't played it yet? Play the games yourself and you'll figure out the plot. It isn't that complicated.
>best way to play them on PC
Would like to know this too, but should I play the HD collection instead of playing it on PC if I have the option?
Maybe i phrased it wrong, can i play them without emulating shit, if not is the port decent enough ?
>Why would you want someone to explain the plot to you if you haven't played it yet? Play the games yourself and you'll figure out the plot. It isn't that complicated.
FNAF and Dark Souls has a similar thing going on, it's pretty weird.
OP can probably use espx for MGS1
>most of them don't even have the same main characters in the same decade.
Clones and nanomachines op, clones and nanomachines.
Main reason would be that MGS2 and 3 utilise analog buttons on the PS2/3 controllers, which means that for example if you press square lightly you aim, and if you press it harder you start shooting. I'm sure there's a way to get around that with emulators but it probably requires some fiddling.
Ok, so i'm a pleb and only played TPP, GZ and peace walker my main question is how many snakes are there ?
Like 80 dude, it's an entire family of genetic clones of bigboss, people wearing other people's skin, people with plastic surgery, robots made of nanomachines.
Naked, Solid/Old, Liquid, Venom, Solidus.
Also, when we are at it, another stupid question how is metal gear rising connected to mgs ?
You have to buy a Playstation 3 to play MGS4.
Anyone else that says you don't is a PC fanboy.
I've been so tempted to buy a ps3 to replay all the mgs but it seems like such a waste.
Why no pc release
Happens after MGS4 which is chronologically the last one.
This. People give MGS4 too much shit. It's not perfect but it's breddy gud and a conclusion to the series.
the games won't make as much money from being continuously up-ported to new playstation systems if they all get a PC release.
MGS2 has a PC port, i'm told. Though apparently it's pretty bad.
Why the fuck did they even bother to clone BB anyway? He wasn't some superhuman with over the top powers. He got captured and tortured on his first fucking mission and lost an eye.
it's a side story set five years after MGS4 that is either canon or not depending on whether you want it to be. Because it happens last there's no real influence on the rest of the series.
Got to the end of the first game on my PS1 I still have.
So... how deep does the rabbit hole get in the sequels with the government's involvement with the Metal Gear program?
Metal Gear program?
Have you played 3???The major made Big Boss return as a national hero that stopped a possible nuclear war between the soviet and america by eliminating the boss.
Sorry, I am tired.
How much government involvement in this entire series? Because of what Liquid was talking about and the thing at the end about the President.
Not to mention, when does FOXDIE affect Solid?
buckle up
I'm just trying to shitpost, you're making me feel bad by responding seriously ;_;
It goes pretty deep, MGS2 is a very wild ride.
MGS1 is just the start.
Solid Snake, Naked Snake, Medic Snake, Iroquis Snake, Liquid Snake, Big Snake, Solidus Snake, Eli Snake, Venom Snake, Pliskin Snake, Boss Snake, Kiefer Snake, Punished Snake, Vic Snake.
Probably forgot 12 more.
>How much government involvement in this entire series?
a lot since MGS2 reveals that there is a network of AIs that were created by the MGS3 people that are pulling the strings in almost everything (government, news, etc...)
Milk snake, Coral snake, Tsuchinoko
Old Snake, Legendary Snake, Mercenary Snake, The Snake, Boss Snake (There's 2), David Snake.
Naked Snake (aka Big Boss)
Venom Snake (the Snake you play in MGS5)
Solid Snake
Liquid Snake
Solidus Snake
There's only one snake.
So what? He gets bonked in the head and goes into a coma like 3 times. Why the fuck did they have to make 10 clones out of this man?
Honestly just buy a used ps3 and then pirate them all.
Whole series for $80 is worth it.
>forgetting Twin Snake
Shit you're right. I also forgot Eater Snake.